Why Aren't You at the Kingdom Hall?

by Robdar 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin


    Is your name a reference to the Gaia Planet Management scheme? I have the book.


    you're very saucy today!


  • Robdar
    I went to a Unitarian Universalist church today, and heard a funny, uplifting sermon on the topic of love titled 'Public Displays of Affection, and Other Misdemeanors'. It was fittingly tied in with the pagan holiday which was observed on Feb. 14.

    Afterwards I enjoyed some friendly conversation with some open-minded folk, then went to the grocery store, then back home to take care of some things around the house



    So not only are you a heathen, you are an apostate heathen. I am sure that you are quite proud of yourself. Have you ever stopped to consider that you are hanging with other heathens whose minds are so open that the devil has taken over? If you keep this up, you won't get to pet the lions in the new order. Did you ever think of that?


  • eisenstein

    Well, I woke up this mornin and instead of walking 5 blocks to the KH I walked in the opposite direction 5 blocks to Starbucks, LOL

    Then I came back home and got on the computer to let everyone here know what perverts they have working in the art department at Bethel.

    Then after running an erand in midtown, I came back home and fixed a salmon and some salad and then I had some left over chocolate covered strawberries that I made for Valentines Day...

    The most spiritual part of my day was cleaning my dirty laundry down in the basement this evening


  • flower

    My son and I spent the day at the World Fair for Kids at the Boston World Trade Center. We had a blast despite the thousands of little rug rats and long lines.

    Sure beats the heck out of getting dressed up and sitting through a boring religious brainwashing session. I would never subject my son to that kind of stupidity.

  • Rabbit

    W-what...today's ...what...Sunday ? Aw-w-w-w. damn, not again. That's like 150 damn Sundies Sundays in a row...crap, oh, well hell. Lemme see now, I calulate that's around 780 meetings/hours I missed damn, how will I ever make that up? We were * y a w n * sleepin' off all that Romancin' 'n Luv makin and drinkin that Bailey's Irish Cream...my conscience feels a lot better this way... ah, getting sl e e p y ... (snore)

    So-o, how many hours have you guys saved since your last meeting...?

  • Gordy

    Went to church, a Pentecostal one.

    Bought Sunday papers, had lunch.

    Watched Liverpool v Portsmouth FA Cup football match. Liverpool won 1-0.

    Had dinner.

    Then went to work, which is were I'm writing this.

  • shamus

    Because I have a brain.

  • shera

    Sleepin in....

    Like everyone elese,we found our brains.Good to have them back,eh?

  • mustang

    Wait on Jehovah? Wait on Jehovah?

    By all means!!!

    I am, indeed, waiting on Jehovah!!!! He hasn't told me to go back to meetings yet!!!!


  • Robdar

    So, Eisenstein, you are the rare, salmon salad, chocolate-covered strawberry eating, pervert-pointing heathen, are ya? Well, you can stuff your face with strawberries all day and that won't make a bit of difference to Jah. He wont care if they are blueberries. He's still gonna smite your ass. Don't say that I didn't warn you.

    Flower, you should have had your son dressed in his suit and sitting at the hall so that he will understand what will happen to people who give into their heathen inclinations. What sort of fun-loving, heathen mother are you? It's not me asking, it's Jehovah that wants to know.

    Rabbit, must I remind you that the way is narrow? If you keep going at this rate, your big heathen ass won't make it through that narrow gate. C'mon, Baileys? Do you know how many calories are in that stuff? *Sadly shaking my head again*

    Gordy, you seem to be a respectable heathen but, you are a heathen non-the-less. Go ahead, sit at your desk, plan your worldly future. But I have to ask you: what good is a pension in the New Order?

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