Any funny stories of when a"brother" giving a talk, said something "funny" or "questionable", and didn't even realize it?

by Dunedain 70 Replies latest jw experiences

  • EdenOne

    I remembered a second episode: this young MS was all puffed up because he thought a lot of himself, he always enjoyed looking like a smooth gangster from the 1920's, complete with hat, tie and scarf to match etc. He was a decent speaker, but at one time he was the guest speaker at our KH and his speech was a bit over the top, too confident, too authoritative for his age, as if he was a DO speaking ... It was oddly uncomfortable, but ok, bearable. Until ... about half way to his public talk he freezes. He starts looking at his papers and mumbles, hesitates and panics. He realized that there were a couple of pages missing! Then he leaves the plattform, goes to his seat, looks inside his briefcase, finds the papers, goes back to the plattform, and carries on. But the rest of his talk was a disaster, he lost it completely, very nervous, many mistakes, awful. We all thought that he deserved the lesson.


  • stillin
    Our congregation had purchased an old building for a Kingdom Hall. There was solid wood paneling inside which needed to be stripped off and refinished. The announcement on Thursday went something like this: "workday this Saturday. While the brothers are outside doing shoveling and general cleanup, the sisters will be inside stripping."
  • Ignoranceisbliss
    Saw a brother who was maybe a little off give the announcements. He started with "I have a special treat in store for you all tonight". He then proceeded to sing the announcements. It was fantastic! Needless to say, this was his last assignment.
  • Diogenesister

    Edenone I gather of course their would have been children in the audience. What the heck are these idiots thinking?

    I reckon witness kids know more about violence (Bible) , sex crimes (a la my book of bible stories) and generally innapropriate stuff (goofy talks) than most ordinary kids.

    Ignoranceisbliss I love those kinds of totally wacky carry ons ! Makes life worth living!

  • enigma1863
    I remember one time a brother giving his first 30min talk repeated the word sex at least five or six times in a row. The theme of the talk wasn't even sex.
  • clarity

    All so funny ..........I was just new to the KH, maybe only my second time. Totally green on all their subjects like Dead Sea Scrolls, fragments & KOTEX Completely embarrassed! Never heard the word Codex before (in my late teens).

    * "the sisters will be inside stripping." ..can't stop laughing with this one!

    * "Can you imagine saying to a house holder ' hey today we call this our S.H.I.T day......and give a a big cheesy smile " ,,,ha ha ha I always called it that!

  • Dunedain

    There is a scripture, somewhere in the old testament, cant recall it exactly, but where it was speaking about " boiling kids in their own milk ", of course these scripture was talking about "kids" being baby GOATS.

    Well the brother was reading that scripture, for the bible reading, and after reading it he commented, " brothers, can you IMAGINE, these people were actually boiling their own CHILDREN in their own mothers milk ". He was appalled, and aghast, and continued his talk, about how much the nation of Isreal had "fallen from grace", that they were even boiling their children in milk, lol.

    Stupid, knucklehead, thought they were talking about human children, instead of baby GOATS, lol.

  • konceptual99

    The drama with the "Hi I'm Randy" line in it is a very memorable one for me and a number of others from back in the day. They really didn't think about how it would sound in the UK as well as Oz!

  • Dunedain

    Oh Geez, they are starting to come back to me now. I got another one i just remembered, lol.

    My family and i was visiting a different congregation one Sunday, cause my father was giving the public talk. Anyway, this congregation was in a totally different kingdom hall, in a completely different neighborhood, and the hall must have been an older building.

    So, when it was time for the Watchtower study, the conductor, who was an older black brother, was half way thru the study, when the heating furnace, which was behind the stage, started "acting up" and making these loud BANGING noises.

    The brother conducting the Watchtower, stops mid sentence, and yells, " BROTHER ANDERSON, IS BROTHER ANDERSON HERE, BROTHER ANDERSON, GET UP ON HERE, WE HAVING DAMN EXPLOSIONS GOING ON UP HERE "

    Evidentally, i am assuming, Brother Anderson must have been in charge of the furnace, lol.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    His ass spoke to him, when I heard that for the first time I almost died.

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