God does exist...

by czarofmischief 348 Replies latest jw friends

  • Love_Truth

    Abaddon and Rem,

    I also find it very funny, as hooberus responded to, that you continually bring up the falsifiable, unfalsifiable pressumed distinction between evolution theory and Creation. For your reading pleasure, and the education of the masses, I post here an excerpt from Apologetics Press (feel free to substitute your name in the place of Mr. Rennie):

    [Creationists suggest that] evolution is unscientific because it is not testable or falsifiable. It makes claims about events that were not observed and can never be re-created.

    There?s an old saying that ?people who live in glass houses shouldn?t throw rocks.? Once again, Mr. Rennie needs to consider the evolutionists? ?glass houses? before he begins hurling verbal rocks at the creationists?. The truth is, it is not just creationists with whom Mr. Rennie has a disagreement on this point. Knowledgeable, well-respected evolutionists have gone on record as stating that the General Theory of Evolution is neither testable nor falsifiable. For a concept to qualify as a scientific theory, it must be supported by events, processes, or properties that can be observed, and the theory must be useful in predicting the outcome of future natural phenomena or laboratory experiments. In addition, the theory must be capable of falsification. That is, it must be possible to conceive of some experiment, the failure of which would disprove the theory. It is on the basis of such criteria that most evolutionists insist that the concept of creation be denied respectability as a potential scientific explanation of origins. Creation, so goes the claim, has not been witnessed by human observers, cannot be tested experimentally, and as a theory is nonfalsifiable. Notice, however, that the General Theory of Evolution likewise fails to meet all three of these criteria. No one observed the origin of the Universe or the origin of life. Similarly, no one has observed the conversion of a fish into an amphibian or an ape-like creature into a man. Paul Ehrlich and L.C. Birch, both evolutionists, stated:

    Our theory of evolution has become...one which cannot be refuted by any possible observations. Every conceivable observation can be fitted into it. It is thus ?outside empirical science? but not necessarily false. No one can think of ways in which to test it. Ideas, either without basis or based on a few laboratory experiments carried out in extremely simplified systems have attained currency far beyond their validity. They have become part of an evolutionary dogma accepted by most of us as part of our training (1967, 214:349).

    In a symposium at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia on the mathematical probabilities of evolution actually having occurred, one of the participants, Murray Eden, in speaking about the falsifiability of evolution, said:

    This cannot be done in evolution, taking it in its broad sense, and this is really all I meant when I called it tautologous in the first place. It can, indeed, explain anything. You may be ingenious or not in proposing a mechanism which looks plausible to human beings and mechanisms which are consistent with other mechanisms which you have discovered, but it is still an unfalsifiable theory (1967, p. 71).

    Let?s face it: neither creation nor evolution is testable, in the sense of being observable experimentally. Mr. Rennie even admitted that ?the historical nature of macroevolutionary study involves inference from fossils and DNA rather than direct observation? (2002, 287[1]:80, emp. added). The evidence is the same for both creationists and evolutionists. The inferences drawn from that evidence, however, are not. David Hull, the well-known philosopher of science, wrote as early as 1965:

    [S]cience is not as empirical as many scientists seem to think it is. Unobserved and even unobservable entities play an important part in it. Science is not just the making of observations. It is the making of inferences on the basis of observations within the framework of a theory (16[61]:1-18).

    Data (a.k.a., ?the facts?) do not explain themselves; rather, they must be explained. And herein lies an important point that often is overlooked in the creation/evolution controversy. Rarely is it the data that are in dispute; it is the interpretation placed on the data that is in dispute. Unfortunately, in today?s scientific paradigm (especially where evolution is concerned), theories rule over data. In his 2000 book, Science and Its Limits, philosopher Del Ratzsch noted that this primacy over data has had enormous implications for the practice of science, the end result being that the ultimate ?court of appeal? has moved away from the actual data and toward the ?informed consensus? of scientists. As he put it:

    Pieces of observational data are extremely important?. [T]here is still room for disagreement among scientists over relative weights of values, over exactly when to deal with recalcitrant data, and over theory and evidence. But such disagreements often take place within the context of a broad background agreement concerning the major presuppositions of the discipline in question. This broad background of agreement is usually neither at issue nor at risk. It has a protected status?. Thus, objective empirical data have substantial and sometimes decisive influence on individual theories, but they have a more muted impact on the larger-scale structure of the scientific picture of reality (p. 71, emp. added).

    In other words, when it comes to the ?large-scale structure of the scientific picture of reality? (as in, for example, where the paradigm of evolution is concerned), don?t look for the actual data to make much of a difference. In such an instance, they have a ?more muted impact.?

    Both creation and evolution can be examined as scientific models. It is poor science, and even poorer education, to restrict instruction solely to the evolution model. When evolutionists like Mr. Rennie attempt to depict evolution as the only legitimate scientific model, they no longer are speaking in the context of scientific truth. Either they do not know what the data actually reveal, or they deliberately are attempting to deceive. Evolution fails to answer far more questions than it purports to answer, and the creation model certainly has as much (and often more) to offer as an alternative model. It is not within the domain of science to prove any concept regarding ultimate origins. The best one can hope for in this area is an adequate model to explain the circumstantial evidence (what Mr. Rennie refers to as ?the inferences?) at hand. When one observes the undeniable design of every living thing, the complexity of the Universe itself, and the intricate nature of life, the creation model becomes quite attractive. It at least possesses a potential explanation for such attributes. The evolution model does not, but instead asks us to believe that design, inherent complexity, and intricacy are all the result of chance processes operating over eons of time.

    John Rennie continued his attack on ?creationist nonsense? by contrasting macroevolution with microevolution. And, as Rennie correctly noted, ??even most creationists acknowledge that microevolution has been upheld by tests in the laboratory?? (287[1]:78). Of course we do. No argument there. We see the same variations in the plant and animal kingdoms that evolutionists see. Bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics. Yet they still are nothing but bacteria. Beaks of finches in the Galapagos Islands do change. But the finches themselves have not ?progressed? in any particular direction, and, to this day, they still are reproducing only other finches?not ostriches, lemurs monkeys, gorillas, or apes. Macroevolution?changing from one kind of animal to another?has been inferred, but never documented.

    To support the sacrosanct theory of evolution, Rennie marched out the ever-popular hominid fossils as evidence of evolutionary progression that he suggested can be documented scientifically. This ?evidence,? however, is hardly all it?s cracked up to be. First, the fossils represent (again!) only raw data. They do not speak for themselves, but must be interpreted. And as any seasoned (and honest) paleontologist can attest, sometimes the interpretations get in the way of the facts. One example comes pressingly to mind.

    In the April 1979 issue of National Geographic, Mary Leakey reported finding fossil footprint trails at Laetoli, Tanzania. The strata above the footprints were dated at 3.6 million years, while the strata below them were dated at 3.8. As Marvin Lubenow noted: ?These footprint trails rank as one of the great fossil discoveries of the twentieth century? (1992, p. 173). Why is this the case? Not only did Dr. Leakey discover three distinct trails containing sixty-nine prints, but, as she explained in her autobiography (Disclosing the Past), she also found footprints that depicted one individual actually walking in the steps of another!?something that only humans have the intelligence (or inclination) to do. In that autobiography, she wrote:

    The Laetoli Beds might not have included any foot bones among the hominid remains they had yielded to our search, but they had given us instead one of the most graphic alternative kinds of evidence for bipedalism one could dream of discovering. The essentially human nature and the modern appearance of the footprints were quite extraordinary.

