What was your very first job ?

by xjw_b12 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    At age 14, I convinced my parents to let me get "working papers" ( required in NY for any child under 16 years; but no younger than 14) and every saturday for 2 years I worked in a local dry cleaner. I earned $12 a day for 8 hours work. This was 1970.

    I now leave more than that in tips when we go out to dinner.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I worked for a small loan office in Maryland, as a cashier. From there I went to Prince George's County Police Dept. and then on to Executive Asst. to the CEO of Jet America in D.C., but they're out of business now. Probably because their chief pilot (lear jets) was flying illegal "things" between the States and So. America. :)

  • JH

    My first job, I was 18, and I worked at Kruger inc. (paper mill)


  • WildHorses

    My very first job I was 16. I took classes and became a certified nursing assistant.

  • Jez

    Paper route age 8 to 16. Wage = approx $50-60 a month.

    7-11 age 17. Wage=$4.75 an hour

    Woolworths age 17. Wage=$5.25 an hour

    School district as Interpreter for the deaf, age 19. Wage = $11.25 an hour. (Huge money in 1988!)

    I have continued in that field and my education in that field.


  • Dirt Rocker
    Dirt Rocker

    I worked at Subway Sandwiches... Never eating the tuna sandwich, ever.

  • LittleToe

    A window cleaner of course, silly!!!

    I started building up my round about a year or so before I left school, so I could Pioneer when the time came

  • Princess

    I worked at a local mom and pop donut shop when I was 16. It was the perfect job. I worked after school from 3-5pm and Saturdays 7am-1pm. Of course that meant I missed Saturday morning service but the congo made the donut shop their "coffee break" stop so I still got to see everyone. Then I was able to go in service on Sunday. It sucked when we had afternoon meetings because I usually got stuck with the geeky single elder who also worked Saturdays. We were the only ones who showed up. Sometimes my dad went out too so then it was ok. I'd veg out in the back seat while they did return visits and elder stuff. I still worked there when I started dating Steve (I was 17). He was always willing to go out in service with me on Sundays. We'd sit in the parking lot to see who showed up. Then we'd take off to Seattle for "street work" and breakfast. He didn't want to go out with the geeky elder any more than I did.

    My best "worldly" friend worked at the donut shop with me. After the boss went home we'd take the big softball sized apple fritters (he made the worst) and a broom and we'd bat those suckers around the shop. It made the most gawd-awful mess we had to clean up but we'd be in hysterics by then and didn't care.

    Memories. I think I'll call that worldly girl and see what she's up to.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    LOL @ Princess. Man, that sounds like fun. I haven't had a good food fight since FOSHLL and I filled the bathtub with spaghetti.

    My first job, at 14, was monitoring alarms for some JWs who had their own company. I got paid $1.95/hr. to lay on the couch all day watching dirty movies (read: rated R) on cable TV. Windy days sucked, because alarms would be going off all over town and I'd actually have to talk to customers.

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