I have FISH LIPS?!

by joannadandy 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Seems that we are

    Btw, did you hear about Gumby?
    I hear he's going around threatening to kiss some of the guys...
    ...well, it wasn't so much some, as one, but you know how that soon gets out of control.
    I also heard that he has a sheep fetish, and is rooming with a guy...
    ... more than that, a guy with a goat fetish...
    I wish that was the worst, but apparently the guy is Engliush, and the guy he wants to kiss is Scottish.
    I feel so sorry for his poor wife. Well, all the wives really, I mean what must they be thinking, letting THOSE guys loose in Dallas. I mean to say, DALLAS, of all places.
    Anyhow I heard all this was public, so I'm sure it's ok to mention it, but dont tell anyone, and if you do then don't tell them that you heard it from me, ok?

    ~pregnant pause~

  • gumby

    Littletoe, Littletoe! Ya big goofy knukleheaded bastard! It's all part of that mind game, brainwashin thing I was tellin ya about dammit. I don't want to kiss you.....I'm gettin the girls jealous so's we can both kiss em.......ya crazy nut.

    As for you my little roomin buddy.....I got dibbs on xena, so back yer arse off!


  • LittleToe

    Damn, damn, damn - oooh I'm so stoopid!!!

    Anyhow, in the words of Michael Jackson "the girl is mine..."

    ~starts chant~
    Fight, fight, fight, fight!!!!

  • FMZ

    LT... worst of all, I hear that Gumby guy is an apostate, and this little English tart-man of his is also an apostate.

    And as for what that apostate bastard said about the lovely Xena..... (I really shouldn't reply, as he should be shunned by one and all)... I guess it is her decision... We can't win her like some sort of sheep.

    So Xena... I guess you will have to sit your hot little arse on your chair, use those beautiful feet to pull yourself close (so close) to your keyboard, and bring those elegant, perfect fingers down to the keyboard... slowwlly and rhythmically caressing the keys... and tell us what you want.


    *edited to add* Dammit LT... I thought we were going to take out the weakest first and then let the big contenders fight... I guess you have no strategy about you. All kilt and no sporran me'lad. Every man for himself!!

    /me starts the "fight" thread.

  • LittleToe

    You are the weakest link... goodbye!!!

    ~pulls trapdoor handle, to see FMZ plummet ten stories to the dungeon below~
    (Now his face really does look like his original avatar)

  • jgnat

    Another tight-lipped one here. There must be something about tight lips and mature older women....

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Looks like I have something in common with Xena, Little Toe, Reboot, and FMZ: I'm a LIP FLAPPER as well

  • LittleToe

    Something I've been meaning to ask all afternoon, but kept holding back (like I don't know why, but anyhow...)

    Tight lips...
    ...wouldn't that hurt???

  • ApagaLaLuz

    depends on who has the lips

  • Sassy

    depends on where the lips are

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