    As the 1978 excavations proceeded, we noted a curious feature. In one of the two trails, some of the individual prints seemed unusually large, and it looked to several of us as if these might be double prints, though by no amount of practical experiment in the modern dust could we find a way in which one individual could create such a double print?.

    The prints in one of the trails did indeed turn out to be double , as Louise [Robbins, an anthropologist? BT/BH ] and I and several others had expected, and at last we understood the reason, namely that three hominids had been present?.

    I will simply summarize here by saying that we appear to have prints left three and a half million years ago, by three individuals of different stature: it is tempting to see them as a man, a woman and a child (1984, pp. 177,178, emp. added, italics in orig.).

    In her National Geographic article, Dr. Leakey admitted that the footprints were ?remarkably similar to those of modern man? (1979, 155:446).

    The specialist who carried out the most extensive study to date of the Laetoli footprints (at the invitation of Mary Leakey herself) is Russell Tuttle of the University of Chicago. He noted in his research reports that the individuals who made the tracks were barefoot and probably walked habitually unshod. As part of his investigation, he observed 70 Machiguenga Indians in the rugged mountains of Peru?people who habitually walk unshod. After analyzing the Indians? footprints and examining the available Laetoli fossilized toe bones, Dr. Tuttle concluded that the ape-like feet of A. afarensis simply could not have made the Laetoli tracks (see Bower, 1989, 135:251). In fact, in an article on the Laetoli footprints in the March 1990 issue of Natural History, he wrote: ?In discernible features, the Laetoli G prints are indistinguishable from those of habitually barefoot Homo sapiens? (p. 64). He then went on to admit: ?If the G footprints were not known to be so old, we would readily conclude that they were made by a member of our genus, Homo ? (p. 64, emp. added). Evolutionists, therefore, in spite of the evidence, have ascribed the footprints to australopithecines.

    Interestingly, Mary Leakey originally labeled the Laetoli footprints as ?Homo species indeterminate,? indicating that she was willing to place them in the genus of man, but was unable to decide upon a species designation. It is clear, of course, why she was unwilling to call them what they clearly are?Homo sapiens. If she had placed humans as far back as 3.7 million years, that would have destroyed every evolutionary lineage in existence?and any that could be envisioned in the foreseeable future. And so, rather than accept the data at face value, evolutionists scrambled to ?explain them away? by labeling what were obvious human footprints as having been made by australopithecines. Paleontologist Niles Eldredge once commented: ?We have been looking at the fossil record as a general test of the notion that life has evolved: to falsify that general idea, we would have to show that forms of life we considered more advanced appear earlier than the simpler forms? (1982, p. 46). In light of the evidence provided by the Laetoli footprints, could we not say, then, that, according to the evolutionists themselves, ?the general idea? of evolution has been ?falsified?? Indeed we could! [For a detailed discussion of the Laetoli footprints, see Lubenow, 1992, pp. 173-176.]

    Second, even the evolutionists themselves have considerable difficulty trying to ?interpret? the various finds. At an annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science some years ago, anthropologists from all over the world descended on New York City to view hominid fossils exhibited by the American Museum of Natural History. Reporting on this exhibit, Science News had this to say:

    One sometimes wonders if orangutans, chimps and gorillas ever sit around the tree, contemplating which is the closest relative of man. (And would they want to be?) Maybe they even chuckle at human scientists? machinations as they race to draw the definitive map of evolution on earth. If placed on top of one another, all these competing versions of our evolutionary highways would make the Los Angeles freeway system look like County Road 41 in Elkhart, Indiana (see ?Whose Ape Is It, Anyway?,? 1984, 125:361, parenthetical comment in orig.).

    The public generally has no idea just how scarce, and how fragmentary (literally!), the ?evidence? for human evolution actually is. Harvard professor Richard Lewontin lamented this very fact when he stated:

    When we consider the remote past, before the origin of the actual species Homo sapiens, we are faced with a fragmentary and disconnected fossil record. Despite the excited and optimistic claims that have been made by some paleontologists, no fossil hominid species can be established as our direct ancestor?. (1995, p. 163, emp. added).

    How, then, in light of such candid and forceful admissions, can evolutionary scientists possibly defend the idea of ape/hominid/human evolution as a ?scientifically proven fact?? As one evolutionist put it: ?There are not enough fossil records to answer when, where, and how H. Sapiens emerged? (Takahata, 1995, 26:343-372, emp. added.). So, we do not even have enough fossils to know when, where, and how human evolution took place, yet according to Mr. Rennie, this somehow provides ?proof ? for macroevolution?

    Truth be told, more than 6,000 so-called hominid fossils now exist. Most such fossils can be placed into one of two groups: apes or humans. A few fossils do have odd characteristics or show abnormal bone structure. But does that mean humans evolved? No. It simply means that we have variations in bone structure?variations you can see all around you. Some heads are large; others are small. Some jawbones look angled; some look square. Some noses are pointed; some are flat. Does that indicate we still are ?evolving?? Or does it mean that there are occasional differences in humans?

    Remember this simple exercise the next time you see a picture of one of those ape-like creatures displayed prominently across the front cover of a reputable news magazine. Look at a skeleton (any one will do), and try to draw the person that used to exist with that bony framework. What color was the hair? Was it curly, or straight? Was the person a male or a female? Did he or she have chubby cheeks, or thin? These are difficult (if not impossible!) questions to answer when we are given only a few bones with which to work. The reconstructions you see as the end-product of an artist?s handiwork are not based merely on the fossil evidence, but also on what evolutionists believe these creatures ?should? have looked like. And what about those pictures that we so frequently see gracing the covers of newsmagazines and science journals? As Boyce Rensberger admitted:

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of artist?s conceptions are based more on imagination than on evidence. But a handful of expert natural-history artists begin with the fossil bones of a hominid and work from there?. Much of the reconstruction, however, is guesswork. Bones say nothing about the fleshy parts of the nose, lips, or ears. Artists must create something between an ape and a human being; the older the specimen is said to be, the more apelike they make it.... Hairiness is a matter of pure conjecture. The guesswork approach often leads to errors (1981).

    Errors indeed!

    In trying to strengthen his argument for fossil hominids, Mr. Rennie made the following statement. ?But one should not?and does not?find modern human fossils embedded in strata from the Jurassic Period (65 million years ago)? (287[1]:80, parenthetical item in orig.). [While we do not subscribe to the old-Earth timeline given by evolutionists, we do know, however?unlike Mr. Rennie?that evolutionists date the so-called Jurassic Period at 208-144 million years ago, not 65 million.] We are curious, Mr. Rennie, why you did not share with your readers the following information from Francis Barnes, an evolutionist and specialist in rock art of the southwest. Dr. Barnes reported the following information in the June 3, 1971 Moab [Utah] Times-Independent under the title of ?Mine Operation Uncovers Puzzling Remains of Ancient Man?:

    Lin Ottinger, Moab back-country tour guide and amateur geologist and archaeologist, made a find early last week that could possibly upset all current theories concerning the age of mankind on this planet. While searching for mineral specimens south of Moab, Ottinger found traces of human remains in a geological stratum that is approximately 100 million years old?. He carefully uncovered enough of what later proved to be the parts of two human skeletons.

