What One JW Belief Could You Never Totally Accept???

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Outaservice


  • Carmel

    The whole literal take on the Garden of Eden story.


  • crownboy

    I couldn't accept the fact that most of my friends (non-JW's), who were great people, whould die at Armegeddon simply because they weren't JW's (or anyone good non-JW person for that matter).

    One thing about 1914 I never understood. How they decided that that particular combination of numbers were really meant to go together. It always felt to me sort of random. Why would part of the equation be in the book of Daniel and the other part in Revelation? And why would God speak in code? How could they be sure they didn't miss a factor? I always felt like the whole thing was rather contrived. When I spoke to people I would concentrate on the signs of the last days, which seemed like it was more applicable.

    So true. Let's not forget that the "year for a day" principle got grafted out of one of Peter's books. Apparently, Daniel was prophesing things ahead of God being able to make those prophesies possible .

  • Atilla

    abortion, I always that I woman should have the choice especially in cases of rape

  • sonofapreacherman

    Death is so unnatural.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I always had doubts about the bibles miracles stories. Jesus feeding thousands with 3 loaves of bread and two fish, Lots wife turning to salt, the ten commandments and golden calf, the splitting of the red sea, Jesus walking on water, the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah, leaven bread.

    I guess I was too much of a realist, but I just deep down could not believe in these stories one hundred percent.

  • Hapgood

    The one jw belief that I could not accept was that only baptized jws in good standing would make it into the "new system".


  • xjw_b12

    What One JW Belief Could You Never Totally Accept???

    That partaking of the emblems oral sex was wrong.

  • Love_Truth

    That it is fine for the GB to go beyond the things written. That covers a lot of goround, including their claim that they are the FDS, and that they are God's channel of communication, that they therefore have "the truth(tm)", etc, etc, etc....................

  • stillajwexelder

    That there had been an increase in earthquakes since 1914 - I always knew there had been less or about the same

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