Harmful or Dangerous?

by Sunspot 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    **Can you believe those words, "DETACH YOURSELF FROM YOUR EMOTIONS" came from the voice of a CO, to my dad? **

    I have no trouble at all, believing it! This is SO typical, AND pitiful. I've seen it many times before.

    The WTS has millions of folks, dutifully going door-to-door, with silly smiles painted on their faces...putting their own lives on hold for the "BIG DAY", and pretending that they're REALLY "HAPPY".

    The Watchtowergod doesn't WANT them to FEEL anything....just DO MORE, and wait for the "next" new light....

    thanks again......



  • XQsThaiPoes

    One day you guys will realize you were the only one "duped". I think you are very arrogant thinking that you are the only people out of 6 million that knows how to read and cross-reference. It is like those guys that think a letter about NGO status, 587 BC will cause us to flee like rats from a sinking ship.

    You sound like people that got married too early. How can control "creep" into your head with out you knowing it. What may have happened was appeasement, you willingly signed over your freedoms to others in return for their interest and friendship. Once you no longer needed their approval you took your free will out of your back pocket, and went about your business. If you think I am blaming the victim you are wrong because you are not victims.

    As for the suicides this is not a suicide cult. I do know a few in our area that took their life or tried. This is a depressing religion in a depressing world. If you have a problem with depression I would not recommend it unless you have a dedicated psychiatrist. You are all saying it should be illegal to make a religion that is depressing. Which is absurd. Think of it. Name one thing in Jehovah?s Witnesses beside it being one of the most melodramatic manic-depressive faiths on earth that would lead to suicide. It sounds like you want a law that says all religions can only serve the public good just like radio stations or hospitals. Banning depressive religion is like banning depressing music. This is an immature view of the world.

    The blood issue is a moot point. JWs follow court orders for minors. The rest are stubborn adults exercising freewill. My aunt died a horrid death from lung cancer because she did not want to loose her hair, and believed in herbs. She was stubborn as heck all her life to the day she died. We all miss her and her children are tearing themselves up over woulda, shoulda, couldas when the reality she choose to not treat her cancer because she could not see herself with out her hair, or bent over a toilette bowl.

    Breaking up families is not quantifiable. Many JWs that fight ?family opposition? have their lives destroyed just coming into the org. Saying that families are destroyed by people leaving means what exactly? If the majority of your family is JWs then you may feel isolated, but if they are the minority it will not effect you as severely. In fact you may gain support for leaving the ?cult?. Also another thing is disfellowshipped people loose friends mostly. Family ties are given tolerance. In fact when a minor is disfellowshipped the rules are so silly it amounts to not letting them pray and stern lectures.

    The argument for harm and danger is very weak compared to quantifiable socially acceptable harms IMO. Most people also seem to complaint that the time they spent in the org could have been devoted to better things. If that was the case why were you there in the first place? If I felt going to wind surfing or doing chicks was more important I would be doing it. How come you didn?t?

  • 4JWY

    XQ and AMAC:

    I bid adieu to you as my energies are best devoted to other things.



  • Sunspot

    **I bid adieu to you as my energies are best devoted to other things.

    I can't say as I blame you!



  • Will Power
    Will Power

    There is more than enough evidence about how destructive, and dangerous high control groups operate.It is a no brainer. The WT Society is one of the most successful in this catagory. (Thats why there are so many derogatory jokes about lawyers - they're the only kind that could keep something like this operating legally lol)

    Someone should suggest that ALL their printed material, as well as lapels and windshields have WARNING LABELS attached, similar to Canadian cigarette packages and most bottles of alcohol. Commercials with babies crying, teens on the street, self mutilation, anti-depressant burn outs, old people at McDonalds working the night shift......

    Excellent topic & post.


  • Sunspot

    Thanks, Will Power.......I appreciated that.



  • cyber-sista
    Can you believe those words, "DETACH YOURSELF FROM YOUR EMOTIONS" came from the voice of a CO, to my dad?

