Do you use this site as a Pissing Post?

by scumrat 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    They were repeatedly warned.

    Now, if you are either of them you can piss off right now.

  • scumrat

    Oh please !!!! Give me a break. You had it out for them since the begining. What happened to free speech? Mention something other than what's popular and you get the boot. Just like the Org !!!!!

  • scumrat

    Why is jjrizo and pomagranite hated so much ??????

  • Simon


  • bisous
  • ignored_one
    scumrat; are you a credulous nazi apologist like jjrizzo? Or a brainless follower, like his monkey pomagranite?

    I thought Pom posted that he had disowned JJ and his brother over on the Other Forum TM?


    Ignored One.

  • itsallgoodnow
    It seems that those that have even a glimpse of spirituality and faith, are the ones that are ridiculed most..............shame on the ones that this applies to.You know who you are.

    I can see your point here. Just because I haven't figured out if I can believe in God or Christianity doesnt mean I should criticize anybody who still does believe in it. I'm sorry for having done that to a few people on this board.

    Still learning how to be a good little ex-JW...


  • Abaddon

    Ignored One:

    Really? Good for Pom then. I will cease and desist bad-mouthing him.

  • Sassy
    Most people on this forum attempt to make some profound statement in hopes of gaining some recognition by their long time acquaintances. The truth is, most that are here to criticize the WTS have no room to talk.

    Brownboy.. now we've talked and I respect you.. so you know I am not being argumentative..

    but this really isn't true.. Yes there are those here to criticize the WTS.. but that is not what all of us are about..

  • Corvin
    What are you doing with your lives that put yourselves above any other person, group, or organization?

    I am swallowing all those maybies and cradling my babies. I am telling then that they will come through without the insanity and overreaching rules of the WTBTS. I am making a difference in some people's lives, and whatever and whoever that might be is none of your business and I certainly don't go trumpeting it around as if I were great.

    I can hold myself above the organization because it nearly destroyed me and those I love the most. You can only survive what I and others have gone through if you rise way above it. As far a criticizing the org; with the measure you are measuring out, it will be measured out to you. They deserve nothing less according to their own Bible . . . and so do you.

    Have a nice day


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