God does exist...

by czarofmischief 348 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    I'm not your judge. I have no reason to doubt that you love Christ, which makes you a Christian in my book.
    That doesn't mean I have to like the way you portray the Christian faith, though.

    You are also welcome to your viewpoint. It's just the way that you express it, in such an abrupt and offensive manner, that I take issue with.

    Folks are already bringing into question whether or not you are a troll, and using the abbreviation LT.
    Now, I don't believe you are a troll (though you have certainly stirred up the waters, around here), but I do take exception to that kind of mistaken identity.


    God will absolutely, undeniably, without a doubt,......REVEAL himself someday......but you DO NOT KNOW when, or if it will be on a personal level, or in some OTHER way.

    I sometimes wonder if this wasn't just a personal thing, rather than an historical event.
    But I'm like that - I wonder about stufff...

  • drwtsn32

    Hypothetically speaking, if I was going to invent a religion, invent a deity, and write a holy book for this religion, I too would define this deity as being invisible, untestable, and demand that my followers simply have "faith."

    It amuses me when religious people claim science is "faith." Nothing could be further from the truth.

  • LittleToe

    I used to use that specious reasoning about atheists, too. I don't now.

    Pat (a light-hearted and really, imho, a sweet non-religious person!)

    Having met you, I'd have to agree

    I agree with you about "Faith" being the key. However there are so many misunderstandings about what it actually is.
    I tried to start a thread on it, recently, but sadly it didn't get all that far.

  • LittleToe

    Agreed, on both points.

    However, on another level, "believers" are often talking about something that triggered that response in them. An epiphany. It's rarely just blind belief.

  • drwtsn32
    that I believe (have faith) that there is no god.

    There is definitely no way to prove God does not exist. So does that mean atheism is a faith-based belief? I don't really think so.

    If someone were to claim that purple 4th dimensional goats are responsible for the "missing sock in the dryer" phenomenon, would it require "faith" to not believe this? We do not have the capability to prove 4th dimensional beings don't exist.

  • LittleToe

    That's "belief", not faith IMHO
    Btw - where the heck do the socks go? I've got three odd pairs, in the last six months.

  • gumby

    I can actually pull my shorts down, bend over, take a deep breath, and push REAL HARD, and I can blow hot air out of my fanny and jet propulse myself into the sky and fly around for about and hour.

    If you have faith I can do this.....then your faith is strong.

    Why should I believe in the bible stories anymore than you should believe in my jet-powered butt story? Neither of us can prove the other wrong. The butt story is no more of a miracle than the bible stories....yet we SHOULD by all means believe it, or perish with the rest of evil mankind.


  • LittleToe

    IMHO that's still belief, and not "faith".

    Btw, in Brit-speak, a fanny is something that girls have, not boys
    Yer not just a b*st*rd, but a perverted one, at that!!!!


  • shotgun

    Thanks Lord Gumby:

    I can actually pull my shorts down, bend over, take a deep breath, and push REAL HARD, and I can blow hot air out of my fanny and jet propulse myself into the sky and fly around for about and hour.

    Gumby is telling the truth...it's the truth because I feel it is...I have faith in that big asshole of his...He performs miracles with it...why just the other day he aimed a fart at the ground and hit me right in the nose....incrediblably he can even shoot around corners and penetrate thin walls with his miracle ass...

  • LittleToe

    The sad thing is, I can easily believe you, based on anecdotal evidence alone

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