Dean meltdown

by Seven 63 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim
    He doesn't come across as particularly intelligent That's perspective I guess, mine is different than yours. and I think you'll find that alot of the budget problems came about as a result of the excessive spending related to Afghanistan and Iraq. Not excessive spending...NECESSARY spending. True, the tax cuts put money back into people's pockets and that generates spending in the economy but the vast bulk of the tax cuts benefitted the rich and the "rich" pay the vast majority of the taxes. and that money does not go back into the mix, it goes straight into the stock market which allows companies to invest in their infastructure...expand...and create jobs.
    Why do you think the prescription drug benefit is rediculous? It's not means tested...which should be a requirement for any government dole. We have a national health service here that takes care of people who cannot afford private health care. What are your taxes? I don't understand how America can be proud of having so many people with no access to healthcare when it is the most prosperous nation on earth. Some of it's over priced for sure...and I'm not oppossed to a MEANS tested method of providing some type of health care coverage. We do indeed have about 40 million who don't have health care...some of those by choice...some in between jobs (they should be allowed to carry their group health benefit with them until they get a new job...they'd have to pay the employer thing that would help ENORMOUSLY is allowing small businesses to get together and buy Health Insurance together. There are a lot of answers that don't require a lot of government spending. My health care is paid for and provided by the's not done well.
    One reason our health care costs so much is because it's also the best in the world.
  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    It IS a question of perspective and we are never going to agree on Bush or Iraq. I would however be interested to see dollar figures per capita on how much it is costing you to have so many troops in Iraq and how much it is costing me to have UK troops there too.

    The one thing I have to take issue with is that the rich don't pay alot in taxes. They have enough money to pay smart accountants to hide most of it and avoid the proportional burden that you and I shoulder. I am damn certain that Cheney and his cohorts don't lose anywhere near the same percentage of their income as you or I do in income tax etc.

  • Yerusalyim

    Helper, the top 10% income bracket pays over 50% of the income taxes paid....however, there are tons of loop holes that protect their money...that's why I favor a flat eliminates almost all deductions and a family of four making 33,000 a year would pay exactly $0 in taxes.

  • gitasatsangha

    I thought most Jewish politicians were busy turning Palestinians into garbage? No we don't need a Lieberman in the White House. We've already got an insane Zionist right in the Oval Office. I may be racist because of this, but it has nothing to do wirth religion. I can't support a Jew as commander in chief.

  • Yerusalyim

    You're right Git, that, in my view, is a terribly racist comment.

  • gitasatsangha

    In retrospect it does come off that way. I think what I meant is that Americans need to support America and not some Zionist hidden agenda.

  • Yerusalyim
    Americans need to support America and not some Zionist hidden agenda.

    Hitler and the Grand Mufti would be quite proud of you...have you been reading "The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion" again? Still worried about that world wide Jew Conspiracy?

  • Euphemism

    "Hidden agenda"? Israel's agenda isn't hidden at all... they simply want to live in peace in their homeland. Now I don't necessarily agree with the way they've tried to accomplish that, but that has nothing to do with religion or ethnicity.

    Generals are actually quite reticent to criticize one another in public...would Clark by some fluke win the nomination, then is the time to come forward with the details.

    I'm sorry, but that makes no sense to me. If Clark wins the nomination, then waiting until he's nominated to spill the beans basically means (if the allegations are serious) handing the presidency to George W Bush. How fair is that?

    And if Shelton is genuinely "reticent to criticize" Clark, then why did he say anything in the first place?

  • wednesday

    I do not know what they "have " on clark. I heard Rush say that they do have something, and he would not get into unless he was nominated.

    What is it they "have" on Clark? I do not support him, i support Bush.

  • Satanus


    Hitler and the Grand Mufti would be quite proud of you...have you been reading "The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion" again? Still worried about that world wide Jew Conspiracy?

    That from a guy who said that american soldiers should be fighting directly for israel. Not surprising.


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