    Dr. [J.P.] Marwitt [professor of anthropology, University of Utah? BT/BH ] pronounced the discovery ?highly interesting and unusual? for several reasons. As the bones were uncovered, it soon became obvious that they were ?in place? and had not washed in or fallen down from higher strata?. The rock and soil that had been above the remains had been continuous before the dozer work, with no caves or major faults or crevices visible. Thus, before the mine exploration work, the human remains had been completely covered by about fifteen (15) feet of material, including five or six feet of solid rock?. Due to some local shifting and faulting, it was uncertain, without further investigation, whether the find is in the lower Dakota, or still older upper Morrison formation.

    Of course, despite evidence that these human remains are ?in place? in a formation 100 million years old, the probability is very low that they are actually that old. The bones appeared to be relatively modern in configuration, that is, of Homo sapiens rather than one of his ancient, semi-animal predecessors (1971).

    In an article in the February 1975 issue of Desert magazine, Dr. Barnes offered further clarification of this unusual find.

    In addition, the dark organic stains found around the bones indicated that the bones had been complete bodies when deposited in the ancient sandstone.

    ?Mine metallurgist Keith Barrett of the Big Indian Copper Mine that owned the discovery site, recalled that the rock and sandy soil that had been removed by dozer from above the bones had been solid with no visible caves or crevices. He also remembered that at least 15 feet of material had been removed, including five or six feet of solid rock. This provided strong, but not conclusive, evidence that the remains were as old as the stratum in which they were found.

    And that stratum was at least 100 million years old. Due to considerable local faulting and shifting, the site could either be in the lower Dakota or the still older upper Morrison formation.

    Somehow, the university scientists never got around to age-dating the mystery bones. Dr. Marwitt seemed to lose interest in the matter, then transferred to an eastern university. No one else took over the investigation?.

    We may never know exactly how human bones came to be in place in rock formations more than 100 million years old. It is highly improbable that the bones are, indeed, this old. Yet, who knows?...

    Part of the mystery, of course, is why the University of Utah scientists chose not to age-date the mystery bones and clear up at least the question of their actual age (pp. 38-39).

    No, Dr. Barnes, it is ?no mystery? that evolutionists decided not to date the bones. Since they already ?know? that evolution is true, human bones appearing in supposedly 100-million-year-old strata is, well, unthinkable! Better to ignore them than to study and date them. Too much riding on the belief that evolution must be true: reputations, research grants, etc. But Mr. Rennie, what was it you said about ?no modern human fossils? being embedded in 100-million-year-old strata? You might want to heed Paul Harvey?s advice and tell folks ?the rest of the story.?

    Actually, this type of ?nonsense? should come as no surprise to those familiar with how evolutionists handle ?out of place? fossils. The proposed timeline and fossil lineage for our alleged descent is so muddled and contorted that evolutionists themselves often have difficultly knowing which branches are viable versus which are merely dead-ends. This is evinced quite clearly by the discovery of Sahelanthropus tchadensis, announced in the July 11, 2002 issue of Nature (see Brunet, et al., 2002). This creature is purported to show a mixture of ?primitive? and ?evolved? characteristics such as an ape-like brain size and skull shape, combined with a more human-like face and teeth. It also sported a remarkably large brow ridge, more like that of younger human species?and yet is supposed to be older than all other fossil hominids. As The New York Times reported in its August 6, 2002 on-line edition under the title of ?Skulls Found in Africa and Europe Challenge Theories of Human Origins?:

    Two ancient skulls, one from central Africa and the other from the Black Sea republic of George, have shaken the family tree to its roots, sending scientists scrambling to see if their favorite theories are among the fallen fruit. Probably so, according to paleontologists, who may have to make major revisions in the human genealogy and rethink some of their ideas?. At each turn, the family tree, once drawn straight as a ponderosa pine, has had to be reconfigured with more branches leading here and there and, in some cases, apparently nowhere?.

    In announcing the discovery in the July 11 issue of the journal Nature, Dr. Brunet?s group said the fossils?a cranium, two lower jaw fragments and several teeth?promised to ?illuminate the earliest chapter in human evolutionary history.? The age, face, and geography of the new specimen were all surprises?. The most puzzling aspect of the new skull is that it seems to belong to two widely separated periods?. ?A hominid of this age,? Dr. [Bernard] Wood [a paleontologist of George Washington University] wrote in Nature, ?should certainly not have the face of a hominid less than one-third of its geological age? (see Wilford, 2002, bracketed items added).

    So are we now to believe that some fossil hominids experienced ?devolution?? One scientist assessed S. tchadensis as follows:

    The discovery consisted of a single, partial skull, albeit distorted, broken and recemented after burial, with no bones below the neck. It has excessively heavy brow ridges, a sagittal crest, and an ape-sized brain. The living creature would have been chimp size, but its (now distorted) face was (probably) flatter than most chimps and its teeth showed wear patterns more typical of hominids than chimps?.

    Unfortunately there is no direct way to date the new specimen. The six-seven million year age came from nearby mammal, reptile, and fish fossils, similar specimens of which are found in Kenya, several hundred miles to the south, and have been dated to six-seven million years old?.

    Summarizing the facts, we have one partial, broken, distorted, and recemented skull and a few teeth, which at best, point to a transition between chimp and the chimp-like Australopithecus, coupled with a poorly established date (Morris, 2002, 31[9]:1,2, parenthetical items in orig.).

    Reading this kind of assessment brings to mind Mark Twain?s comment in Life on the Mississippi: ?There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact? (1883, p. 156).

    Exactly what, then, does Mr. Rennie?s parade of hominids actually show? Jeremy Rifkin summed it up well when he wrote:

    What the ?record? shows is nearly a century of fudging and finagling by scientists attempting to force various fossil morsels and fragments to conform with Darwin?s notions, all to no avail. Today the millions of fossils stand as very visible, ever-present reminders of the paltriness of the arguments and the overall shabbiness of the theory that marches under the banner of evolution (1983, p. 125, emp. added).

    For a thorough examination of the fossil record as it applies to human evolution, we invite you (and Mr. Rennie!) to read our review, ? Human Evolution and the ?Record of the Rocks? ? http://www.apologeticspress.org/rr/rr2002/r&r0205a.htm (Harrub, Thompson, and Lyons, 2002).

  • rem

    Love Truth,

    >>Something from nothing. The universe?s mass, whether you believe the big bang theory or not, had to come from somewhere. There are no plausible explanations for how this matter came into being as an atheist. That God created these things is the only plausible explanation.

    This is classic special pleading. You submit that something can never come from nothing, but in the same breath allow god to come from nothing.

    Probably the best (most honest) explanation here is "I don't know". Not positing a made up god as a non-explanation. You have violated Occham's Razor by complicating the explanation by increasing the number of variables. You added an unknown, undetectable, unprovable entity - God - into the equation.

    Also, your use of the "god" explanation is circular, since the existence of god is what you are trying to prove from your observation of the universe:

    God exists because the universe exists, which only could have existed if god created it.

    Not a very sound argument.

    >>"Each cell in the human body contains more information than in all thirty volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica. It?s certainly reasonable to make the inference that this isn?t the random product of unguided nature, but it?s the unmistakable sign of an Intelligent Designer.

