God does exist...

by czarofmischief 348 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    In the heartland, I'm known as "Baal of Peoria"

    (hey, it made sense before Xena's edit. Or as much sense as anything I say, lol)

  • Love_Truth


    A legend in his own mind?

    I daresay no human has ever endured and overcome more than this man to stay alive; it's truely unbelievable.

    Bullshit. You apparently know nothing from experience of difficulty in overcoming the odds. You read a book or saw movie that touched you, therefore, you are an authority? Nonsense. What an arrogant, pathetic point of view. You're either a real kidder or you're dumb as dirt and arrogant to boot. I pray the former.

    When you are on your deathbed, or in dire straits, remember this conversation, and you'll need this as well:



  • Xena

    What edit sixy????

    Love_Truth if there is a God I am willing to bet he/she/it cringes everytime you open your mouth....because you do him/her/it such a disservice.

  • Love_Truth


    In what way do I do God a disservice? This should be good.

    Love_Truth- All ears.

  • Xena

    re-read your posts with an objective eye....

    then read LT's

    lol if you don't understand after that, you never will....

  • Love_Truth


    Thank you for proving you believe God exists.

    That you believe you speak for Him speaks volumes about your belief.



  • Xena

    lol I have never stated I don't believe he exists....I am agnostic....I hope

    however I never said I spoke for him (unlike you appear to be doing in some of your posts) I said I would BET he would feel a certain way. Reading comprehension slip a bit there Love??

    Thought so...ta

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Self-righteous, table for one.

  • SixofNine
    Bullshit. You apparently know nothing from experience of difficulty in overcoming the odds. You read a book or saw movie that touched you, therefore, you are an authority?

    Actually, yes, I know from where I speak. If you informed yourself about this story, I don't think you'd be mocking me or this man's experience, you pissant little bitch.

  • Love_Truth


    Bullshit. You apparently know nothing from experience of difficulty in overcoming the odds. You read a book or saw movie that touched you, therefore, you are an authority?

    Actually, yes, I know from where I speak. If you informed yourself of this story, I don't think you'd be mocking me, you pissant little bitch.

    Know from where you speak? Your mouth? Or Cote D'Ivoire, shrimp? Or your real home perhaps? Don't tell me about overcoming difficulty, Little Lord Fauntleroy. I'll probably see the movie, and I'll be able to relate to it, rather than see it as some sort of faith destroying excuse and God bashing tripe like you did.

    As far as mocking goes, what's good for the gander is good for the goose, eh? As for "pissant little bitch", I'd love to see you say that to my face, midget.

    Get ready to eat crow, one way or another.

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