My Bio - and official hi to everyone.

by Freddy Krueger 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpunkyChick

    Welcome to the board Freddy...I was bummed to see you really didn't win in Freddy vs. Jason, but think you're the best horror flick villian!

  • kat2u

    welcome to the forum.Am looking forward to hearing more from you.


  • Love_Truth


    Glad to see you and yours are out. What part of PA do you hail from? I am South Central.

  • Mulan

    Great experience................similar to how it went with our family...............we are all out now too. The only JW's still in our family are my mother, one aunt, one cousin, and one of my husband's brothers. Everyone else has "seen the light"..............most were given something to think about by my husband, but a few did their own thinking and it was all simultaneous to our awakening. I guess some families are just wired the same.

    I know we are the lucky ones though..............we know many others, and lots on this board who didn't have this experience and lost most of their family. Your Dad took a huge risk and it paid off. Good for him.

  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger


    Actually my brother got disfellowshipped for something he should not have. That blew my dad's mind, knowing the scriptures the way he did. So he started looking into things. One thing led to another and presto! The REAL truth showed it's head.


    Northeast PA.


    Wait for the sequal, we're doing it now!


  • codeblue

    Welcome Freddy!

    Enjoyed reading your bio....very interesting...


  • Dansk

    Welcome, Freddy!

    Good bio! I'm one of the lucky unlucky ones - lucky to have seen the light and exited with my wife and two sons, but unlucky in that my two daughters are still captive (though, of course, they can't see it). Still, your story gives hope.

    I agree with you. Those at the top AND numerous elders KNOW it's all baloney - but stay to laud it over everyone, to stay in their positions and, for those in the GB, stay at being fearful of losing an easy life.


  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Welcome Freddy!

    Your story is amazing! I read it twice. I sure wish something like that would happen with my family. You truely are lucky (opps, we're not supposed to say "lucky")!!!


  • HadEnuf

    Welcome Freddy!

    I loved the George Carlin quote! How true!

    So happy that you're family took the plunge and exited the JW organization. I wish this was true for everyone here.

    Have a great day and again...welcome! Cathy L.

  • boa

    hello freddy,

    i appreciated yer story as it touches a chord with mine and maybe just about everyone who 'sees the light about ever increasing light' and the wts

    i'm still in but mentally, emotionally, and physically move my family and self farther away.

    been there and done that with talks, witnessing, bethel, assemblies etc etc etc like you and am still in shock over the bubble bursting of my life long religion

    i've got major family numbers all in the borg and can only hope a few can be 'saved' - just a few would make breaking free forever much easier

    look forward to more of your story


    ps the pic of the 'master chief' of the halo character i use: the body armour is my present defensive outer shell to survive the inner pain of a life born into the org. the weapon may be figuratively used on insulting ignorance of uniform thinking

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