Our Women are spoiled ... and it's our fault!

by Maverick 92 Replies latest social relationships

  • xenawarrior

    LMAO !!!!

    *slashes Joy's tires with my sword* Try going anywhere now in that car you have packed !!!

  • Princess
    fathers have spoiled their daughters and turned them into princess monsters

    Hey! I resemble...um, resent that comment!

    Not really. Kind of surprised at how many posters have been upset by this thread that I found amusing though.

  • LyinEyes

    I agree Princess , this post was meant IMO to show how much in this case , Father's adore their daughters. In one of my replies I mentioned about the women in Afganastan, didnt mean to bring the light hearted thread down, but I said it to compare to how women, are treated in America, and other modernized countries.

    I know some women are still treated very bad in our country as well, but as a whole we have so much freedom and are treated with dignity and respect. There are truly many men who hold women in honor , holding the door open, good manners etc. there are some real gentlemen here that is for sure.

    As a mother, I try to teach my son's to be a gentlemen, by doing those kinds of things.....opening the doors , helping a lady out if she needs it, and saying Ms. so and so , or Ma'am.

    That goes for my daughter too,,,,,good manners go both ways.

    BTW , Princess like your new tattoo

  • SheilaM

    *Smiles at Mav* I am up for adoption LOL

    I love my kids and my grandbaby but I never gave them stuff without them earning it. No cars, no trips. If we took a trip with them it was linked to their achievments and conduct. I didn't want to raise children that couldn't function in the real world.

    Now, with the grandbaby OHGOD is it hard to stand my ground. I find myself telling myd daughter not to be so mean LOL (she isn't but I don't like gbaby to be unahappy at all) I know that I have to watch myself or I will give her the moon

  • Soledad
    I'm not too sure, maybe hispanic women aren't as spoiled as American women are in general, but they can still put a man in his place, if you know what I mean.

    Damn Straight.

  • Celtic

    You're right. Hispanic women are much more beautiful and cultured too.


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    I know that I have to watch myself or I will give her the moon

    LOL! But Sheila, that's what grandmas are supposed to do!

    I have heard soooo many grandparents say the kids behave better for them than for the parents (starting with my grandpa and grandma...oh, he used to brag about what a good kid I was with him...of course, when I said the bad word in front of the minister [the one I heard from him!] he thought it was funny, mom didn't).

    I think that's true for 2 reasons, first, grandparents have been thru it all before and don't sweat the small stuff; second, the best grandparents aren't shy about letting the kids know how much they love them and dote on them, and the kids seem to respond in kind.

  • bisous
    This is why when American men (white guys, for the most part) try other cultures, like Hispanic women for instance, they hardly ever go back to American women! Unless they're masochists, of course.

    We Hispanic women really know how to make a man feel like a king, and in doing so we always get our way! Smart, huh?


    You're right. Hispanic women are much more beautiful and cultured too.


    What a load of tripe ... let's see what other racial generalizations can I throw out there??? hmmmm ... there's a number for every color under the sun, male or female.

    I'm with Xena, if MEN (white American or otherwise) want something other than me, ESPECIALLY because of a racial thing, please be my guest. And I certainly don't think DY should be so smug about the fact that the men who are with her are because she caters to them and makes them feel like a King....in fact thank God for DY because that's one less idiotic asshole dude the rest of us have to deal with. Thanks DY for taking care of that for us.

    Further, I raised my daughter to use her intelligence and abilities to make a wonderful life for her own self, including money, so she won't have to have her husband "give" her everything "she needs" and she won't have to be with someone who "let's her get her way".

    I haven't heard this much garbage regarding male/female relationships in a while.

    And as far as being spoiled, within the definition Maverick describes, more power to him! He has a daughter who has seen the world, experienced independence and a tase of a life worth working for....on her own or with a partner.

    Soapbox Yep, hit a nerve with this one, by golly! GRRRRR .... I can spoil my own damn self!

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    in fact thank God for DY because that's one less idiotic asshole the rest of us have to deal with.



    Preach it, sista Bisous!

    Asleif, who's motto is..."Only weak men are intimidated by strong women"

    (oh, wait, this isn't shamus' argument thread? )

  • Maverick

    By definition what I wrote was a success. I got a lot of varied reactions. Thank you.

    Ultimately I want my daughter to be her own person. Not some mindless slave to some thoughtless man...or woman if that turns out to be what she wants. I spoil her, but I spoiled my ex-wife too! That one took it all and gave me nothing good but my daughter. The one positive thing the ex said about me was that I was a good provider. And as far as spending my money, compared to her mother the kid is an amateur! There will come a time when she is looking out for me and not the reverse...I hope!

    There was a time when a very submissive wife was appealing to me. Now the ladies I am attracted to are indepentent, and educated with a measure of personal success. I am not that insecure that it bothers me if she is taller, richer, and smarter.

    I appreciate all the comments....especially from all you spoiled women trying to defend yourselves! Maverick

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