    -and although some are sick of hearing about, he took the guy's advice.

    4JWY.....I had a flash back reading this to the last time I went to the Circuit Overseer for help because the elders were putting so much pressure on me about the way I should treat my unbelieving family--serious pressure. I had written the society about it and then spoke with the CO when he came along with an elder from my previous congo. I was rather emotional over the situation and truthfully at the end of my rope. I almost cried when I was telling him the story and told him that I loved my family expecting him to be in agreement with that. But he said referring to himself "What I have had to do is detatch myself from my worldly family so I won't feel so bad when they die (referring to the big A)..then he went on to say in regards to my unbelieving daughter and future son-in-law...He said " Another big fear we have for you is that if you have Grandchildren you may become attached to them." The other elder sat there shaking his head in agreement....I thought these are the things the elders and the CO have discussed about me? I know I have written this in another thread, but it is still a sore point in my mind.. It gave me no comfort and it was cruel. the CO justified the elders thinking which I had thought was so horribly wrong. Later an elder called me to ask me how I was feeling about everything and I told him again that I still loved my family and he said "WELL, I love my worldly family too, but I consider my REAL family to be those in the congregation". I knew there was no reasoning with them after that--they had delivered the final blow to my faith...Guess I should thank them for making it all so clear to me... Thanks for letting me vent this one out once again--it is still a very sore spot along with all the other garbage surrounding it...I have shared it with 2 people I was close to in the Org, who are still in the Org. They agreed it didn't sound right to them, but both pretty much said Jehovah would eventually take care of matter and in the meantime we just have to endure and be obedient. don't think you all will be giving me that advice...

  • Sunspot

    **but I consider my REAL family to be those in the congregation".

    You just touched a nerve here, too. The year before I left the WTS, I had been planning for MONTHS to go out of state to a Family Reunion that hadn't been able to attend for 20 years. I was SO excited, looking forward to seeing new husbands, babies, etc. I had Amtrak tickets, and all the travel plans all set well in advance.

    Wouldn't ya KNOW it...the Circuit Assembly was announced...on the SAME weekend that I would be going away. I decided to go away anyway.....

    When I got back, the next meeting, the Elder who lives up the road says to me...we missed you at the assembly.....and I told him about how this was my first time seeing all my family in 20 years........and HIS reply was....WE'RE your FAMILY, and you belonged here with us!!!!!!!

    It was just so deflating and nasty! And of course...HIS whole family were JWs, down to nieces and nephews, parents and sons and 11 siblings to boot!

    thanks for your post...



  • plmkrzy

    perhaps using the word "detatch from" could have been better expressed but

    Typical JWcultspeak

    as a comeback is...well,typical of someone fresh and still overcoming issues.

    Keep your emotions by all means, but it is not healthy to allow yourself to be ruled by them.

  • Sunspot

    # as a comeback is...well,typical of someone fresh and still overcoming issues.#


    I DO understand your point, as far as it goes--- and many of us ARE struggling to overcome these painful issues....but consider the somewhat insulting nature of all the insensitive responses we "exes" get from the JW apologetics.MY point still stands.

    The immediate reaction when an JW apologetic hears a complaint, there is the knee-jerk reply that , YOU had a choice", or, "You couldn't live up to your "vows to Jehovah", and so forth and so on. They refuse to acknowledge that the crux of the problem IS the WTS, because if it WASN'T, I'd have never HAD cause to write what I did as I sit here desperately trying to pick up the pieces of a shattered life.

    So comments such as Amac and a relatively few others make, DON'T alter the fact that the WTS DOES WHAT IT DOES as far as its weasel-word tactics go, and these somewhat acid comments by those folks, does NOT diminish the real and actual pain I speak of. By saying to us , "YOU'RE wrong, it's ALL YOUR fault", they can't or won't concede that the deliberate manipulation of a "book company", bears any guilt in this situation!

    And THAT makes many of us angry.


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