Why Aren't You at the Kingdom Hall?

by Robdar 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • mustang

    Go back??

    Maybe, when they get TWO prophecies in a row RIGHT!!!!


  • mustang

    I keep a spreadsheet somewhere. I update it about quarterly. Last time I checked, I had missed over 7300 meetings. Don't give me any ration of bleep-bleep. I am one of the most faithful of the faithful: an Inactive fence-sitter of the highest magnitude.

    I count all the abuse that I have been handed in the name of religion, THE TRUTH, God, Jesus, the Good News of the Kingdom(tm), The Faithful and Discreet Salve(tm), Governing Body(tm), Theocraptik War Strategy, [being taught honesty by the most crooked of the crooked only to find out what hypocrites were manipulating me], pIONEERING, not getting an education, [spending ~10,000 hours of meetings service and countless other personal exposure to JW propaganda and indoctrination], Bible based Theology(tm), yes, even Jehovah and

    the bottom line is: I GOT A FREE PASS.

    If you are of this Earth, even from BROOKLYN, you can’t prove any different.

    That includes refusing to pledge allegiance to the FDS.


    PS Happy Valentine's Day, Robbbie

  • Robdar
    Because I have a brain.

    Sure, Shamus, go ahead and brag about what a smart heathen you are. If you know what's good for you, you will take that super brain of yours and use it for the ministry school.

    Sleepin in.... Like everyone elese,we found our brains.

    Ah, another smart-ass heathen who thinks that she is using her brain. Shera, it's time to find you a nice brother to marry and pioneer with. It's the only way that you will ever find true happiness.

    Mustang, I love ya, ya big heathen!

  • FlyingHighNow

    I work every single Sunday. I did my morning mac duties. I gave out samples of pecan log roll. I thought it was going to be unimpressive. Instead it was actually delicious. Most of the folks thought so, too. Did they buy any? Only the Shadow knows. I chatted with the customers while they awaited their tables. One lady had a horror story of a wreck in Florida. The police didn't close the road and the scene was one of horrors. She'll never, no never step a toe in Florida again she says. Then there were the two teenagers that kept laughing while I explained the difference between Georgia and Michigan.It's always fun to make people smile and laugh. Got to make two gift baskets for people. Had a good employee meal during the nonsmoking half hour in the breakroom. Sooooo nice to eat without my eyes burning. No smoking half hour: a wonderful new policy.

    The folks at my giftshop/restaurant, the employees, all stay with the job. We're like a big family. I got a great eval yesterday. Am I sad that I had to work all weekend and miss the meeting? Hell no (accent on hell.) I'd rather stand on my feet all weekend in a crowded gift shop where everyone is haried but smiling. I'm a people person and it's marvelous to mingle with "worldly people." They rock.


  • mustang

    Heath-hen & proud of it

    Spiritually weak & proud of it

    (Anybody need a tee-shirt???)

    Here is the logic on the FREE PASS:


    If you believe the JW mythos (or it is actually real; it matters not):

    then it follows that Jehovah is a God of Justice;

    in which case, due to the abuse that I have received IN HIS NAME,

    his "organization" (having done or condoned this abuse IN HIS NAME) would be at fault;

    by "agency law" this passes the blame to Jehovah;

    Jehovah gets the blame and he must deal with the error: ergo, I get THE FREE PASS.

    This goes ALL THE WAY, to and including the "whole ball of wax" Universal Sovereignty issue. If HE condones the bORG doing EVIL IN HIS NAME, then IT STARTS ALL OVER, back to the original Satanic challenge.

    If you do not believe the JW mythos (or it is not actually real; it matters not):

    then I get THE FREE PASS by default.


    Who is willing to take the benefit of the mistakes of arrogant fools Class

  • Rabbit


    Rabbit, must I remind you that the way is narrow? If you keep going at this rate, your big heathen ass won't make it through that narrow gate. C'mon, Baileys? Do you know how many calories are in that stuff? *Sadly shaking my head again*

    Suuuuuu-eeeeeeeee...! ''Oink-oink, First off, I wanna know how you knew about my 'big heathen ass', huh ? Who told ya' ...? lol, you gave me a much needed belly laugh! For the record tho' -- I lost 43 pounds in the last 6 months. Saturday it SNOWED in North Texas 4", the biggest snowfall in 20 years. So I had to celebrate with my Valentine...you surely noticed the order of of my fun...we burned off that Bailey's !!

    Rabbit -- is proudly fueled by "Bailey's Irish Cream."


  • blondie

    When I was growing up I was told my mother and father must love me because they were my parents and parents loved their children.

    I finally realized that wasn't true when I realized how they had abused their children, physically, sexually, and emotionally.

    After years of being told that people loved me at the KH because they were Christians and Christians were loving people...I finally woke up to the abuse they meted out to me and others.

    Actions speak louder than words.


  • Frantic

    ....well because I cant be stuffed. We we supposed to leave at 9am. I woke up at 7:15am and could of easy got prepared. 9:10am comes around and I start to hear the dog barking.....its my good jw friend from down the road........."oooooohh man, my damned alarm didnt work again! - sorry wont be able to make, Ill take a raincheck!"
    Why arent I at the KH? Time is better spent sleeping in........well its true. I found out later, because I didnt go, the other wts seized the opportunity to stay home. any excuse! In both our cases, DAMN STRAIGHT!
    Frantically Insane Andy.

  • shera

    LOL Robdar.


  • Robdar

    Good grief, I get up this morning, cruise into the web site and see heathens running amok.

    Most of you heathens on this thread I have already declared the good news to. What you do with it is entirely up to you. Hey, do any of you have a really nice house that I can occupy after Armageddon? After all, you wont be needing it....

    Mustang, quit streaking into this thread offering T-shirts and yelling that you are proud to be a heathen. You are disrupting the meeting with your heathen ass ways.

    Rabbit, congratulations on losing 43 pounds this year. Trying to make your heathen ass a smaller target for the angel of Jah? It wont work, you know. Jehovah sees all.

    Blondie, ya big heathen, you will have a pm in about 5 minutes.

    Frantic, so you can't be stuffed, eh? I am sure that you are using some sort of Ozzy, heathen, slang in order to confuse me. Well, think about this, you little heathen: If you don't change your heathen ways, the birds are going to stuff themselves on your carcass after the day of Jehovah arrives. You know it, I know it, but most of all, the birds know it. That is why they keep looking at you like that.....

    Shera, if you refuse to remedy those heathen ways of yours, there will be much wailing and gnashing of your teeth. You got to change your heathen ways, baby.


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