What Was The Worst Rule You Hated Being Under As A Witness?

by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    You know, I know almost no one from my father's side of the family because they are "worldly" (normal). I S O L A T I O N is what the Watchtower wants. With isolation comes mind control.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I think your comment was as to the "unwritten rules"......correct

    Correct ya bastard!

    Around here there were all sorts of stupid "unwritten rules" and I can remember telling an elder who said only white shirts allowed on the stage that was the dumbest thing I'd ever heard, or the sister who said Star Wars was demonized because objects moved without people touching them, or Christians shouldn't drink alcohol because Christ drank grape juice (what do you think wine is?!!). As you can imagine, I wasn't the most popular JW in the world.

    For a long time I thought maybe it was just a Texas thing, but now reading this board I realize how amazingly stupid most Witnesses are.


  • freedom96

    Where does one start? All the rules sucked. I think of all the rules under one thought, that they control your life every moment.

  • Cicatrix

    "On the lighter side, a small rule that really bothered me was telling me I couldn't sit toward the back of the Hall, even when that's where you are most comfortable. So I always obeyed. Yet others always sat there! Not just the latecomers or families with children." LOL-I had the opposite problem. Just imagine trying to keep five little children paying attention when they HAD to sit at the back of the hall and could see all that other interesting stuff that was going on during the meeting:)

  • minimus

    I used to always chew gum at elders meetings and show my boredom or dissatisfaction by obviously opening my mouth and then yawning. One time, an elder mentioned at a meeting how some in the Hall had "noticed" how I would have gum in my mouth at the meetings and that perhaps I wasn't setting a very good example, especially for the children. After he said that, I pulled the gum out of my mouth, put in on my nose and asked, "Is this better?". Everyone but him laughed. I put the gum back in my mouth and continued chewing away.

  • boa

    heh heh, minimus, great gum story - yer a hardcore rebel! I like it.

    k, a few I could think of

    Not preparing for advanced education - even though I was I had a full academic course load and passed with high grades in math, sciences, electronics, and computers. I graduated and promptly began to clean someones toilet for a few years while pioneering.

    I had a very strict but hypocritical step-dad who forbade most music - especially rock. Later, when I was still at home, he forbade me talking to my future wife (also a reg. pio) cuz he thought we were too young according to the society's interpretation of the 'bloom of youth'.

    I've never really believed or understood prohibition against birthdays and intend to celebrate this year.

    As a kid, standing out in the hall during the anthem while a couple hundred saw us on the other side of the door sucked. The rule against eating hot dogs with 'animal byproducts' especially during sports day sucked, but at least our parents usually brought 'beef only' weiners for us. Feeling bad about doing the cake walk raffle during 'fun night' sucked.

    The youth books prohibition against masterbation in all its evils sucked big time. Talk about an extrememly damaging guilt trip dealing with this normal desire! I guess the 2% who don't partake in this horrible sin (male statistic) at some point in their life are all other jws - thats what I figured. Jeece, my overbearing, frightening and domineering step-dad dared ask me if this was a 'problem' one day when I was around 16 and my heart nearly stopped, my liver turned to jelly, my knees knocked and somehow I got out of it without actually lying. Another time he asked whether I looked at girls behinds ever cuz doncha know that is a sin too and could lead to heavy intercourse I guess. To that question I just agreed with whatever he was saying and remembered fondly the last lassy's ass I had checked out at school (again I was around 16 yrs old).

    Man I could go on and on - basically all the things the society goes 'undoubtably', 'evidently', 'perhaps', 'quite possibly meant this', 'quite likely' on, with regards to conduct suck suck suck.


    'you touch that thing twice and yer playin' with it!'

  • gumby
    After he said that, I pulled the gum out of my mouth, put in on my nose and asked, "Is this better?". Everyone but him laughed. I put the gum back in my mouth and continued chewing away.

    Minimus.......so your telling us that you were a smartass even while you were still in the borg eh?

    Big T just reminded me of some of the dummer rules I had forgotten about. White shirts only on the stage..........I forgot about that one. I remember when that baloney came around, but it didn't last too long.

    I was in a hall with older bastards for quite some time. I was young then and I remember one elder telling me I'd better cut my hair because one of the older elders..(over 80 years old) wanted to disfellowship me because of that! He had never even spoken to, me about it......but was going to disfellowship me.

    About 10 years later when I was a MS I was given an assembly part with some others and I was told by one of our elder that when we went to rehersal....the CO would probably tell me to cut off my mustach. I didn't. We went to rehersal and there must have been at least 5-10 brothers there with mustaches. I think that elder felt like an ass.........but that's how my congregation was.......dummer than hell and always out of touch. I'm surprised I lived through those dub years.


  • TonyT

    ?That?s not a good service car!?
    To demonstrate that placing kingdom things first is your top priority though shall only drive a 4 door behemoth with a seating capacity of 12.

    I drove a sporty muscle car and must admit that I enjoyed the disapproving looks from the spiritually mature sheep when I pulled into the KH parking lot. There was also another positive side to my secular vehicle choice, I was never asked to drive during my infrequent moments in the field ministry.

  • minimus

    What about chaperones? or parents having to be involved in every part of your life?

  • TheItalian

    This just-newfound Rule: "Unity(tm) comes before the Truth(tm)", by our current CO.

    And today, on his last day of visiting our Congo, I raised my hands, saying

    "Hypocrites will be judged, and it's stupid telling the Truth unimportant".. he coughed.

    Also, being compelled to think of penguins in the FloodedArk..

    Same situation, Minimus (my thoughts always resemble your topics).

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