Our Women are spoiled ... and it's our fault!

by Maverick 92 Replies latest social relationships

  • Elsewhere

    lol @ mac

    ***Trips mac and shoves forward***

  • RubyTuesday

    If you had a son..would you have spoiled him?

    Spoiling anyone is doing them a huge injustice...for obvious reasons.

  • Joyzabel

    what do you mean "for obvious reasons"?

    *clawing my way back to the top of the heap*

  • LyinEyes

    Mac wears red pumps...........so he could be your daughter............

    Eleswhere,,,,,,,seriously,,,,,,,that is just sad what you had to deal with,,,,I try to be equal in what I do for my three kids. Plus they wouldnt have it any other way.....if someone gets the bigger piece of cheesecake, it is.........." you love so and so more". I can imagine how that made you feel .....darn I want to go out and buy you Polo shirt just for what you didnt get growing up. So what is your favorite name brand Eles?

  • LyinEyes

    I will say that growing up , I was a rich kid.....my dad had lotsssss of money. We had horses, the nice house, clothes etc.

    BUT..................my dad was raised dirt poor, and I do mean dirt floors kind of poor.......a gusty wind came by , there went their tin roof. He made himself into a money making fool........at the expense to what he used to be, before the money, and the expense of his time and attention to my mother , sis, and me.

    I got a brand new mustang for my graduation present , but I had to pay for half of it because of the cost.

    I worked for him , paycheck and all,,,since I was 13, even before, but was on the payroll then.

    I was expected, or ELES.........to clean the horsestalls twice a day, feed the horses twice a day, water them, yard work ( 5 acres) , clean the house, take care of my sister, and on and on.

    So even thou I had all the material things I wanted,,,,,,,I had to WORK for them all. Everything I got , was based on the physical work I did. Since my dad didnt have a son,,,,, I think he pushed me over the limit on my physical abilities....... I weighed 97 lbs, and he made me hold down a 1000 lb horse with a twitch while he groomed his mane, pick up bails of hay and fill the barn up .....things like that.

    I think I need to make my kids do some housework today.........lol.

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    Here in America we had the most spoiled females on the planet! American women run the show, guys we are toast!

    Yeah. Haven't looked at the statistics of wife abuse in the U.S. lately, have you?

    Haven't read the statistic that shows a woman who kills her abusive husband gets more jail time, on average, than a man with a record of wife abuse gets when he (finally) kills his wife.

    The statistics that show that when a woman finally gets the guts to leave an abusive husband, her life is more in danger than at any other time.

    Just because we don't enjoy being slaves and waiting on men hand and foot and being pathetically grateful you want us, we're spoiled brats?

    Being spoiled means not appreciating what others do for you. I'd say that is true of the men I've known more than the women. The women do most of the housework and almost every bit of the childcare and the men don't even notice.

    My friends who have lived in Europe say they'd never marry an American man, because American men are so spoiled and don't do their fair share around the house (all other things being equal). Guess it depends on your perspective, huh?

  • Mac
    ***Trips mac and shoves forward.***

    Hah!!........A temporary setback at worst...

    *Strategically uses this opportunity to don Shirley temple outfit*.....tosses a pout and after a heart melting rendition of "Goodship Lollipop"......the papers are as good as signed!!!


    OH, and Lyin'.. the fact that you continuely feel compelled to mention my red pumps leaves me no choice but to conclude that you are ever so jealous of these shapely gams of mine.....yes, the stair stepping has paid off and though I find the waxing a bit daunting I press forward.......cuz damnit, I'm worth it!!!

  • Maverick

    You guys are too much! This topic is irony folks...this is just a humorous look at what we fathers are doing to our kids. I was telling E-man that so many of the ex JW's are way too serious! Some of you got it....some of you need to LIGHTEN UP!!!!!

    Everything I wrote about my baby is true. I have done these things for her. But she pays for her gas and insurance and maintainance on her car. She buys her own books for college, and uses her own spending money for trips. I consider travel a form of education. She has, at times, held two jobs while going to college full time. She has several bank accounts and has learned how to manage her money. I am there to back her up and did promise to put up the down payment on a house for her as a graduation gift. Plus I will remodel it...cause that's what I do. She understands that if or when she sells the house the money I put up goes back to me and she can keep all the profit.

    Yes she's a spoiled brat who will give the male population at large a rough go, but as Pres. Bush says..."It's not going to be my problem!" Maverick

  • Mac

    Christ.....I hope I can get a refund at the costume place!!


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    OK, Mav, I'm guilty of not recognizing irony, but this is a topic which I find it difficult to make jokes about.

    Not that I don't know girls who I consider 'spoiled' (trust me, I have known more than a few), but I know many more women who have not been. It's just really sad. I will also say that it seems to always be the spoiled brats who get the spouses who will do anything for them. (I suppose because they will not put up with less, and the rest of us will)

    Your second description of your daughter sounds like you're raising a very level-headed, if somewhat priviledged (because of your financial success), young woman. My grandpa spoiled me pretty rotten, within his means (my grandparents were very poor people), but in return I never wanted to disappoint him. Same way with my dad. That's the best way to spoil kids of either sex.

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