Position on College Changed?

by Maximus 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • gilwarrior

    Interesting topic!

    While I was growing up higher education was discouraged, ONLY IF it got in the way of being Witness. If you went to college and you still go to the meeting, go out on sevice, and have studies it was fine. I knew of one elder in my congregation who went to college and worked as a chemical engineer.

    When I lived in Mexico, one of the elders of my congregation not only went to college, but is now a professor at one of Mexico's most prestigious universities and is still an elder.

  • NewYork44M

    Tinkerbell, That is such a sad story. There are different forms of child abuse and what you describe is, in my opinion, a form of child abuse. Unfortunatally, depriving children of education in the name of home schooling is not unusual. I wonder what Social Services would have to say if that was reported to them?

  • gumby

    Unity! Now that's what I call unity!

    Half the articles say higher education is a personal matter and the other half of the articles say to pursue theocratic goals and not be financially minded.

    No wonder three quarters of the Witnesses are on Prozac. Real unity!

  • Tinkerbell4125

    New York, unfortunately probably nothing! Home-schooling is becoming more and more popular, especially in the big cities where the crime rate is higher. We don't live in a big city, just the opposite, in a smaill country town. These poor kids are going to be socially retarded and poorly educated!

    Just another bright idea incouraged by the Jehover Witnits!

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