Can somebody explain the songs and songbook obsession?

by careful 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie
    Do they rotate out the songs that are not too popular or easy to sing? I'm a musician and a fairly good singer. The WTS tended not to pick certain songs ever in the songbook because it was torture to sing and listen to. This way they can throw some crap at the wall and see what sticks.


    ............................................................................I HATE THAT WATCHTOWER CRAP..Image result for Songs that suckImage result for aNGRY GOD

    ....................................Image result for watchtower songbook

  • prologos

    Do they rotate out the songs that are not too popular or easy to sing? good question, if that were the case, we would have a good songbook evolving, instead, some of the oldies but goodies keep disappearing. I suspect that the same dynamics as in the " contrary elders dislike elders" thread are at work in the music department instead.

  • blondie
    prologos, doesn't the WTS admin select every song for the meetings and conventions except the public talk.
  • prologos

    prologos, doesn't the WTS admin select every song for the meetings and conventions except the public talk.

    Perhaps even what should be played as a background at meetings and conventions, and these choices are not bad, as elevator music goes, but I hope they never choose the newest crop or crap? I will be gone by then, perhaps.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Ever since the new song book introduced around 5 years ago, the music has really gone downhill. The song book before that, music was bearable.

    But these new songs, introduced recently are just aweful.

  • ttdtt
    Just more of "whats new to distract you" this week.
    The changes and updates and new crap will just keep coming and coming.
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    It seems to be their latest brainwashing effort. The talks and other meeting material are all recycled over-and-over with rare nulite thrown in. The teachings are nothing to get excited about, so they change the names of the meetings and throw in some new songs. They need to keep the sheeple busy and coming back to the cult website, so these songs provide a distraction while the GB continues their attention on the money-grab.
  • JW_Rogue

    I think the focus of the new songs is emotional manipulation. An idea can get into your brain easier when accompanied by music. The push for practicing the songs is about more manipulation and control. Songs like "Life Of A Pioneer" and "Listen, Obey and Be Blessed" have terrible lyrics designed to brainwash. I think they may have also found that many of the new songs aren't very easy to sing along to and actually take quite a bit of practice to sound good.

    I also have a theory that by having some songs that you either have to print out or download to a device they are trying to encourage meeting preparation. If you don't study and note which songs are going to be played you'll be stuck standing there with no song to sing and everyone will know you didn't study.

  • TheWonderofYou

    Brother Frederick Franz was former important Watchtower Director singing here as tenor in this quartet.

    in an old songs, broadcasted over watchtower radio station WBBR, the happy family listening to good radio station.

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