What One JW Belief Could You Never Totally Accept???

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    Water canopy

  • dustyb
    2) That the faithful of old were resurrected in 1918

    I agree with that one totally. the dating is so flawed that its not acceptable. it really doesn't work or come together. its like the jehovah's witnesses say about the trinity, if you read the bible with an open mind, you can't connect Jesus as being God. Same goes for dating. you can't connect Jesus returning in 1914 because you read the bible.

    SHUNNING Disfellowshipping

    It just never felt right, even as a small child. I always felt that Jesus would NEVER shun anyone. My young mind said "If G*d is love, how could he be so cruel?"


    i did a review on the WTS FAQ on their website, and one thing they said was that they don't shun people, yet they gave the DEFINITION of shunning into detail. hypocrit bastards that think they can re-write definitions to suit them just fine. don't like it.
  • Panda

    Having grown up with my gay godfather and many of my Mom's friends were gay I just never could get a handle on gay being wrong. It seemed so unloving to say that an obviously genetic propensity would condemn someone to destruction. And when ONCE I did broach the subject I realized it wasn't a fit topic for conversation. How sad...

    Now what I teach the GirlScouts is that there are as many lifestyles as there are people.

    Also, there was unspoken racism everywhere. Oh yea and mysogeny(sp?) too. Shoot if you won't treat your own congregats nice watch out everyone else.

  • Swan

    That demonized Smurf running out of the Kingdom Hall was pretty hard to swallow.


  • Dawn

    I'm with you minimus - I could never accept that innocent children would be destroyed by a God that is supposed to be so loving.

  • nojudgement

    How it was okay to celebrate anniversarys but not BIRTHDAYS????

    And yet it was okay to celebrate marriage because Jehovah instituted it???? Did he not also institute life?

    How could you not honor your loved ones by acknowledging the very special day that they were miraculously brought into this world by the giver of life. Unthinkable to me. Now that I'm in the world...I'm the biggest birthday celebrater my friends have ever seen. They threw me my first party at age 34 and had a "1" on the cake and balloons with "1" on them...because - technically - it was my first birthday party. It was very touching and it felt wonderful. At times, I actually felt guilty to have all that attention brought to myself. I'm learning each year how to enjoy it a little more because I see how wonderful it feels to acknowledge my loved ones birthdays. I even call my parents (who are in the truth and don't know that I'm a fader) on their birthdays. They always chuckle and say..."oh stop it." But I know they love it. They expect that call each year.

  • DanTheMan

    Cedar Point Ohio conventions - fulfillment of prophecy LOL

  • ScoobySnax

    When I was a boy, my uncle said to me once. If you get into the "New System" and can't die because you'll be perfect.....what happens if you fall off a mountain or trip into a stream and get knocked unconcious facedown in the water, surely accidents will still happen?

    Damnit! I still don't know the answer to that one.

  • minimus

    EVERY prophecy and scripture referring to the FDS.

  • wednesday

    I never believed that God would destroy 99.9 % of the population and only JWS would survive.

    I never accepted DF'ing practices. I talked to whomever i wished. They kick people when they are down insteasd of helping them.

    I could never understand why JWS were willing to take advantage of what Ceasar had to offer, but snubbed their noses at him and would not contribute to the community, they just took from it.

    I could not understand why a JWS parent woulld allow their child to die rather than give them blood or fractions of it. they should take their children away from them.

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