“Monkey this up”...

by minimus 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • freddo

    Being from the UK I've never heard it either.

    The word comes up in the phrase "You cheeky little monkey!" which was/is used by parents countrywide to admonish rude children of both sexes (more usually a boy) and all colours of skin.

    Oh and occasionally you might hear "grease-monkeys" referring to mechanics of low grade or dubious skill. It is usually used in the plural to refer to the lower grade of mechanics that might be found in (e.g) tyre replacement establishments.

    E.g. "My car was fine until I let the grease-monkeys put new tyres on it!"

  • minimus

    Coded logic, the left does claim that every white person is inherently prejudiced. The right doesn’t believe global warming to be a major threat. Perhaps some from each side will view it differently but the left and the right have their own viewpoints. You don’t hear conservatives apologize for being white but you will hear it from liberals aka the “left”.

  • cobweb

    What has being on the right have to do with science? Cannot one look at the scientific evidence for or against climate change in a politically neutral manner or is political ideology the determining factor in informing viewpoints?

  • em1913

    "Capitalist science" is a thing. If it's good for Exxon, it's good for the planet, and if it isn't good for Exxon, it's obviously MADE UP FAKE NEWS BY COMMIES. There are entire corporate-funded think tanks that do nothing all day long but pump out talking points to "prove" that this is the case.

    As far as the claim that "the left teaches that every white person is inherently prejudiced" goes, well, no. What it does teach is that capitalism uses and has always used the doctrine of "white supremacy," either overtly or coded, to keep the working class divided in America. The use of racism is structural, and is not dependent on the beliefs or actions of any particular individual. "Whiteness" in this sense has less to do with skin color than with a figurative carrot of privilege dangled before a certain segment of the working class to ensure that it does not cooperate and find common cause with other segments of that class. "We're like you and you're like us, we're really on the same side against Them, " say the capitalist class to these workers, even as that class continues to exploit them as severely as it exploits the "not white" segments of that class. But the "white workers," like faithful dogs groveling for table scraps from their masters, just wag their tails and bark on cue.

    This strategy has been very successful over the past two hundred years, whether pitting white against black or "white" against other ethnic groups -- Jews, Italians, Irish, Chinese, etc. -- who have been put in the position of "not white" by the social structures of a given period. We see it today in the way the immigration issue is presented -- the foreign "others" posing a threat to the way of life represented by Real 100 Percent Americans. That was the basic thesis offered by the KKK in the 1920s, by the Coughlinites, the Liberty Leaguers and the America Firsters in the 1930s and 1940s, the Christian Crusade against Communism (changing the initials doesn't change the pronunciation) and the Birchers in the 1950s and 60s, the Nixon Southern Strategy and the Willis Carto/Liberty Lobby crowd in the 1970s, the Reaganite Neocons in the 1980s, the Buchananites of the 1990s, and so on down to Brother Trump and his friends today. The honking and quacking from the right today is nothing but old wine in new bottles.

    Sociology is cool. Read some.

  • minimus

    White supremacy.... wow! I think if I reversed that and said black supremacy keeps us divided in America, you’d be having a hissy fit.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    the left does claim that every white person is inherently prejudiced

    No it doesn't. Repeating a claim doesn't make it any more true the second time than it does the first time. Stop making things up.

  • minimus
    It does even if you choose to ignore what the left has said.
  • em1913

    Not at all. And other than perhaps the late Elijah Muhammad with his teaching of old Mr. Yakub and his grafted white devils, I don't think anybody teaches "black supremacy." I've been reading your stuff here for years, Minimus, and to be honest you've always struck me as too intelligent a guy for that kind of cheap strawman argument. I hate to see the Trumpies sucking you into the cult of identitarianism. That way lies madness.

  • minimus

    White supremacy was the original expression used. If we suggested black supremacy keeps the country divided, it was be taboo but if it’s said against white people, it’s not a big deal and widely accepted. That’s wrong and I’m expressing that. No one is superior to another. Another example—-black lives matter is extolled. If you say white lives matter, you’re a racist, per the left.

  • em1913

    Non sequitir. Who is this monolithic "left" you're speaking about? There are many lefts, just as there are many rights. There are many people on the left, like me, who believe in class-based social analysis, and reject identity politics as reactionary.

    I don't mean this as an attack, and I hope you won't take it as such, but I get the sense that this {{{LEFT}}} you're talking about is some kind of trumped-up (ha ha) boogeyman that has little real substance outside the Fox News/alt-right bubble. It doesn't bear any resemblance to any actual leftists that I know or interact with.

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