What One JW Belief Could You Never Totally Accept???

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    blood fractions are up to you but blood transfusions are up to them.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    You're funny minimus. Good little chuckle just before going off to work.

  • MorpheuzX

    That the God of love was going to come back to earth and kill all of his children, unless they were baptized JW's in good standing! How insane is that anyway? Do you think the average person has any clue the Witnesses really and truly believe this?

  • freedom96

    I never bought into the concept that only witnesses would make it.


  • cyber-sista


    I agree I never bought it either--even in my most rabid JW daze I always thought there would be others who would be saved as there were too many unanswered questions--like what about all those people in china and countries that have never heard the word? what about retarded people or mentally ill people or senile or physically ill people or people who are born not totally man or woman? what about people who are truly christlike caring for the needs of others--doing social work and donating their time, energy and money to help others who are in need? what about people who I really loved and cared about who were not JW?

    but while the WT did say that only god could judge hearts it also said only those who were baptized JWs are the ones that will be saved....double speak/double think again

    It also says in the brochure--believe the title is What do Jehovah's Witnesses belief--the question therein is asked "Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they are the only ones to be saved?" This is also on the official WT website and the answer to that question appears to be NO they don't believe that they are the only ones to be saved. BUT any JW reading this knows it is a trick question and the answer is YES, because this is only talking about the ressurected ones that will be brought back after the big A. The rest of mankind will have been destroyed unless of course they are baptised JWs in good standing still serving actively serving the Org...

    Sometimes I feel totally insane for ever being a part of this Org...

  • gaiagirl

    I also never could accept the 'women in subjection to men' idea.

    Also, the Flood account, apparantly not noticed by other cultures at the time.

    Also, dinosaurs drowning in the Flood waters (actually shown in one book, outside the ark).

    Also, the Edenic serpent in older publications with legs prior to being cursed (illustrated to resemble a Gila Monster).

    too many others.....

  • ozziepost


  • toreador
    That all the animals were going to turn vegetarian .. Doesnt make sense to anyone with an inkling of knowlege of animals or their anatomy

    That always bugged the hell out of me too! Such as would animals live forever then too or if not what the hell is going to eat up all the old dead animals or are they just going to rot away. Were snakes and spiders going to lose their poison glands. I used to think about all kinds of crazy shit to try to figure that one out.

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