Our Women are spoiled ... and it's our fault!

by Maverick 92 Replies latest social relationships

  • xenawarrior

    Um........ my car seems to have broken down. Maaaavvvvveeeerrrriiiikkkkk !!!!!! Can you buy me another one quick --- before Joy gets too far ahead of me??? Pretty please ????

    Hey ((((((LDH))))) nice to see you !!!

  • Sentinel

    So I'm a woman, and just because of that, I'm "spoiled". That is a broad label to place on all of us. Sure isn't true for me. My family was poor growing up. We had no bathroom or running water in the house. I had to walk over a mile one way to get the bus to and from school. I had to get up every morning at five, and to bed by eight. I had to take turns with my sisters, in hauling buckets of water from the well, so we'd have some to drink and bathe in. On weekends, the work was awesome, due to the laundry. I had rows and rows in the garden to keep the weeds out of. And, I was the oldest and had to tend to all my siblings. My dad was rarely home and when he was he didn't wish to be bothered by his offspring. I never knew what it was like to have love and affection from my dad.

    When I married the first time, my husband was the boss, and he was abusive. I was co-dependant, because I didn't know any better.

    On the other hand, I watch my present husband's oldest son interact with his four year old daughter. She has everything under the sun to play with. She has had ballet and is now is gymnastics. None of her clothes come from consignment. All she has to do is bat those beautiful eyelashes and say "daddy, please", and he'd move the world for her. She is going to be a heart-breaker for sure when she's old enough to date. She is a beautiful child on the outside, and we can only hope that on the inside, she will be ready for reality. No one is going to be able to fill "daddy's shoes". She must get everything she wants, or she manipulates even now. This is going to be interesting to watch. (she learned all of this from her mother.)

    Sometimes we learn the hard way as parents; but in the end, it really is the child that suffers as an ill-prepared adult.


  • FlyingHighNow
    Interestingly, and in line with this topic, did you know it's the women who
    nurture the spirit of " machismo " in hispanic cultures?

    Main Entry: ma·chis·mo
    Pronunciation: mä-'chEz-(")mO, m&-, -'kEz-, -'kiz-, -'chiz-
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Spanish, from macho
    Date: 1948
    1 : a strong sense of masculine pride : an exaggerated masculinity 2 : an exaggerated or exhilarating sense of power or strength

    Pronunciation Key

    © 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
    Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy

    For me, I like men the natural, normal way. They don't need to put on an exaggerated masculinity to keep me happy.

    Doubtfully Yours, maybe what you mean is that you use reverse psychology on your men to make them only think they are in charge? I have known sisters who were able to do this in their marriages. They knew what to say and what to do to get their husbands to do what the sisters wanted and make the husbands think it was their own idea all along. At first I thought this manipulative. Later I thought it pure genius. A man can't handle you having ideas of your own? Make him think your ideas are his ideas. In the JW world it works for some.

    In my current relationship, he and I treat each other very well. We give each other respect and adoration. We are very happy. Why? Because as a woman I know instinctively what he needs from me. I am a shoulder for him when he is down and blue. When his confidence is shaken, I am there to bolster him. I smile at him. I flirt with him. I do kind and loving things for him. I try not to do things that will make him feel bad about himself. On the other hand, he does the very same things for me. He knows instinctively what women need from men. I told him the first week I knew him that he needed to start a charm school for men. He could teach a lot of men a lot about women. Women like Andy because he sincerely likes us as a gender. He likes us as adults and not submissive children.

    Most any day we revel in the deliciousness the life we are building together. Somedays he makes the coffee and the breakfast and enjoys waiting on me. Somedays I make the coffee and wait on him. We shop together. We read together, etc. etc. When one of us needs solitude the other grants it. He holds my hand in public. He looks longlingly into my eyes in public. He smiles at me in public. And never does he even joke about being the boss or head in our home. It's not an issue with him or me.

    You don't have to be hispanic or non-american to know what a man needs from a woman: friendship, respect, support, esteem, kindness, warmth and love.

    Maverick, don't you get a kick out of these spoiled American women dueling on your thread? On topic: spoiled women.


  • Mac
    Most any day we revel in the deliciousness the life we are building together. Somedays he makes the coffee and the breakfast and enjoys waiting on me. Somedays I make the coffee and wait on him. We shop together. We read together, etc. etc.

    "And she comes

    spilling crumbs

    on the bed

    and I shake my head

    For it's only the giving that makes you

    what you are."

    mac :)

  • ThiChi

    Women should pray the Muslims don?t win......

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I feel so sorry for women in Muslim countries.

    That's it, we're now highjacking this thread. Sorry!


  • xenawarrior

    Well, still on my journey here....... And Maverick came through for me with a new car for the rest of the trek:

    Screams past Joy : nanner nanner nanner !!

  • FlyingHighNow
    "And she comes

    spilling crumbs

    on the bed

    and I shake my head

    For it's only the giving that makes you

    what you are." Mac

    This is nice, Mac. Where did you get this from?


  • Mac


    Ian Anderson penned it...

    "Wondering Aloud" by Jethro Tull


  • FlyingHighNow
    Ian Anderson penned it...

    "Wondering Aloud" by Jethro Tull

    Being a big Jethro Tull fan, I thought this sounded familiar. I tried to look it up to see if it didn't come from a song or poem. Ian has a lot of interesting things to say, have you ever read his comments on the Jethro Tull site?


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