Witness World Response to Apostates

by DevonMcBride 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebodylovesme

    Dear Active JW:

    By being here, you are breaking the rules that you have sworn to follow. I don't get that. I don't understand how you can decide which rules are "okay" to break, and yet disfellowship others for doing things not nearly as significant. Hypocritical.

    I did not join WW to cause trouble. I have never been a Witness and never will be. Why? Because they ruin people. I have told Witnesses before and will tell you - I would never join any group that would ever ask me disown a member of my family because they have a different opinion. So why did I join WW? Honestly, to learn more about Witnesses. I am married to an inactive Witness, but I did not know him when he was active. I know his family, but that is all. I came to this site to learn, but I wanted the other side. I needed to hear what Witnesses had to say. I lurked. When the UN topic came up, I believed it was a true Witness asking and I felt obligated to confirm that the rumor was true. We ALL deserve the facts. Was it selfish? Maybe. Was it does with vicious intent? NO. YOU may know about the controversies, but most don't, and they do deserve to have it confirmed if brought up.

    You personally are preaching "live and let live", but that is not what your faith teaches or practices. So if you really believe that, what are you doing in a Kingdom Hall?


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    All you reveal about the governing body is the fact that they are imperfect and make mistakes. So did Jesus apostles. The point is moot. We aren't infallible and things that need correcting do get corrected in time.

    I see. Do you mean "imperfect" in the manner of Jehovah's Witnesses? 15 years ago I was told by 2 different bodies of elders, 3 circuit overseers and in a letter from the Society that I needed 2 eyewitnesses to the rapes inflicted upon me by my father, my mother and their friends.

    When I produced my paternal grandmother and an aunt, I was told their testimony was invalid because (1) they did not stand there and watch my 4 year old self being brutalized, and (2) they were not Jehovah's Witnesses, therefore anything they say must be a lie.

    A cirucuit overseer sat in my living room and said unless I "shut up" he would see to it personally that I was disfellowshiped.

    And this is the sole channel of God's knowledge and wisdom? Tell me please again and again.

    Do you realize how evil, not wrong, not in error, but evil this rule is? Do you understand that for a child to be believed in this organization, two adults must stand and literally watch this child being raped, must listen to their screams for help, and do nothing. For if they interfered, and acted liked moral human beings, there would be no penetration, therefore no rape.

    And somehow these same two adults who have witnessed this horror, stood by and done nothing, are somehow more honorable, and more believable, people than the child himself/herself? Somehow their testimony carries more weight than the physical damage caused, (how does a child get STDs?). You do understand that in the real world, these same two adults would be charged with a crime.

    Tell me please more about these imperfect men. These imperfect men, the sole channel of God's interest, who do nothing to protect innocents from being brutalized. Tell me please about these "things that need correcting in time", all the while the most savage crimes are committed.

    Sir, I believe absolute evil cannot exist in the presence of God. I also believe the reverse is true. Someone very wise once that that followers of a God of love would be noticed by their actions. (By your fruits you shall know ...). Jehovah's Witnesses have shown me all too clearly by their actions who and what they are. Forgive me, but what your organization does speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say.

  • shamus

    Why do you speak when, whereby doing so, you are going to be dead by Jehovah for speaking to evil apostates? By going against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, "The Society", or however you speak of it, you are ignoring the fact that you are a "walking corpse".

    Just trying to understand why you still believe is beyond me.

  • larc

    Another thing I thought I would throw into the pot. My mother's aunt was Rutherford's mistress. You can email me at [email protected] and I will send you the details.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent
    I'm really surprised that you bother to sign up at JW sites still. It's a game that is quite tiresome. As soon as you start to post you reveal yourselves.

    ...but I've been posting as a JW for years and haven't been detected!!!!

    Max - trained in evangelisim and redirecting hearts by the JW's themselves

    (only joking )

  • Sassy

    hmmmm Max.. did you ever post at the places I mod'd or admin'd......

    pm me.. I am curious..

  • avishai
    Avi, have some compasion. Were you ever a doubting dub? Would you have responded to that? I wouldn't have.

    Fine. I have a lot of compassion. But I don't think this guy is a "doubter" but a "preacher".

    All you reveal about the governing body is the fact that they are imperfect and make mistakes. So did Jesus apostles. The point is moot. We aren't infallible and things that need correcting do get corrected in time.