    Strawman. Nobody is arguing that modern cells are the product of randomness. Natural Selection is a very nonrandom process. Natural selection has been used to create complexity beyond what humans can even understand. The technique is currently used in creating computer programs and circuit board logic. The resulting designs are not the product of intelligence, but of simple iterated algorithms that mimic those found in nature. Complex design is most certainly possible without intelligence.

    Behe has been refuted so many times that he is a joke by now. It seems that he was ignorant of much research in the area. His claim that scientists have no explanation for certain features has proven to be an embarassment for him.

    In any case, even if he were right, there is no sense in making up a non-explanation that "god did it". The most honest answer is "we don't currently know". Repeat after me: Not knowing the answer to everything will not kill you.

    >>The physical laws that make life as we know it possible on earth, and nowhere else.

    This is actually more evidence against god. Why would god create a universe special for human beings in which they are only able to safely exist in .000000000000000000000001% of? Even the Earth has much more area that is hostile to humans than is hospitipal.

    >>The complexities of the human (or animal) body.

    Yes it is very complex. As has been explained before, unintelligent algorithms are capable of creating extremely complex things.

    >>The incredible differences between humans and mammals:

    LOL, this is just silly. That's like a octopus saying "just look at the incredible difference between us and squid!"


    Not many people seem to have a firm grasp of it. :)


    Everyone's conscience is different.


    Not all people have it.

    >>Conscious planning, not instinct

    Higher level behavior that is observed in certain primates.

    >>Incredible intelligence in humans, compared to mammals.

    I can't argue that. I'm not sure how this proves god, though.

    >>Humans have sex for pleasure, animals not so (Pigs (possibly) on occasion, but not regularly like humans).

    Guess you've never heard of bonobos. Our closest chimpanzee relatives have sex more often than we do. They do it for pleasure, do it in different positions, and do it homosexually as well. Were they made in god's image too?

    >>And the gaping holes in the fossil record, with no proof of one species becoming another, only serve to make the theory of evolution outright laughable. It is jumping to a conclusion in spite of the evidence, not because of the evidence.

    What do you expect? A perfect record? The holes in the fossil record are not a problem - they are expected and predicted. The thought that the fossils were somehow sorted in perfect ascending order through a global flood (or insert unfalsifiable theory here) is laughable. You have much more to explain when you take away the Evolution theory than when you have it. That is the sign of a good, healthy theory.

    >>Experiments thus far have done nothing but show that mutation, subspecies, polyploidy, and hybrids can be produced in the laboratory, as in nature. But generation of new species has never occurred in the lab or in nature, let alone new Genera, Families, or Orders. So there is no real ?proof? of the theory of evolution. It remains a popular opinion, nothing more, nothing less. Calling it a ?theory? is a stretch, indeed.

    Well, species is generally defined as a population that is separated to the point that they no longer breed with the parent population. This has been observed both in nature and in the laboratory. Evolution is based on the same foundation of evidence as any other historical science, such as plate techtonics. We can observe the small effects now and when you project them back over millions of years they are amplified into large effects. You would have to prove some type of limiting agent to falsify this. So far, no genetic limiting agent has ever been found.

    >>The eruption of Mount St. Helens produced many feet of stratified rocks which look millions of years old, but were produced in days or hours. Radioactive measurement of these rocks show them to be millions of years old too. But we know they were formed in 1980 because scientists saw them formed.

    Man I've been doing this too long. This is the exact fallacious argument I knew you were going to trott out. K/AR dating's margin of error is much to large to use to date anything this young, so there is no question that the results will look odd. The measurement was accurate, though, since the date was within the margin of error (millions of years). It's like using a yard stick to measure the length of a hair!

    It's clear that you don't have a firm grasp of the science involved here.

    Blah blah blah... the rest is just more of the same - ignorant rantings. Please, you're a smart man. I'm sure you can do better than this. Actually I know you can't - there isn't anything out there better than this. I've seen it all before! Nothing new here.


  • rem

    Love Truth,

    Wow you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with your arguments now. :) Evolution (genetic change over generations) is tested every day when a scientist puts bacteria in petri dishes. If it didn't happen, then Evolution would be falsified, since a vital aspect of it is heritable change. Guess what? It happens every time!

    When the AIDS virus evolves into different strains, a prediction of evolution has been tested and proven true.

    Every time a fossil is unearthed, evolution is tested. If we consistently find fossils out of order, then evolution is making bad predictions and is falsified. So far, evolution is on solid ground.

    Evolution was nearly falsified before it got off the ground in Darwin's day. Physicists had calculated that the earth was much too young for the age the Theory of Evolution predicted it must be. Evolution won that round when the calculations were found in error.

    To say the theory of evolution is not testable is a crock! It makes solid predictions - predictions that have shown to be correct. What prediction does Creation make? None - it is not testable. There is the difference.


  • rem


    Something like this would falsify Evolution:

    Age of Earth 4.3 Billion Years

    many trees, bacteria, horses, humans (present)
    more trees, bacteria, horses, humans (dated 4 million years ago)
    few trees, bacteria, horses, humans (dated 4 billion years ago)

    The relative number of fossils is really irrelevant.

    The main test of evolution, though, is it's predictive force. Evolution predicts that bacteria will evolve into resistant strains because mathematically that is what has to happen. Creation theory does not predict this because it doesn't have to happen for Creation to remain true.

    Any intellectually honest person will by now recognize that Evolution and Creation are worlds apart when it comes to the issue of falsifiability.


  • hooberus
    Every time a fossil is unearthed, evolution is tested. If we consistently find fossils out of order, then evolution is making bad predictions and is falsified. So far, evolution is on solid ground.

    "out of order" fossils do not falsify evolution. Fossils found in the wrong strata can be said by evoltionists to not really have been original to the strata by invoking things such as: "intrusive burials"; "stratagraphic leaks"; "re-worked specimens" etc. Even if it must be admited that the fossil was buried at the same time as the age of the surrounding strata evolution would not be falsified.

  • hooberus

    Something like this would falsify Evolution:

    Age of Earth 4.3 Billion Years

    many trees, bacteria, horses, humans (present)
    more trees, bacteria, horses, humans (dated 4 million years ago)
    few trees, bacteria, horses, humans (dated 4 billion years ago)

    The relative number of fossils is really irrelevant.

    A fossil record such as the above would not falsify evolution. It would still be said that trees, bacteria, horses, and humans, sharred a common ancestor. The above fossil record would be expalined as a result of a process whereby evolution occurred and was recorded in previous sediments. Later on (after the basic types had reached some form of stasis), the previous sediments were erorded and replaced by the extant ones which contain the fossils as seen above.

    The main test of evolution, though, is it's predictive force. Evolution predicts that bacteria will evolve into resistant strains because mathematically that is what has to happen. Creation theory does not predict this because it doesn't have to happen for Creation to remain true.

    Perhaps some time we could look at the various predictions of evolution to see how many of them really came true. However, the issue now is that of falsifiablity.

  • Abaddon


    Ah, the oft? encountered belligerent attitude of scientific elitism is alive and well, I see!

    As you are belligerent theist yourself I fail to see what this comment hopes to achieve, unless you actual want to seem hypocritical, in which case, way-to-go-Love_T!! Wooo!

