Our Women are spoiled ... and it's our fault!

by Maverick 92 Replies latest social relationships

  • Joyzabel

    "did promise to put up the down payment on a house for her as a graduation gift"

    ohhhhhhhhhh, an opening in the house!!!

    So.....ummmm.....when she moves out, her wing will be available???

    Yes Mac, take that silly sweet looking outfit back. I think I need to move in that newly vacant wing and try it out before you get all dolled up again. (But the red pumps sure looked cute with the Shirly Temple outfit)

    Ok, Mav, just PM me your addy. *packing the car*

  • Mac

    [email protected]'s ya doin'?


  • LyinEyes

    I can always see the humor in things, and since I am totally guilty of spoiling my kids,,,,,,,, I can sit back and wonder why I do it..LOL. But being so restricted by so many things,,,,,,,even as my kids were little,,,,, I kind of feel that I owe them so much for screwing their lives up too.

    So when they want money to go to football games, basketball games, school dances,skating, a tee shirt with the American Flag on it , celebrating b/d's etc. I am gonna do it. I feel I only have them for a short time to spoil them,,,,,,,,my oldest is 17 ,,,,,,,,just one more year and he could , doubt it thou, move out.

    I bet he would still come over with his hand out thou........hehe. I think he would be smart enough to just stay living at home and having all the benefits.......because we are not very restrictive on him .

    Now when the daughter comes of age,,,,,,,,,her dad will not let her get away with things the son has. But that's what daddy's do.........their daughters are to be protected.

    ( oh yeah Mac,,,,,,, I bet my red pumps are sexier than yours....... and well ,,,,,,,when we met in person we can compare leg waxings and shapely legs )

  • stillajwexelder

    Yeap, American women don't know how to treat a man.

    I disagree I think American Women are wonderful

  • simplesally

    Women are not spoiled.......

    they should be treated like the goddesses they are!!!

  • Elsewhere

    My favorite shirt???

    I don't know!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    You know, I am treated like a Goddess and I deserve it. My husband gives me everything I want, need, or desire. I have a hard time at Christmas telling him because I already have everything I need. If he just gave me food, shelter and a small income, I would be very happy because he gives me what I need most: and that is unconditional love. Nothing can replace that. When I was a Witness, everything was predicated on what you could do for the religion, whether you were in "good standing" or whatever. Everything was based on the religion. There was no human sympathy, empathy, or just plain old down home caring.

    In return, I give my husband support, loyalty, integrity, honesty, respect and love. He is one of the few: he is an upstanding male, and very conscious of his duties of love, caring, respect, and support of his wife. We both feed off each other. He is my best friend, and I am his. I love him very much, and he is the greatest person that I know. He spoils me because he feels I deserve it, and I likewise spoil him because he does such great things with my messed up past.

    I *do* deserve this, and I *do* deserve to be treated this way, because i offer it in return. Not monetarily, necessarily, but because we need each other.. and we like each other.. and he's SO COOL. I love him..


  • xenawarrior

    *draws her sword* now move the heck outta my way Joy, mac and elsewhere!!! And you too Dede !! I had dibs !! I called it !!

  • Sassy
    I disagree I think American Women are wonderful

    thank you Stilla..

    I must admit the comment about American Women hit a nerve with me.. even though I know that wasn't the intent. There was a guy I really really fell for when I was still in.. and he was divorced but not free.. he was really hitting on me and telling me if he was free he would have been interested.. Well when it came due that he was free, he had this song and dance about American Women and that because his ONE marriage, his ex didn't treat him well, he was through with American Women. It was totally unfair to judge all women on one.. really made me mad. He did end up marrying an aisan woman who was not from the states as it turned out too..

  • Joyzabel

    oh XW................ *thwack*

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