Can somebody explain the songs and songbook obsession?

by careful 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DNCall

    Having worked in the music department for 20 years, from 1986 to 2006, I can say that all of your responses are correct and show excellent deductive skills.

    The only thing I can add is to reinforce that David Splane is the game changer. His approach was well received among the music people, as we had been clamoring for music to play a more prominent role as an emotional vehicle for some time. Other factors are that one of the professional arrangers used on occasion suggested adding new songs to see what the reaction would be. Any song that was a "hit" with the r&f would be considered for inclusion in the next book. The lead musician has long been of the opinion that group singing has always been a healthy pastime, and although not practiced as much in modern times, should be revived.

    What have always stifled the creativity and quality a number of the musicians are capable of, are the restrictions imposed by and musical taste of the GB. So long as the GB signs off on the finished product, you are going to have uninspiring, poor-quality music.

    As far as connecting with young people, I think the Pew studies show how effective JWs are with this. Kind of like the way George Burns described having sex as a 90-plus-year-old: "It's like shooting pool with a rope."

  • prologos
    DNcall "-- It's like shooting pool with a rope." I can not see how to bridge that gap across to the new generation. When I feel about heavenly music I trend toward Bach, but great melodies were written in the last 75 years, For some reason the wt retains melodies that were inspired by the dire conditions in the KZ camps, out-stubborning the SS guards musically. This might presage things to come for jws, but sometimes it seems that these ugly marches, minor key hymns are designed to condition, to harden the r&f for the things to come, fall in line for this. Can there be melodies written for the young that will generate the awe of the classics?
  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence
    I really, really, really, really despise the new song book. The 1984 song book certainly needed to be freshen up and revised a bit. Add some songs, remove some songs, change some of the chorus, etc. But the gb came out with a completely new song book that is foreign to me even five years after its initial release in 2010. They must know it sucks because they are coming out with new songs.
  • sir82

    David Splane, the inventor of the overlapping group generation and the worst songs this cult has ever had.

    That's the first time I've seen credit granted to an individual for that little bit of ludicrousness known as "overlapping generations". It is such a nitwitted idea I always assumed it was the work of a committee.

    Is that "insider info" or just a speculation?

  • Londo111
    I remember at the annual meeting a little while back Splane playing maestro. That makes sense. Who is going to tell him his music sucks?
  • sir82

    A few of the uplifting, soul-stirring lyrics y'all are missing if you don't attend:

    from Song 85:

    It may be by choice or by their lot in life; There are some who sin - gle re -
    main. By seek - ing the King - dom of God to the full, In
    god - ly de - vo - tion they gain. By mak - ing the room for their
    un - wed-ded state, At times they are lone - ly, we know.

    from song 90:

    Here with us are a - ged ones, Those whose youth has
    passed. Here a - mong us they en - dure;
    Still they’re hold - ing fast. Loss of strength be -
    sets them all; Loss of mates for some.

    May we al - ways
    rec - og - nize They were once young too.
    Loy - al - ly they gave their best When their strength was new.

    from Song 91:

    Life in this world can be hard. Life in this world can bring
    tears and pain.

    Gone are the days of my youth; Days of ca - lam - i - ty
    now are here. Still through the eyes of my faith, My
    hope is bright and clear.

    How thoroughly and unrelentingly depressing. It's a wonder old and/or single JWs aren't slitting their own throats after listening to this drivel week after week.

  • wisdomfrombelow
    I thought the reason for so many new songs is that they were thereby forcing people to the website The epub versions of the KM and Watchtower have the new songs included so it must be a way to nudge people to using the electronic version and not the paper version

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