    As for elitism, once again I find people?s attitude toward knowledge depressing. If someone is a craftsman and can make beautiful cabinets, most people would regard someone who continually displays no knowledge about cabinetry constantly telling the craftsman ?ah, you?re wrong see?, and never bothering to actually pick up a piece of wood themselves, as displaying nothing more than idiotic arrogance. Somehow if someone studies and knows things it is quite acceptable for someone who continually displays no knowledge about the subject and never really bothers to learn about it themselves to constantly say ?ah, you?re wrong see?, and if the person who actually knows about the subjects suggests the other party had best learn something they are accused of elitism.

    What rubbish.

    "For the invisible things of him [God] from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,...so that they are without excuse" (Rom 1:20). God has provided to humble observers of the universe ample evidence for His existence, evidence available in every culture and time in history. Thus there is no excuse for rejecting the witness of creation. No wonder the psalms twice declare bluntly, "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God" (Ps 14:1; 53:1).

    Oh god, this is going to be like having a debate with a personified issue of the Watchtower? yes, and the dog returns to its vomit, as the idea of a Universe without god is so scary that any amount of cognitive dissonance is preferable to accepting that you have sole total and absolute responsibility for how you live your life and what meaning your life has, and that no mythic sky man will kiss it better...

    Rebut my arguments, stop grandstanding, the only person you could possibly impress is yourself and that would mean you have low standards.

    Oh, hang on a minute, have you forgotten about all that information you posted as proof of god that wasn?t? You must have, as instead of addressing its weaknesses and responding to my argument, you are giving a speech which re-hashes much ground already covered. Are you admitting you post inaccurate information? Why else would you fail to defend it?

    You argue against God?s existence using ?Occam?s Razor?, yet by that same measure God?s CREATION is the simplest (and most believable) explanation.

    Let?s examine the explanations for the following items. Creation explains them very well. Atheistic theories not so well.

    Careful with Occam's Razor Loves_Truth, it's sharp; you are saying complexity CANNOT occur WITHOUT a designer AND arguing that complexity CAN take place WITHOUT a designer; you risk cutting your own throat... whilst shaving... that's a rare talent...

    Something from nothing. The universe?s mass, whether you believe the big bang theory or not, had to come from somewhere. There are no plausible explanations for how this matter came into being as an atheist. That God created these things is the only plausible explanation.

    Assertion. At this rate I?ll just not bother, I thought we?d got to the point where we could have a sensible discussion. As for ?plausible explanations?, are you saying you have no knowledge about the theories that exist in that regard? I assume you will either withdraw the comment or show where you feel current theories lack plausibility.

    The appearance of Life itself & Did life begin as simple, single-celled organisms that ?evolved? into increasingly more complex organisms?

    "Each cell in the human body contains more information than in all thirty volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica. It?s certainly reasonable to make the inference that this isn?t the random product of unguided nature, but it?s the unmistakable sign of an Intelligent Designer. - Walter L. Bradley, The Mystery of Life?s Origin

    Logical flaw. Insists complexity requires design yet fails to provide an explanation for the designer. Requires presupposition of god not requiring a beginning. And, once again, you?re using someone with no formal education in the biological sciences;


    Dr. Bradley received his B.S. in Engineering Science and his Ph.D. in Materials science, both from the University of Texas at Austin. he taught for eight years as an Assistant/Associate professor of Metallurgical Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines before assuming his current position at a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University in 1976. Dr. Bradley is the Director of the Polymer Science and Engineering Program at Texas A&M University, is Materials Thrust Area Leader for Texas A&M University's Offshore Technology NSF Research Center, and has served as Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University, a department of 67 faculty members.

    So, going to a carpenter next time you have toothache? Or are you simply selecting him because of his argument, rather than the validity of his argument and his expertise in the subject?

    Biochemist Michael Behe (Darwin?s Black Box) says that modern science has made the Darwinian explanation of the origin of complex life forms much less believable than it was in Darwin's day. In the 19th century, it was believed that a cell was just "a homogeneous globule of protoplasm." They did not know about DNA or the complex processes that go on inside a cell.
    The book's central thesis is that many biological systems are "irreducibly complex" at the molecular level. Behe gives the following definition of irreducible complexity:

    (1) a flat wooden platform to act as a base
    (2) a metal hammer, which does the actual job of crushing the little mouse
    (3) a spring with extended ends to press against the platform and
    the hammer when the trap is charged
    (4) a sensitive catch that releases when slight pressure is applied holds the
    hammer back when the trap is
    (5) a metal bar that connects to the catch and charged (there are also
    assorted staples to hold the system together)
    Behe then continues with his logic as to why this system is "irreducibly complex":

    "Which part could be missing and still allow you to catch a mouse? If the wooden base were gone, there would be no platform for attaching the other components. If the hammer were gone, the mouse could dance all night on the platform without becoming pinned to the wooden base. If there were no spring, the hammer and platform would jangle loosely, and again the rodent would be unimpeded. If there were no catch or metal holding bar, then the spring would snap the hammer shut as soon as you let go of it... A mousetrap cannot ?evolve? slowly, bit by bit. All of the parts must be in place at the same time. The same with such things as DNA."

    Do you actually look for refutations of material you have seem to assume are flawless and infallible? It will save time:


    Suppose you challenge me to show that a standard mousetrap is not irreducibly complex. You hand me all of the parts listed above. I am to set up a functional mousetrap which at least mostly resembles the standard one, except I hand you back one piece. Can it be done?
    Yep. The wooden base can be discarded. Where do you put a mousetrap? On the floor. What if I assemble the mousetrap by pounding the staples into the floor? Would I have a fully functional mousetrap?

    Of course I would. Would it be just as useful? Nope -- there is actually a selective advantage to having a typical mousetrap, rather than a kit. Not only do I have to assemble the mousetrap, but I can't put it on a stone or concrete floor, or a very irregular floor or a very soft one (such as soil). It's a nuisance to put behind or under appliances & furniture. I can kiss my security deposit goodbye.
    Clearly it is inferior. But just as clearly, it is functional!

    This neatly illustrates the problem of "irreducible complexity". It is simply a claim. Only as good as the logic and facts used to generate the claim.

    When the above was posted to talk.origins, Behe replied

    That's an interesting reply, but you've just substituted another wooden base for the one you were given. The trap still can't function without a base.

    Which completely misses the point. The base-free mousetrap still functions; it simply uses a component of its natural environment in its workings.

    Behe goes on to say:

    Furthermore, you were essentially given a disassembled mousetrap, which you then assembled. All of the parts were preadapted to each other by an intelligent agent. The point that has to be addressed is, how do you start with *no* pieces (at least none specifically designed to be part of a mousetrap), and proceed to a functioning, irreducibly complex trap.

    Which exposes a general problem with "irreducible complexity" -- it is a "God of the Gaps" explanation. Each time we show that a supposedly "irreducibly complex" system is not, by removing one part, a supporter can claim that our new system is now "irreducibly complex". Any similarity to Zeno's Paradox is surely accidental.

    There is not even the remotest chance that life could spontaneously generate itself, in practical terms:


    Now this gets fun; in the above link we see the level of intellectual honesty displayed by many Creationist resources on the Internet.

    Here?s a comment about the website you are endorsing as a source of accurate information;


    The thrust of the article you cite is that mathematicians have proven that random chance cannot account for evolution. But biologists have known this since Darwin. Evolution is not based on chance alone; it also includes selection.

