What Was The Worst Rule You Hated Being Under As A Witness?

by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ghosthunter

    Sitting in the Principal's office during school holiday parties like you had done something bad.

  • minimus

    Yes, there are a lot of unwritten rules! JWs don't do such and such a thing because, well, we just don't. We don't go to movies, even if they are viewed by the world as alright. We don't laugh, even on the inside at dirty jokes. We don't get involved in politics, even a little opinion is wrong.

  • orangefatcat

    One thing that truly bugged and made me angry was the rules for disfellowshipping and dissassociation.

    Your not allowed to question anything, we have to follow all their teachings to the letter of the law or else.

    No freedom of thought or speech is exceptable. We are expected to be robots and yesbots.

    Suppression, and the list goes on and on and on

    Love Orangefatcat .OrangeFatCat 15

  • Nadsam

    When I was small ..not getting birthday cake and putting up christmas decorations

  • Mary

    Not being able to celebrate birthdays!! That pissed me off even when I believed 100% that this was the "one true religion". There was NOWHERE in the bible that indicated or even hinted that there was anything wrong with it. Of course when I asked the sister who was studying with me she said "well the bible never mentions any of Jehovah's servants celebrating their birthday." To which I recanted "well the bible never mentioned about Adam and Eve going to the bathroom either, but I'll assume that they did." I'm amazed I only got the evil eye instead of a Judical Committe for that comment!

  • kat2u

    no worldly friends

  • flower

    having to go to the meetings, in service, give talks and comments. hey if i didnt have to do that stuff i wouldnt mind being a witness ;)

  • Lapuce

    No birthdays , Christmas and all of the holidays, also the service meeetings hell everything!!!!


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I have at times thought of returning and just doing as you have said Flower, but then you have to go through the BS with the elders about whats wrong and this and that and the difference between me when I was in Bethel and now is a big one. Today I'll tell a Elder the go MF him self and I know I would get DF'd again!

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Min, my husband was an elder during most of our marriage, and he always laughed at mildly dirty jokes. He and his friends, laughed easily at "male jokes."

    Maybe I'm not understanding just how dirty those jokes were that you guys wanted to laugh at....

    One of their favorites was something about "the crack of dawn."

    But another rule that really burned me was "no clapping or being happy when someone was announced reinstated." Completely unscriptural and judgmental and unkind. What about the prodigal son??? What about the angels in heaven rejoicing over a sinner that repents??? What about leaving the 99 and going out to find the one lost sheep? There is no joy in restoring him to the flock?? GIVE ME A BREAK.

    On the lighter side, a small rule that really bothered me was telling me I couldn't sit toward the back of the Hall, even when that's where you are most comfortable. So I always obeyed. Yet others always sat there! Not just the latecomers or families with children. I was so uncomfortable anywhere but at the back. Felt stared at. Couldn't get up to use the restroom till practically bursting, because I was so self conscious to walk past all the rows of staring people.

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