My experience with a Judicial Committee, when in my early 20's

by Dunedain 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dunedain

    I joined this wonderful site, only a few weeks ago, although i have been away from the BORG, for almost 20 years. I didnt introduce myself, on a personal level, but i jumped right in, commenting, making threads, and just immersing myself in this community. What a time, indeed, to be here, its almost as if i was "called" here, because the week i lurked, and joined, was when ALL this recent stuff came out. From the meeting change, to the stopping of some construction, to the lay-offs, and all the BS. Adding all these recent changes, to the changes in "generation", what they are doing with blood fractions, and of course the child abuse issues, and it just truly shows that 'SOMETHING" is going on in the borg, and its not good. The loss of spirit, if it was even ever there, is quite evident.

    Anyway, being that i kinda "jumped" right in, and didnt really introduce myself, i wanted to at least give a personal experience today, in this thread. I do not want to reveal too much about myself personally, for many reasons, but i do want to tell about a specific judicial commitee that i was bullied in, and how i was treated.

    There are SO MANY stories, and things i can say, and i am sure that over time i will share many of it. I know that many have had the same, or similiar situations, when dealing with men, and Elders who have NO business judging other humans, yet they do so, and quite unlovingly. I am going to keep it short and to the point.

    I had "sinned" when i was in my teens, for "normal" things. Pre-marital sex, smoking pot, those kind of experimental things that a semi-normal teenager, sometimes does. The problem was, i was baptised, and a JW. I was baptized at an early age, i think around 13 or 14, as we all know you are pressured to do when in the borg. Looking back, i can honestly and truly say, i did NOT know what it really meant to dedicate your LIFE to something.

    Fast forward to a few years later, and i had STOPPED those things, and was living a "changed" life back in the "truth". I did NOT confess what i had done, but simply relied on my personal relationship with Jah, and in my actions, and knowing what i had done, and was doing now were big differences, and was better. I even felt my relationship with Jah was good, and i was having prayers answered, and all that good BS. I married a sister in the KH, things were looking good.

    Then my "mistakes" came out, and the Elders found out about the things i had done. I was in my VERY early 20's, at this point, so i had a few years of living a "changed" life, which to me should show repentance, by my very actions, NOT just words. However, this was NOT good enough for the Elders. They told me, via judicial committee, that i should have confessed/told them everything, when i should have done that, and because i didnt, it means i wasnt truly sorry. I told them i knew i did wrong, and made the correct changes, but i wasnt prepared to "open" myself up, and it was hard for me, but in time maybe i would have.

    I stressed that i LOVED Jehovah, i LOVED the org. I did NOT want to leave or be DF'D. I was truly sorry, and that i NEEDED the brothers, and support of the congregation, especially since because of all this my young marriage was breaking up(that is another story, and quite a crazy one, but better left for another time), and i needed to be here in the congregation.

    Well, it all fell on deaf ears. I was LITERALLY yelled at, and told i should NOT be asking to stay and help, but begging for forgiveness, and that i DESERVE to be PUNISHED! Jehovah could NOT have been answering ANY of my prayers and that he IS VERY disapointed in me. This was all done WITHOUT love, but with anger. The PO Elder, who i knew my whole life, had the audacity to BLAME ME for all the "problems" in the congregation. That because i "hid" my sins, then Jehovahs spirit was not fully with the congregation. Mind you, the congregation WAS in trouble, there were MANY divisions, and issues. But it had nothing to do with my 21 year old self, and the PROOF is that AFTER i was DF'd and gone, the issues became WORSE. The Elder body was split up, and 4 Elders went to different congregations, due to disagreements, and other things, and people were dropping like flies. Continuing on, i begged them for mercy and told them i was truly repentant, and one of the Elders said, "well even Judas was repentant after he commited his sin". This asshole actually compared me to JUDAS, the murderer of Jesus. Of couse, the final result was i was DF'd.

    Looking back it was the BEST thing, it led to me being away from the cult. I was so stumbled and treated so horribly by these men, that i eventually stopped trying to get re-instated. I was just a 21 year old person. I was bullied by these men. I am now 40 years old, and if these men would have tried anything like this to the man i am today, it would have beena totally different story, and probably with a few bloody noses.

    I just wanted to give this small example, and share what happened to me. I have so many more stories too, and even this one has more, but all in due time. I wanted to tell this true story, to serve as a reminder of the borgs hypocrasy. These Elders took NO responsibility for their OWN actions, and maybe it being the reason their congregation was failing. NO, instaed they wanted to blame ME. Well, it starts from the top down, and they will be judged, as they have judged. These Elders, threw me to the "wolves". not lovingly sheparding, but instead, unlovingly JUDGING. Shame on them.

  • runForever
    The Dark Side is strong with them...
  • tim3l0rd

    Wow! I believe that my own encounter with a judicial committee was what eventually led me to wake up. While I did come back and it took almost a decade for me to fully wake up, my experience with the elders in that committee really distressed me and had me wondering where the love was. I had too much family and was fully drinking the kool-aid when it happened, but that started a crack in my faith. I ignored it for a long time until the crack had widened to the point that I could no longer ignore it.

    I think more elders would leave, especially after being involved with a JC, if they could get their head around the idea that an organization is needed to serve God. Some would definitely stay as it serves their narcissism, but I think a large number are upset by the JC process and go along with it because it's coming from the Mother Org.

  • Finkelstein

    This story is reminiscent of men who took it upon themselves to overly extend their power over people.

    Instead of accepting the fact that you had transgressed in the past and not in the present, tells of their over indulgence of being placed in power of which they were selected.

    One thing you can expect by men who have been given that position of power, that there will be times and situations they will over extend themselves as a means to establish their own self appealing righteousness.

    Personal conflicts and indifference can also create situations out of vindictiveness.

  • John Free
    John Free

    Thank you for telling your story. It's a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to hearing more. It is sick the way these men treat people, they damage so many young lives.


  • Giordano

    Dunedain any Elder that commits a sin merely needs to wait silently 3 sinless years and if found out they are forgiven....not even removed as an Elder.

    Another reason to do away with shunning.

  • Londo111

    You should have been appointed and elder or a ministerial servant, because the elder's handbook says:

    If it comes to light or an appointed brother confesses that he has committed a disfellowshipping offense years in the past: The body of elders may determine he can continue to serve if the following is true: The immorality or other serious wrongdoing occurred more than a few years ago, and he is genuinely repentant, recognizing that he should have come forward immediately when he sinned. (Perhaps he has even confessed to his sin seeking help with his guilty conscience.) He has been serving faithfully for many years, has evidence of God's blessing, and has the respect of the congregation.

  • truthseekeriam

    It's amazing the crap we put up with... being such humble sheep and all!! The power these men have and love is used to abuse the lowly congregants.

    I've heard my husband say many times after we woke up, "if only they would say that crap to me now!!"

    I look forward to hearing more of you experience, welcome to the forum.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    A load of lives they have ruined. Prevented countless people from getting married. 10's of thousands perished because of an ''eroneous'' misinterpretation of the ''blood policy'' and many, many, many youths careers foiled because of discouragement of higher education.

    If someone is of age, I strongly encourage you to move out, have your own place and away from all that nutty crazy influence. Your future is far too valuable to piss away like this. AMEN!!

  • WingCommander

    "Masters of your faith" is putting it mildly in JW La-La-Land.

    Wonder how Jesus feels about these fine "shepherds" driving people out the way they do? Feel the love!!!

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