The Biggest Scandal In Your Congregation

by Hunyadi 63 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Xena
    Biggest Scandal Here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Child abuse by an elder for 5 years. Society says to hush. Wife of this elder has an affair with the father of the abused. New committee reinstates elder after 6 months. One of the new committee elders has an affair with the wife of the abuser. Abusing elder trades his wife for the wife of the new commitees elders wife. Elder ends up in jail for child abuse. Wife of the abusing elder has the hots for yet another brother and lets him move in. Uncle of the abused child admits to molestation also, but doesn't want to go to jail. Puts gun to his mouth and pulls the trigger. Still following me? Elder in jail wants to marry the wife of the new committees elder who has a few kids of her own. YIKES

    wait I think I have it....nope you lost me... how in the world did you remember it all????

  • toreador

    Thats just plain CRAZY puternut! What is the world coming too (TM)?

  • m0nk3y

    It may be funny because your out and stuff .. but have you spared a thought to how using the word gay in that context makes young gay ppl feel when they are growing up and haven't yet come out ? Hearing all the teens saying "OMG that drink is sooooo GAY, it tastes like shit" blah blah growing up gay you feel worthless enough without everyone comparing shit stuff to the word gay .. it isnt exactly the direction we wanna head in .. not to mention the fact that people like myself and like how many generation gays before us have fought for the level of acceptance we have today. Lets not take it for granted or even take it a few steps bak.

    I just wanna make it clear that some things we let ourselves say can and do make an impact on people around us .. somtimes without us even knowing it .. wouldnt it be better to make a positve impact instead of a negative one ? Oh and for that person that said I had a problem with being gay or the word gay or whatever erm .. dude I am like the most openly out gay person I know .. not to mention I do drag n such .. I mean hello ! I'd like someone to come up to my face and say the say kinda thing while I'm wearing a pair of my 9" heels

    So anyways here's a bit of scandle for this thread .. well if you do a bit of a stretch anyways.

    I think the biggest scandle that happened in our hall was to do with my family .. I don't want to talk about it .. I have issues *giggles*


  • NoBorg

    A public talk I gave on the Ransom......... hooooooo boy, there was no small amount of ire raised over that one.

  • Maverick

    I will keep this to just the last Hall I was in. Most of the MS's were sons of Elders and they married daughters of Elders. But during the dating frenzy, a period of about four years, they all had sex with each other. It seemed every week this one or that one was getting reproved, (no DFing...Elders kids remember). In time they all settled in and pick out who they would marry and things seemed to smooth out...the operative word is SEEMED!

    This one Elders son had at least three affairs, the first two were with non JW's so he did not get in too much trouble. The third time he got caught it was with his best buddies wife. She being the daughter of the Secretary and he being the son of the School Overdoofus. He got reproved, she got NOTHING! Her stupid, whimp-assed MS husband just stood around with his wee-wee in his hand and forgave them both! The other guys wife had enought and divorced the turd! Since I have left, everyone of that brat-pack has been in JC's for doing each other...after being married, and not one of them has ever been DF'd! Maverick

  • crinklestein

    Monkey, get over yourself. If you're gay great... don't get your panties in a bunch when someone says the word GAY. What, does your gaydar start sending you mind-piercing *blips* everytime someone says GAY? Get real. You are like the black people that think everything is racist because someone looks at them crosseyed. And black people call each other nigger and no one says anything so why cant a gay guy say "that's gay"? Get over yourself man. It's not cool when someone in a minority tries to act like a spokesperson for that minority. You don't speak for gays just because you're gay, they can speak for themselves. You don't hear me jump up ready to claw someone in the eyes when someone says the word SMARTASS in a derogatory manor, even though I'm a smartass. I don't speak for all smartasses, just myself. The other smartasses can fend for themselves.

    NOW that this soap opera is out of the way....back to scandals...

    The only scandal I was aware of was the daughter of the elder was either anarexic or bolemic. One or the other. But being that this is a disease or mental problem the person cant really control it. She was councled several times to "stop being bolemic". Of course they didnt help her or get her treatment. She didn't stop. So they disfellowshiped her...HER OWN FATHER DISFELLOWSHIPED HER under the grounds that she was being too vein, worrying too much about her figure and her looks.

  • undercover

    I wish I wasn't still trying to lay low. I've got some good stories, but if I tell them it will give me away for sure. A couple of these had to have direction from NY to straighten them out. But reading the ones here shows me that the halls I was in really wasn't any different than the ones mentioned here, which just goes to show that JWs aren't really that much better than the general populace.

  • xjw_b12

    I agree. puternut wins the Peyton Place Award!

  • m0nk3y

    UGH ! I'm sure most people get the point .. but then again smartarses with dunces caps are usually more smartererer than most of us.

  • czarofmischief

    Wow... nothing like that.

    Of course, I was fairly oblivious, might have been something going on. I am familiar with a child molestation case that, of course, ended up with the innocent hurt and the guilty escaping, but that didn't seem like a big deal until after I was out of the cult's programming, and then I look back and I'm like, wow... that was really stupid.

    Words go through evolution, monkey, don't take it personal.


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