    The article also insinuates that biologists ignore mathematics. Nothing could be further from the truth. Mathematics is essential in modern biology. Fields from population dynamics to genetic analysis would be virtually impossible without highly advanced mathematics. I would hazard a guess that many biologists know more mathematics than some of the mathematicians in the article.
    To illustrate the overall accuracy of the webpage, I will quote just one example. The article says, eorge Wald stood up and explained that he had done extensive research on hemoglobin also,?and discovered that if just ONE mutational change of any kind was made in it, the hemoglobin would not function properly.

    I did a little research on the NCBI website and found several variants of the human alpha hemoglobin that, by virtue of the fact that they were found in living humans, still function. I also see that human hemoglobin differs from that of other apes and monkeys by anywhere from two to eight amino acids, and from a bat (Myotis velifer) in twelve. Obviously, changes are viable.

    [To see these results from yourself, go to the BLAST page, choose "Standard protein-protein BLAST", and plug in the human hemoglobin alpha sequence (below) in the search window:

    mvlspadktn vkaawgkvga hageygaeal ermflsfptt ktyfphfdls hgsaqvkghg kkvadaltna vahvddmpna lsalsdlhah klrvdpvnfk llshcllvtl aahlpaeftp avhasldkfl asvstvltsk yr ]

    I suggest you review the following links and think long and hard about why supposed Christians find it necessary to distort facts to defend what they see as the truth.





    This again makes the erroneous assertions the first pathlights URL makes.

    http://www.wiebefamily.org/e.htm Item #4.

    Oh, you?ll wish you?d read ALL of that page!

    the fact of creation, which fact has been well established since the day the earth was created ex nihilo several thousand years ago.

    So, does your use of a website supporting YEC chronologies imply that you agree with them, or are you merely clutching at any straws you can to defend your argument?

    As for item 4 itself, Life from non-life: Spontaneous Biogenesis?, I suggest you read the article Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Probability of Abiogenesis Calculations here;


    ? it may give you the background knowledge that will enable you to select your references with greater care.

    More here:


    The physical laws that make life as we know it possible on earth, and nowhere else.

    At the bottom of the Atlantic in absolute dark, marooned by a sea of cold, there are wells of life based on totally different chemistry. No doubt if they could speculate about their origins they would say ?wow, look, we must be created, as if conditions were any different we could not possibly exist?.

    Of course, it would have been nice if you?d had the courtesy to read the link on the anthropic principle I provided, as you then might not have made such a refutable assertion.

    The complexities of the human (or animal) body.

    The incredible differences between humans and mammals:

    More speechifying; you?re yet to defend one argument you?ve presented that has subsequently been refuted by me, rem or drwtsn32. I think that would be more impressive than flapping your gums making assertions.


    Actually, animals have logic in the way you?d expect them to have logic, species by species. Examples are available.


    Instinct and enculturation. Anyone who?s seen their dog edge guiltily towards food it knows it is not allowed can see that even animals have ?conscience?. It?s a useful instinct; if an animal doesn?t know what is allowed, it will frequently get into trouble with more dominant animals in a group. Thus an animal that knew what was acceptable behaviour and what was not (conscience) would fare better than one that didn?t. We can make dogs feel guilty about sitting on certain chairs; they may well do it when you?re not there, but walk into the room and they get off before you say a word. This is enculturation.


    Prove dolphins don?t believe in god, or stop this tiresome list of assertions that don?t prove anything and get on with a proper argument.

    Conscious planning, not instinct

    I suggest you acquaint yourself with behavioural studies of animals. Primates would do for a start. Of course, if you did that you?d know you were wrong, and that conscious planning is not uniquely human.

    Incredible intelligence in humans, compared to mammals.

    This is true, but is it proof of creation? MORE assertions.

    Humans have sex for pleasure, animals not so (Pigs (possibly) on occasion, but not regularly like humans).

    Look, Loves_Truth, my education is evenly spread round education, literature and the sciences. However, I?ve specialised beyond my degree in areas that interest me. Sexual behaviour is one, mostly of humans, but I know enough about the great apes to be getting along with. You obviously don?t. Try a search string like ?bonobo sex?. You?ll also find dolphins have sex for pleasure too.
    And the gaping holes in the fossil record, with no proof of one species becoming another,

    For a start speciation is observed in the wild today. I can give you examples. You don?t know about them as the web-sites you get your information from are biased, and don?t want the people viewing information there to know, for example, that speciation has been observed in places as mundane as a freaking train station car park? does this remind you of any other group of people who will select information to preserve a doctrine rather than adjust a doctrine to fit the available evidence?

    only serve to make the theory of evolution outright laughable. It is jumping to a conclusion in spite of the evidence, not because of the evidence. http://www.pathlights.com/ce_encyclopedia/09nsel01.htm

    Boy that site sucks. But, hey, you just make my morning Expresso-Choc routine easier by your poor choice of sources. Here is a great quote from the page;

    The Evolutionary Theory of "Natural Selection" - Plants and animals regularly change themselves, by accident, into new species

    Any well-educated high-school student should be able to to point out the false assertion in the above quote regarding the process of natural selection. If you believe giving false definitions in order to disprove them is honest, then you?ve found a new home page.

    The website basically continues to lie, or alternatively is written by people who have no knowledge of what they have made assertions of. I don?t know if you?re honest enough with yourself to see the pattern here, but fortunately at least some of those reading this will be.

    Always within the same species. All the offspring produced in the plant and animal kingdom remain in the same species. The production of new creatures never occurs.

    This is a lie, please acquaint yourself with the facts here;


    More lies from pathlights;

    Entirely random. Not only is natural selection supposed to have produced everything, the process is said to be entirely random!

    This is quite simply another example of Creationist defining evolution either deliberately intent to deceive or with massive ignorance. Can you define evolution for me Loves_Websites_That_Support_His_Arguement_But_Dosn?_Realise_They_distort_Facts_Or_Lie? I have asked you before but you didn?t answer; can you see why I asked now?

    Your next chunk of post is made up of quotes. You will hopefully have had the courtesy to read the above links that pertain to the deceptive practices of Creationist as regards quotation, here?s a good example;

    "Evolution is unproved and unprovable." - Sir Arthur Keith, author of the foreword to the 100th edition of Origin of the Species.

    Under Quote#81 at http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/quotes/mine/part1-4.html you will find the following comment about this quote;

    The quote that is attributed to Sir Arthur Keith is a figment of the creationists imagination. I researched that quote a month or two ago and could not find a trace of it. No library in the Atlanta metro area has this particular edition and neither Amazon nor Barnes and Noble has this edition. I am in nine newsgroups and no one in these NGs had a copy or had ever seen one. A search of the internet showed many references for this quote but every one of them was from a creationist site. It is also amazing because that Sir Arthur died in 1955 and the 100th anniversary edition would not have been issued until 1959. Tell me, did "God" write this for Sir Arthur from heaven?

    Once again, clear proof of Christians lying to support their Creationist beliefs, or being so eager to clutch at anything which supports their argument they fail to check it for accuracy. If the Boreans did it, why are Creationistsso bone-idle and indolent? Oh, and this is exactly the sort of evidence that I provided Professor Jerry Bergman when he complained that Creationistshave an unfair reputation!He has yet to provide any explanation, refutation, or admission of error regarding his claims of unfairness? just like you have failed to explain the sites I have thus far shown to be ignorant or wilfully deceptive.