    Hmmmm. Yeah. We told the elders that my bro was being molested by a guy in the cong. As per WTS law, they did'nt report him in a mandatory reporting state. They also had prior knowledge of him being a Child molester. So he goes on & molests dozens of other kids. Same thing with another molester that I KNOW OF in the same cong. So we have a body count of at least a hudred kids that would'nt have been molested because both these bastards would have been locked up. That's just the ones I know of, in one cong. This, however is a worldwide precedent. What's the victim count worldwide, Jonadab, huh? Corrected in due time my ass!!! You people make me sick.

  • CountryGuy
    somebodylovesme and drwtsn32: Let us know if you ever change your tune and become dedicated, baptized Witnesses. You would then be quite welcome to join us. That goes for anyone else here.

    Wow, Jonadab!

    You inserted that one line to start your time, didn't you? What a creative way to get some time in for the month! My hat is off to you. Very creative! According to the time stamp, your first post on the site today was at 6:59pm (my local time) and the last one was at 10:38pm. That's over three and a half hours, and you ended just in time to watch Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson on Saturday Night Live! I wish this had been an option when I was growing up, I could have been a pioneer!

    Honestly, you want to know why some here have been posting on witness sites, but the better question would be: why would you be posting here (definding the WBTS), on a predominantly EX-witness site? You know the score as well as we do. You have been blatently forbidden by the org not to come to sites like this, yet here you are. But don't worry, I won't tell the elders. However, I'm not so sure that they may not be lurking here.


  • avishai
    hmmmm Max.. did you ever post at the places I mod'd or admin'd......

    pm me.. I am curious

    Sassy, as a self professed "ex" spy, why are you asking? I'm probably way off, but, 'c'mon, it does sound fishy.......

  • Sentinel

    Jonadab, you really seem like a most sincere person. I was a very active and believing JW for quite a number of years, and even after I realized many things were absolutely wrong and unloving, I stayed because of the emotional blackmail of the disfellowshipping and shunning practices. Your group believes that anyone reading any other literature of the world, or questioning is apostate. This is where unreasonable and irrational control comes in.

    I was a very sincere JW, but I realized that I was sincerely wrong in the path that I'd been on with them; I had to listen to my heart. What happened to me after I made that decision--simply to "not practice that belief system any longer", is that I lost my foundation of existence--many dear friends, and my dear mother and aunt. I commited no gross sin, other than to make a personal decision for myself. The harsh result of my choice only reinforced that I had made the right decision. I did not try to turn others away, nor did I want to pursue wicked and evil things. However, I was labeled and shunned severely by my own mother, who does so even now in the name of her faith. I keep asking myself, "where is the love and compassion?".

    That is why we must prove to ourselves what "truth" is. According to the JW rules, you take a great risk by coming on here and "associating with us". We have no problem with you being here; on the other hand, your JW sites will not tolerate our free expression and experiences. Why is that? Why are you taught to fear us so much? I know for a fact that if you believe something with all your heart, absolutely nothing you read or hear will sway you away from that.

    I am not here to condeme the religion of the Jehovah's Witness. My experience from age thirteen until I finally walked away when I was in my mid thirties, was filled with much unhappiness and turmoil. To me, it was a harsh reality to understand that they were just another type of religion like all the others, only more cultish. I was filled with so much guilt and pain, all because I wasn't listening to what my own heart was telling me....yet your group would label me as "weak", "apostate", "sinner"... How can your JW organization condeme one for total honesty? How can a group of people dictate to others to close off their heart and mind to the stirrings they alone need to answer?

    Well, whatever you choose for yourself is fine with me. If it makes you happy and gives you peace, then this is "your truth". It is not my truth. I am 57 years old, and only realized true happiness some 2-3 years ago, when I was finally able to cleanse myself of the lingering guilt over my decision so many years ago. I have absolutely no regrets for walking away and it was the absolute best decision I could have ever made; but the emotional land psychological damage stayed with me for some twenty years later. The cleansing process that had been delayed for me, was the process of learning to accept and love myself, and to live in this beautifully created world. To show love and compassion in everything I do, and to make good choices along the way. For so much a part of my life, I was not free to do these things, and so my self-esteem was very low and there was depression and sadness. That is gone now! How wonderful to be free to be myself.

    It would be my wish that everyone could find "their own way" and thereby rid themselves of all the guilt, pain and sorrow of things that they cannot change. We have to let go and move on, and this forum is helping us to do that. There are so many different personalities here--for the most part, mature and knowledgeable, and willing to show that love that was ripped away from us.

    We don't need anyone to save us. We are safe. We are at peace. Believe what you will. I cannot change you and wouldn't wish to try.

    (Very proudly, I am Karen Martz Martin Raymond)

    I am One with myself and my Truth.

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