Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom

by scrubmaster 77 Replies latest jw experiences

  • garybuss

    The guys going in at 5 am are the elders. They are taking turns. They know it is safe because:

    1: It is after 2 am,

    2: They know Bethel thinks you are a crackpot,

    3: Your team is guarding their cars . . .

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    scrub, you have some serious issues.

    Are you a witness or not? If not then who gives a rat's ass what the elders think, if you are then FFS wake up. Their organisation, their beliefs and their whole way of life is a crock of shit. As for what your ex wife is doing, it is none of your business so quit harassing her!

  • lisaBObeesa
    Of course they have not responded to my last letter and even told me they would not.

    Well, that is it, then my friend. Case closed. They are telling you to drop it. You will have to stay single for the rest of your life or until you get some better spys.

    Or until you decide that this is WRONG and refuse to go along with it anymore.

    When my JW parents split up, my father moved to HAWAII, I believe just so my mother would never get proof and could never be free!! And it worked, as my mother had neither the money nor the inclination to hire an expensive private detective in another state! It worked, that is, until a few years later when my mom decided she couldn?t and shouldn?t have to take it anymore and got remarried to a wonderful man. And got DF.

    All I can say is, thank God she is free!! This got her out of the JWs long enough for her to see that this could not be ?God?s One True Org.?

    Hey, thanks Watchtower Corporation, for being so stupid and unloving!

    This ALSO happened to my brother. He, like many JW youth, got married at around 18 years old. It was a terrible mistake, as he and Elder?s daughter were much too young and after only a few years, she left him.

    It soon became clear she was leading a double life and people saw her out at clubs and stuff. But she never got DF. That was her main concern. She just drug my brother?s name through the mud, and then moved to a location no one ever did find, and stopped going to the meetings. But she still got to keep her family, and her wild life on the side while my brother cannot be free. My brother was a good JW for quite sometime after this, but the elders and cong treated him very poorly because they figured he 'must have done something!' Still he continued on. A nd my brother will never spy on her or hire a PI. He just would never do that. After a time, he had enough. This painful time in my brother?s life changed his view of ?God?s One True Org,? also.

    Oh well, he is better off without her, and now I have my baby brother back! Thanks again, Watchtower Corporation!

    Good luck, Scrubmaster. I wish you happiness and freedom and joy! But the elders will never give it to you. GOD gives it to us all!


    (Edited to ROFLMAO at Gary!!!!!!!)

  • blondie

    Scrub, looks like Lisa is showing you you have a blessing in disguise. Don't dance to the elder's tune any more. If you believe in God, rest assured he knows what's going on. If so inclined, find a woman who will appreciate you and you can appreciate her.


  • scrubmaster

    Just so you know Jedi Master a public street is anyone domain -- stalking is when a person fills threaten -- did I mention by the way I was not involved in looking at house -- any one can play detective -- therefore basically it is some one who is famaliar with dectective work who did the survellaince -- so therefore it is not stalking -- just so you know the.. i will repeat again anyone has access to a public street..I could park on the street corner in your neighorhood 365 days a year and you could not do a thing about it unless I threaten you or approach you private property -- please read the stalking laws --- detectives do these type of things all of the time and so does the US goverment ---

  • little witch
    little witch


    Your own account of failure is a testamony to your technique.

    The marriage is over, cry her a river so she can build you a bridge, and you can get over it.

    Obviously the "power" you held over the poor woman has been invalidated by her.

  • scrubmaster

    Jedi Master -- from Indiana -- you know it is people like you -- it is people like you and my ex-wife that have no sympathy for people who cause 99.9% of the problems in the world -- just so you know what kind of person she was and to shut you up -- she cheated before in the marriage and because she begged for forgivness and pleaded with me not to leave -- I was kind enough to forgive her-- then she turn around a few years later and left me -- knowing full well what she had done and I would not free to marry -- these are facts it is not crying when a person is stating facts -- no worse then you would be pissed off if someone took something of value from you -- or maybe in your case some one could steal from you and you would be okay with it

  • scrubmaster

    To further make it clear "I DO NOT WANT HER BACK" I want out so I can remarry

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    but why do you need out? You're divorced so just get on with your life and remarry

    Are you still a witness? You still haven't answered that. What is your beef? So what if she won't own up to the elders, you're divorced so she owes you nothing more.

  • blondie

    I understood that from the beginning, scrub. If she has divorced you, then you are out and can remarry. Now if you don't want to be DF'd, that's another issue. I have seen brothers commit adultery with a "worldly" woman, get DF'd and reinstated in a year, then marry the sister they had their eye on. You just have to learn to look extreeeeeeemely repentant and convince the elders. Attend all the meetings, look sad, turn in your letter in about 6 to 8 months, they decline, do it again in 6 to 8 months. Bingo, you're in.


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