    As for dating methods, K/AR especially, if we observe present processes, and make the assumption that they have been going on at the same rate since they started, we generally come to the conclusion that the Earth age as currently believed is questionable. Why? Some of the processes that have been studied that give younger ages for the Earth are continental erosion, sea floor sediments,

    Those are particularly wonderfully stupid pieces of Creationistic bollocks; here?s the refutation;


    salinity of the oceans,

    Please cite some source of this claim so I can examine it

    helium in the atmosphere,

    Here?s the refutation;


    carbon 14 in the atmosphere



    and decay of the Earth's magnetic field



    I should point out that whether you realise it or not you are now making YEC arguments?

    The presumed ages for the Earth come primarily from the ages of rocks, which are dated by the presumed ages of the fossils in them. Radioactive measurements of rocks are based on assumptions that were chosen to make the radioactive measurements agree with the presumed ages of the fossils.
    The eruption of Mount St. Helens produced many feet of stratified rocks which look millions of years old, but were produced in days or hours. Radioactive measurement of these rocks show them to be millions of years old too. But we know they were formed in 1980 because scientists saw them formed.



    I think I have now illusrated that my suggestion you take a test to determine whether you were competent to have a discussion about evolution was entirely reasonable, as you have demonstrated that EVERY single thing you claim to be proof of evolution?s error et. al. is either a misunderstanding, a display of ignorance, or even a lie, and that as you don?t know anything about the subject you are incapable of determining this and make no attempt to verify the accuracy of your sources before posting them.

    I think I?ve also shown that you either don?t read the links I post or don?t understand them, whereas I have shown the willingness to go over large amounts of risible ?scientific? information that Creationistssay supports Creationism and give you a blow-by-blow analysis of the arguments.

    Then, we can pick on the absolutely laughable, moronic explanations, or lack thereof, for how such peculiarities as the Platypus,

    Here?s a whole article for you to ignore;


    the Elephant,

    Here?s the record of transitional fossils ? you know the ones most Creationists are too ignorant to even know exist?


    ? Minchenella or a similar condylarth (late Paleocene) -- Known only from lower jaws. Has a distinctive broadened shelf on the third molar. The most plausible ancestor of the embrithopods & anthracobunids.
    ? Phenacolophus (late Paleocene or early Eocene) -- An early embrithopod (very early, slightly elephant-like condylarths), thought to be the stem-group of all elephants.
    ? Pilgrimella (early Eocene) -- An anthracobunid (early proto-elephant condylarth), with massive molar cusps aligned in two transverse ridges.
    ? Unnamed species of proto-elephant (early Eocene) -- Discovered recently in Algeria. Had slightly enlarged upper incisors (the beginnings of tusks), and various tooth reductions. Still had "normal" molars instead of the strange multi-layered molars of modern elephants. Had the high forehead and pneumatized skull bones of later elephants, and was clearly a heavy-boned, slow animal. Only one meter tall.
    ? Moeritherium, Numidotherium, Barytherium (early-mid Eocene) -- A group of three similar very early elephants. It is unclear which of the three came first. Pig-sized with stout legs, broad spreading feet and flat hooves. Elephantish face with the eye set far forward & a very deep jaw. Second incisors enlarged into short tusks, in upper and lower jaws; little first incisors still present; loss of some teeth. No trunk.
    ? Paleomastodon, Phiomia (early Oligocene) -- The first "mastodonts", a medium-sized animals with a trunk, long lower jaws, and short upper and lower tusks. Lost first incisors and canines. Molars still have heavy rounded cusps, with enamel bands becoming irregular. Phiomia was up to eight feet tall.
    GAP: Here's that Oligocene gap again. No elephant fossils at all for several million years.
    ? Gomphotherium (early Miocene) -- Basically a large edition of Phiomia, with tooth enamel bands becoming very irregular. Two long rows cusps on teeth became cross- crests when worn down. Gave rise to several families of elephant- relatives that spread all over the world. From here on the elephant lineages are known to the species level.
    ? The mastodon lineage split off here, becoming more adapted to a forest browser niche, and going through Miomastodon (Miocene) and Pliomastodon (Pliocene), to Mastodon (or "Mammut", Pleistocene).
    Meanwhile, the elephant lineage became still larger, adapting to a savannah/steppe grazer niche:
    ? Stegotetrabelodon (late Miocene) -- One of the first of the "true" elephants, but still had two long rows of cross-crests, functional premolars, and lower tusks. Other early Miocene genera show compression of the molar cusps into plates (a modern feature ), with exactly as many plates as there were cusps. Molars start erupting from front to back, actually moving forward in the jaw throughout life.
    ? Primelephas (latest Miocene) -- Short lower jaw makes it look like an elephant now. Reduction & loss of premolars. Very numerous plates on the molars, now; we're now at the modern elephants' bizarre system of one enormous multi-layered molar being functional at a time, moving forward in the jaw.
    ? Primelephas gomphotheroides (mid-Pliocene) -- A later species that split into three lineages, Loxodonta, Elephas, and Mammuthus:
    1. Loxodonta adaurora (5 Ma). Gave rise to the modern African elephant Loxodonta africana about 3.5 Ma.
    2. Elephas ekorensis (5 Ma), an early Asian elephant with rather primitive molars, clearly derived directly from P. gomphotheroides. Led directly to:
     Elephas recki, which sent off one side branch, E. hydrusicus, at 3.8 Ma, and then continued changing on its own until it became E. iolensis.
     Elephas maximus, the modern Asian elephant, clearly derived from
     E. hysudricus. Strikingly similar to young E. hysudricus animals. Possibly a case of neoteny (in which "new" traits are simply juvenile features retained into adulthood).
    3. Mammuthus meridionalis, clearly derived from P. gomphotheroides. Spread around the northern hemisphere. In Europe, led to M. armeniacus/trogontherii, and then to M. primigenius. In North America, led to M. imperator and then M. columbi.
    The Pleistocene record for elephants is very good. In general, after the earliest forms of the three modern genera appeared, they show very smooth, continuous evolution with almost half of the speciation events preserved in fossils. For instance, Carroll (1988) says: "Within the genus Elephas, species demonstrate continuous change over a period of 4.5 million years. ...the elephants provide excellent evidence of significant morphological change within species, through species within genera, and through genera within a family...."
    Species-species transitions among the elephants:
    ? Maglio (1973) studied Pleistocene elephants closely. Overall, Maglio showed that at least 7 of the 17 Quaternary elephant species arose through smooth anagenesis transitions from their ancestors. For example, he said that Elephas recki "can be traced through a progressive series of stages...These stages pass almost imperceptibly into each other....In the late Pleistocene a more progressive elephant appears which I retain as a distinct species, E. iolensis, only as a matter of convenience. Although as a group, material referred to E. iolensis is distinct from that of E. recki, some intermediate specimens are known, and E. iolensis seems to represent a very progressive, terminal stage in the E. recki specific lineage."
    ? Maglio also documented very smooth transitions between three Eurasian mammoth species: Mammuthus meridionalis --> M. armeniacus (or M. trogontherii) --> M. primigenius.
    ? Lister (1993) reanalyzed mammoth teeth and confirmed Maglio's scheme of gradual evolution in European mammoths, and found evidence for gradual transitions in the North American mammoths too.
    the Giraffe,

    Oh god, that old one; look at a wolf, then at a toy poodle. There is more variation there than in modern giraffes and their ancestors? oh, yeah, link;


    etc ?evolved?. Was this ?survival of the fittest? What purpose did it serve? Are there any fossils that show intermediate life forms? Of course not.

