What was your very first job ?

by xjw_b12 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    My dad was a stone mason for a long time...so by the age of 8 I was lifting the pale and toting the barge..and learned how to lay stone. BTW if any of you have been tot he Denton hall or the one in Arlington then you've seen much of his handywork.


    District Overbeer

  • LittleToe

    XJW / Ball:I did it for a few years, but when the thrid Winter came around I changed career
    To be more accurate, it was shortly after that I left for home...

  • KKLUV155

    Besides baby sitting for friends and relatives. My first job was when I was 18, I got a job at

    Sonic drive-inn as a carhop. What I learned was of I grinned and flirted with the men while wearing

    tight pants I got REALLY GOOD tips.

  • shamus

    Chicken Gutter,

    Beak Remover,

    Barge Cleanup.

    I'm striving for one of those three jobs up there.

  • Sunnygal41

    Seedy, Smyler, I can remember those days! <sigh> I owned my own horse and so, all the shit shoveling, etc. was my exclusive job! I had muscles like a man............could throw 100 lb. bales of hay around like they were nothing..............50 lbs. of grain, up on the shoulder and walk up to the barn........................ah, the good, YOUNG, days................then, at 16, I got a job at McD's..........worked there for 5 years. That job was HARD!! We did all our own adding, etc., no fancy computers where you push a button..............and, we had to keep constantly busy, no standing around. It was good experience, and when I later applied for work, employers were always impressed that I'd put five years in there.

    Terri, of the two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun Class!

  • Carmel

    Picking up pop and beer bottles along the highway and turning them in for 1 penny a piece for the latter and .05 for the former. Usually made enough for a hand full of candy bars or even a ticket to the movie..


  • orangefatcat

    Well when I left school at the tender age of 16 to pioneer in order to make my parents and grandparents proud of me.. Oh we all make mistakes right? Any way we were living in North York in Toronto. In order to support myself I took this part time job with the "Woolco" store in Scarborough. I worked in their cafateria. Woolco belonged to Woolsworth, I have no idea if this company exists anymore. Shortly are that we moved north to the area known as Holland Landing, my father had a house built for us there. So in order to continue in the pioneer work I started to work for the "Mad Hatter Potatoe Chip Company" I worked along the converyor belt removing chips that were to dark for the bags of chips that would go to the market. I think I ate more than I removed from the belt. I was always getting myself into trouble on the belt as the chips wree so addictive. So they moved me from the conveyour belt to the start of the process of making potatoe chips. I would load 50 lbs of potatoes into the drum which scrubbed and clean them and then I would take an object the shape of a machete and hack large potatoes into smaller sizes. From that stage they went in to a massive slicer where they were paper thin and washed again and quickly dried, then moved into the boiling oil to cook and then moved them along to the chip belt for seperation of the bad potatoes.

    It was a good job, but the work was back breaking. I then for the next few days work out in the service. That was what I did then in my life and from there I went to move to Montreal and serve there as a pioneer. And that is a whole other barrel of monkeys!! Valis are u listening or are your ears burning?? hehe

    As always Love Braces

    Orangefatcat/ Orange Fat Cat 15 Circle Of Hearts

  • SheilaM

    I of course babysat then I worked at Famous Footwear (spent all my money on clothes and shoes) SHOES OH MYGOD I love shoes

  • CountryGuy

    I was a cook's helper at a local restaurant. Basically, I did all the crap that no one else wanted to do: wash dishes, clean the grill, clean the prep table, cut up veggies, etc. It totally sucked, but I learned that hard work was worth it because my dad helped me buy my own car that summer.


  • Knotty_boy

    My first job was peddling magazines for WTBS, at 4 years of age

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