My Bio - and official hi to everyone.

by Freddy Krueger 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man


    Do you realy think evrything have an reason, is it therfore one of my chuildren was dfd fore things that you not can bedfd fore and was denied over 8 times to come back, and when it comes upp the the higest men in the cong was doing very bad sins, use hes spirutal power to do immoral things fore several years, and only thing happen was reproff, and when i was very angry and confused fore this terribel unjustice i told more things I hade hide very fare back in my memory, and this was not only bad it was terribel, to someone as stood mee very near, and all punishment was stepping down as an elder,and a talk that if we tell bad things to wrong peopel we are causing didvsion in the cong , my heart was, no ,is boilling, and it is not easyer to get truth all meetings wher we is told to forgive and go on, if not we have are same sinner as the immoral, do you realy think this have purpus, who is showinng this movie fore mee and fore the whole cong fore that madher. and what is ths goal fore this, from someone in the middel of the tornado.

  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    Happy Man -

    Right now you don't seem happy. I don't blame you. It looks like the society is really giving you a hard time. Now I have read some of your posts, and I don't know if you are still a JW or not. But it looks and sounds like it. As far as everything happening for a reason, yes I do believe that. Do I always like it or have the answers. No.

    I'll tell you one thing though. If one of your children got disfellowshipped for something they didn't do AND denied over 8 times to come back. This should be the first sign to you for you to open your eyes and realize God does not work through an organization like this. In my opinion, the best thing that could have happened to one of your children was to get disfellowshipped. Maybe this will open your eyes to the real truth. The fact that you have been in the organization for so long, has blinded you. Step outside yourself for a minute, and take a look around. The GB is not who you they think they are. They know it too. Do what God says, seek truth and it shall set you free. Right now you're being force fed lies, but you don't see it.

    Hopefully this tragedy (Blessing in my eyes) will now allow you to see the light. The very fact that the higher ups can get away with this immoral activity should really put things in perspective for you. Reading your post I can sense you are genuinely hurt by this. That is because it is a painful thing the way they osstracize you. Remember they teach love and forgiveness. But... if you start asking questions, questions God wants you to ask. You will be reproved or DF'D and deemed an appostate.

    So in conclusion Happy Man, follow your heart, not the word or laws of this cult.

    And again to answer your question does everything happen for a reason? You bet. Now the fact that you are right inside the tornado feeling all this is kind of giving you more turmoil. You have this whirlwind of emotions and confusion. The answer and solution for you to get out of this situation is actually pretty simple. Not easy to do, but simple. Here goes:

    Get out of the tornado. Stand outside for awhile and look in. You will see all the disastrous effects this tornado is causing to people all over the world. However, you will now be on the outside looking in. And hopefully you will see the truth. And end up a truly happy man.


  • happy man
    happy man


    thanks fore your nice comments, It is not esy to now peopel on what they say on this bord, and you have not complitly understand my position, I grow upp as an JW I was even elder fore a long time, have to step down when because my children dent want to be JW, they are insted Bob Marley fans, not much better I must say. The one as was dfd is now back after many desapiontmenst.

    I can truhly say that I have never fall fore this brain wash as you think evry JW have, i never in my hart belive 100 % in this, but the life in JW was not so bad, and suits me good, it is not untill something happens in your life as things I told you and the religion is start to hurt you that you going to think. But I can tell you , I must think about whats best fore mee and my wife, and it is not to leave, because my lifesituaition this is not a posibility at all. Insted I have decide to stay inside, and fight, I tell evryone the mess we have here, and also in the meetings I comment about what happend, why things happend, I told evryone about this abuse coming upp in TV not anyone belived mee, the was schochked when it comes, I even tell our CO the history of Bill B, he have no clow how this started, but I told him,now he is Co in the circut where the men lived who was main story on tthe TV show, so he have not so good times I think. beacause he was a very nice person.

    One thing as have think a lot about is, why is why have the offender so much caring and we must forgive talk, when nowan care fore the vicktim, this is a very intrestin topic to discuss, it is the same all over . I my cong now it is so obvies you can almost take on it, one exampel when the person as do bad things need help evryone help, nowan putt two fingeraes together to help the wicktim, WHY THIS.

    Some say we dont want to bee victims ourself and thats why we push this avay and forget the vicktim, and have very much undestanding fore the offneder, as we now e ourself want forgivness if we do some bad things as broke upp unother mans family. what do you say ?

    Mynick name is more related to my family life then to my religion, but it is veri exiting times now and I think I do most help inside, just now to edjucate the members why things happend as they do.

    love HM

    Internet is a blessing and a voce fore the voceiess, perhaps from jehova or what you want to call the lord.

    Evry one can now tell the whole word if someone hurt them adn abuse them, marvelus and a very bigg gift isnt it?

  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    Happy Man -

    O.k. I understand your situation a little better now. You must do what's best for your family. Right now it doesn't look like you can just get up and leave. But I am glad you found us here. The interrnet is a great thing to communicate and share stories from all over the world. Hang in there. You're on the right track. Keep us up to date and post a new topic on your situation as you move along and progress to where your nick name becomes your reality, in your family life and religous beliefs and lifestyle. You will get lots of advice and opinions on these boards. Nice talking to you.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hello Fred,

    Thanks for your bio. It's helpful and appreciated.

  • clarity
  • MsGrowingGirl20

    Welcome Freddy

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