    Another lie or display of ignorance;


    Evolution is a frikkin? ?Fairy Tale for Adults?!!


    Above links already address the information on this page.

    And what of archaeopteryx? http://www.pathlights.com/ce_encyclopedia/20hist07.htm



    The possibility that a pile of sand or a mud puddle could make any living creature is totally remote. It just could not happen.

    This assertion is dealt with by a link previously supplied.

    The truth is that something totally impossible can never happen.

    That is the only thing you?ve claimed in your whole post that I will not take issue with. Of course, out ideas of impossible are different.

    If a book is thrown into the air, it will never change into a live pigeon, never, not in a quadrillion years!

    Utterly childish, ludicrous argument; keep it up Loves_Truth, you could be a Creationist with your very own web site!! For someone who gets all snitty when presented with a fallacious argument you deal 'em out left, right and centre.

    The evolutionary error is that, if something is totally impossible, it will eventually happen, if given enough time. Accepting such an error is self-deception in the extreme.

    As this is not anything like the theory of evolution, it seems wither you are ignorant of evolution (well, you?ve displayed that to an extent and breadth I could never have done, so thanks!), or you are the one guilty of self-deception.

    Wysong explains why evolution is totally impossible:
    "1 / 1089190 DNA molecules, on the average, must form to provide the one chance of forming the specific DNA sequence necessary to code the 124 proteins. 1089190 DNAs would weigh 1089147 times more than the earth."?p. 20.
    DNA is different in each species. Although it is utterly impossible for DNA to be formed by chance for even one species, the DNA codes for each species is different from another! This only multiplies the odds against all the living creatures in the world having been formed by chance!

    Previous links deal with this.

    Talk about tearing a belief system to shreds!!

    Still no defence of previous links you?ve presented, so I guess you concede that they are erroneous? Of course, it?s easy throwing more links rather than trying to defend what, only a day or two ago, you thought were good counter-arguments against evolution, but today I?ve had the patience to wade through the information you?ve provided and rebut it all.

    I have taken you seriously, I have read what you?ve posted, I have gone to the links you?ve provided, I have researched the inromation you?ve presented and I have responded.

    If you do not deal with the errors and distortions, intentional or otherwise, of the sources you are claiming refute evolution, I see no reason why I should waste further time discussing this topic with you, as by your own actions you will show you are not genuinely engaged in this discussion.

    P.S.- Some more interesting stuff: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=27686

    Use your noggin Loves_Truth; don?t you think they?d be more information available about this find after two years? Let?s see whether you can follow the story (which incidentally in no way disproves evolution).

    If you are just going to post websites that contain intentional or unintentional lies to support your beliefs, I am quite happy to leave it there; EVERY piece of evidence you have produced to prove god or disprove evolution has shown to be in error in some way.

    As I see it, the ball's in your court; I have no intention of repeating this exercise until you defend that material, or acknowledge its error, so we can we move on in the debate.

  • Abaddon


    request answer to above question before responding

    What above question?

    And as you and Jerry have failed to deal with any of the examples I have given in the past (and will, I am sad to say, probably fail to deal with the examples I gave today) of ignorance or deciet on Creationist websites, and as you have failed to provide any refutation for the dendrochronological evidence refuting any possibility of the Biblical Flood taking place in the manner and at the time described in the Bible (although I'm sure you said you would), I don't think you're in a position to demand much.

    • true chimaeras; i.e. organisms which combined parts from several different and diverse lineages (such as mermaids and centaurs);

    An evolutionary theory could still be held if creatures such as these were found. It could be said that mermaids and centars both sharred a common ancestor which had a human torso, and that the mermaids tail, and the centars body were derived characteristics. Convergence could also be invoked to expalin the similarites between mermaids tails and fish etc. Convergence could also be invoked to explain genetic similarities, however even the finding of a true chimera that evolutionists believe was created would not falsify the evolution of all the other known animals, it would be "proof of their likely evolution." If the only proven product of creation (the Chimera) is the only being that cannot be fit into a nested hierarchy, then the other animals (which are in the hierarchy) are likely the products of evolution.

    Hello, meet Mr. Genetics. He will tell you that 'true chimaeras' means , for example, a centaur with horse DNA in it's arse and human DNA in its head; thus the second part of the sentence 'which combined parts from several different and diverse lineages'.

    • a mechanism that would prevent mutations from accumulating;

    If such a mechanism were found it would not falsify evolution. since "evolution is a fact; the mechanisms that drive evolution are theory." Thus such a mechanism would not falsify evolution, since according to evolutionists, evolution is not falsifiable by mechanism (though individual meachanisms may be).

    Great to see how you are willing to dive right in their and distort a quote, and not even attribute it either.

    A mechanism that would prevent mutations from accumulating would not falsify evolution, but only evolutionary mechanisms that require the accumulation of mutations above a certain amount. "Evolution is a fact the mechanisms that drive evolution are theory." Evolution does not need a known mechanism to survive. Even if all known proposed mechanisms for evolution were shown to be unable to work evolution would still survive. Here is an example: It is a fact that the earth is round even if all proposed mechanisms for the formation of a round earth are shown not be true the fact of the round earth would still be true. The problem would not be with the round earth, but with our ability to conceive a mechanism. Evolution can survive even with no known mechanism.

    Could you stop pissing around and get on with showing how THE THEORY of evolution is not falsifiable? You contend it is not falsifiable, I (and many others) say it is. Part of the theory of evoltion is change due to mutation, thus the assertion, which you have not even addressed, that if there was a mechanism that stopped mutation evoltuion would be falisifiable. Clear?

    • observations of organisms being created.

    This is a draconian test,

    You mean just like Creationists claiming evolution is false as we don't see speciation every day (despite the fact this is EXACTLY what the theory of evolution and all the evidence supporting it indicates predicts)? Diddums; proving your fairy tale too hard? If I sound flippant and disrespectful, it's because of your failure to back up past statements or admit to your past errors; you have no credibility hooberus, sorry, and that is your own work...


    Let?s face it: neither creation nor evolution is testable, in the sense of being observable experimentally.

    Wrong, and I've already shown this to be wrong, and can give further examples of it being wrong if you continue to refuse to learn about the subject.

  • hooberus
    Great to see how you are willing to dive right in their and distort a quote, and not even attribute it either.

    The quote is from myself. I was simply paraphrasing a common phrase used by evolutionists.

  • hooberus
    Hello, meet Mr. Genetics. He will tell you that 'true chimaeras' means , for example, a centaur with horse DNA in it's arse and human DNA in its head; thus the second part of the sentence 'which combined parts from several different and diverse lineages'.

    Evolutionists could still claim that the creature evolved by proposing things such as horizontal (sexual) transfer in the past, high level genotypic convergence, recent common ancestor between humans, centaurs and horses (with various propsed branching patterns), directed evolution, or simply say that "just because we don't know doesn't mean that God did it," etc.

    Even if they were forced to admit that the chimera creature did not evolve (doubtful) they could still claim that the rest of the animals were the product of evolution. In fact I think that evolutionists would be delighted to find a creature such as a true centaur (How would the bible explain this?).

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