My Story... please don't freak out on me...

by Big Shooter 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sirona

    Welcome Shooter,

    You'll soon realise that the decision to leave the JWs is the best decision you've ever made in your life.

    And remember - you are not an "apostate" because you are telling the truth - not lies. God doesn't condemn you based on how many times you attend a Kingdom hall, either. So don't let them guilt trip you!

    Good luck!


  • Big Shooter
    Big Shooter

    I guess what really got me also was a few months ago while having a coffee break during service with my parents, a brother who is a good friend of mine came into the shop. He got married a year ago, and to make a long story short, his wife was deported a few months back. So he had to stop pioneering and work two jobs to keep their apartment. All my mom could say to me afterwards was "oh, the poor guy, having to work 2 jobs, it must be so stressful for him." Like Hello MOM!! Don't you remember me doing that when I was 18 years old? And having a child?? And going to school and working?? But NO! Of course not, after all he was a pioneer so it must be more difficult for him. I am kicking myself for not saying right there and then, you know what? It's a good thing he is trying to take care of his family, he should be commended, that is what the real world is like.. it's not a sheltered fantasy life.

  • aunthill

    Welcome, Big Shooter!

    Farkel beat me to it, but I am going to say it anyway: Jesus said, "They (scribes & Pharisees) bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men (and women), but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger." Matt. 23:4 NWT He also said, "Come to me all you who travail (work hard) and are heavy laden (burdened), and I will refresh you, for my yoke is kindly and my load is light." Matt 11:28, 29 KJ (Get yourself a red-letter bible [the words of Jesus in red] makes it much easier.)

    I can't think of a group that loads more burdens and forces their "sheep" to work as hard as the Watchtower (also known here as the bOrg, if you are familiar with Star Trek). Try doing all the things you listed (work, meetings, field service, etc., ad infinitum) AND taking care of house, laundry, meals, etc., ad infinitum, AND having an unbelieving spouse! Makes me want to run screaming out the door just thinking about it.

    You are very lucky to have the backing of your in-laws. I recommend enlisting their support even more as you make your move out of the WT.

    You have two chances at a happy parent/child relationship - one is behind you, your parents and you, but the other one - between you and your children is ahead of you - make the most of it.

    Good luck, Big Shooter and Mrs. Big Shooter. We here on this board are rooting for you.


  • Nadsam

    Take my word as an Ex-Jw Pioneer, Overseer, Bethalite ETC ......

    The WT is a cult. My father (also an Elder) and Mother (3rd Generation JW) still can't see the light despite all my efforts for close to a decade!

    You have to realize that they want to believe in the WT so badly that they will do almost anything...including shunning their own offspring !

    Break away today. .. and you'll experiance the greatest feeling of freedom that you could ever imagine.

    There is life after Jehovah's Witnesses

    Good luck

    Nadsam....your friendly neighbourhood APOSTATE

  • SAHS

    Greetings and welcome, Big Shooter! I wish I were able say a bit more, but my eyeballs are tired and giving me much misery (I?m near-sighted and have been reading all day long at work?right now I wish I could just throw my eyeballs in the garbage and buy new ones). So, I?ll just have to give you a hug (the manly, square-bracketed hug as opposed to the round-bracketed type). Here it goes:

    [[[Big Shooter]]]

    Just hang in there. Everything will become clearer to you at an exponential rate as you take a fresh (i.e., objective) look at the Society Organization Corporation in light of its own record (in relation to the Scriptures and common sense), and focus on the direction you know in your heart is best for you and your new family. Take care.


  • reboot

    (((Big Shooter, and your wife and son))) wow, you've stood up to them when you felt the way they treated you was unjust,

    you've stood up to your father,

    you've got your marriage back on track

    and you're determined to bring up your son without all the pressures you had to face-i'd say you were pretty amazing!!

    I hope the stress you're feeling will get less and less as time passes and you'll realise that you've just made the best decision for your family.

    I'm really happy that you're thinking for yourself and looking after the people who matter the most in your world-that's the way it should be.....welcome

  • flower

    Big shooter, the Watchtower organization uses the word Apostate and their definition of it to control the thoughts and actions of their members. Its one of their many means of mind control and is especially effective on those members who were raised in it and brought up to believe that satans evil wicked apostates roam the earth trying to seduce people into leaving the 'truth'.

    An apostate is simply someone who leaves a political party, religion, or a cause to which he formerly belonged. Many current JW's are apostates. If they have left being a Catholic, Baptist or any other religion they are an apostate from that religion. If a Republican becomes a Democrat they are an Apostate from the former party. That is all it means and there is no need to fear it.

    What you are doing by talking about your JW experiences is not apostacy, its called freeing your mind of the years of indoctrination and false ideas. Eventually you will get past that fear which is all to familiar to most of us here.


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hey Big Shooter,

    Everytime I see your name, I think of Shooter McGavin From Big Daddy


    Shooter: Stay out of my way, or you'll pay. Listen to what I say.
    Happy Gilmore: Yeah, why don't I go eat some hay. I can make things out of clay, or lay by the bay, I just may. Whaddya say?

  • blacksheep

    You've come to the right place, we're here to support you.

    So, re-read your story, and think about how much "love" and support the group at the hall have given you. Is THAT type of love what you want your child to experience as he/she continues to grow?

    Honestly, long before I ever had children, but when I realized that someday I might, I knew in my soul that I would NEVER, ever raise them in that twisted enviornment.

    Best of luck to you and your family. Marriage and raising a family is challenging enough without have to add the idiotic, anti-human, anti-love, guilt-ridden rules and regulations that the JWs heap upon you.

  • Farkel

    big shooter,

    : Funny, I feel like an apostate writing all these things

    Those were "their" words. Those were NEVER Jesus' words. Never!

    Consider the source. The WTS is NOT from God, nor do they represent the Bible.


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