Movement to 'Draft" Hillary

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    Yes ... I believe our own Hillary_step will make a fine president!


  • misterears

    I believe you are correct. I believe Al Gore endorsed Howard Dean early knowing Howard would "self destruct" (which he continues to do as the progress in the war and in the economy continue to improve). Al Gore knows (as does the DNC) that Howard can not beat Bush. Therefore, Al knows the DNC will have to convince Hillary to run against George Bush. Both Al and Hillary want to run in 2008 and this is a very clever (and likely to be successful) way to force Hillary to run in 2004 (believing no one can beat Bush) so that Al Gore can run unchallenged by Hillary in 2008. Al's endorsement of Howard will prove to be superb politics; probably the most clever and effective politics in the Democratic party in a long time.

  • copsec

    If Hillary won the Presidential election I would have to seriously consider moving to another country as ours would no longer be a preferable place to live. Hmmm, someone made a comment that the Clinton's were for the common folk. Well along with all the other responses that were negative to that comment I add this...when the Clinton's moved out of the White House they trashed/stole many things from there and Air Force One. Who has to pay to replace those items??? The COMMON FOLK! I vote for whoever I think will do the best job but there is NO WAY I would vote for another member of the Clinton family. (I am ashamed to admit I voted for Bill the first time he ran)

  • Euphemism
    when the Clinton's moved out of the White House they trashed/stole many things from there and Air Force One

    copsec... do you have any documentation for that claim?

    I know that that some White House staffers removed the 'W' keys from computers as a joke. But I'm sure there would have been quite a scandal if the Clintons had trashed or stolen things from the White House or AF1.

  • Badger


    Euph is right...that was nothing at all but a blown up rumor. Don't you think Fox would have had a million pictures of the carnage if that were the case? and nary an apology or a "Faulty information" Mea Culpa. After all, the only thing that mattered in that whole term of office was what Clinton and Monica did...That's what the country REALLY cares about, and not whether or presdient actually recieved the most votes.

    Focusing on blow jobs and phantom wonder the GOP has lost the last three popular votes.

  • czarofmischief

    Hillary is the only one that can threaten Bush. Dean won't be able to - he's misstepped badly by committing to the anti-war effort. Because we won, well, it's hard to argue with success.

    It is in domestic terms that Bush is vulnerable. Even my wife, who supported intervention in Iraq, is saying that she wants a candidate who will offer alternatives. Education in our local area is pretty bad, and she wants public schools to be reformed.

    Also, health insurance is vital. Sorry Yeru, but I have to break with the party line there. If there is one issue that could get me to defect, it would be national health insurance. Every other Western nation has it, every other Western nation seems to be doing all right. Yes their systems have problems, but I have an ankle that will never be right again because I worked with a torn ligament. If I'd been Canadian, I would have gotten a doctor to look at it and then maybe a couple days off work with pay. Without insurance, I did what I could afford, which was an ACE bandage and a percocet looted from my mom's house. My one friend, an escaped dub who never got to go to school because her parents are jerks, went to the emergency room with a kidney infection and now owes the hospital two thousand dollars. Two thousand, which in our terms is four month's rent, or car insurance for a year. It's insane that a simple kidney infection, cured with antibiotics, could put this girl in debt for months, if not years.

    Plus, in terms of national security, it just makes sense. If a biological weapon ever were launched in a poorer neighborhood, it would be disastrous because people without insurance wait longer (and infect others) before going to get help.

    Plus, there are more illnesses such as Alzheimer's, cancer, and diabetes - which are an indirect result of our industrialized lives. If we are going to create a better life through industrialization, we need to spend some of the profits thus garnered on making sure that the common man can cope with the consequences. It's only morally fair that the companies that make profits by altering our environment help us deal with the results of those changes. Raised levels of mercury in our air can lead to various disorders that people without insurance cannot afford to deal with.

    Come on, Yeru, if there is a President who could lead the USA into national health insurance, it's W. We repubs don't like Hillary's other ambitions, and Clark is a raving lunatic - who do we trust?

    If W wants to seal up the election, he should promote a sweeping domestic change like national health insurance. He's the guy to get things done, he's proven that, all he needs to do is say he's going to get everyone insured, and then we'd know that he would do it.


  • SixofNine
    Clark is a raving lunatic

    lol. This from the guy who just said:

    Hillary is the only one that can threaten Bush.


    Because we won, well, it's hard to argue with success.

    Mission accomplished, eh? Been there, done that, and got the flight suit tee shirt, lol.

    I'm betting your wife ends up voting for Clark, Czar.

    ps. I generally agree with your ideas on health care. We can't compete as a nation nearly as well without it. Also, I like saying generally.

  • Yerusalyim


    You asked,


    Would you ever vote for a Democrat?

    Depending on the circumstances...perhaps. For instance Joe Lieberman would get my vote before Pat Buchannon. I have voted for Dems in the Past...but not often...
  • czarofmischief

    We won, six, get over it. Admit it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be, and that it's almost over, and eventually these guerilla attacks will peter out under denunciations from the very mullahs who usually support these things.


    My wife, again, will only pull the lever for the best domestic programs. That's her decision. I will pull for Bush, but I'd feel better about it if he brought forth a cohesive national health insuranc policy. But that's my pet project, my hot button issue, if you will.

    Hell, I'd pull for Hillary over health insurance except gun control is my RED FLAG issue. I don't trust anyone that wants me unarmed.


  • SixofNine
    Admit it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be,

    I thought it (the combat portion) would be about like it was. Nah, I take that back, even I was impressed by just how easy it was, and how masterfully the US military rolled into Baghdad. I was actually in support of the war from the start of the buildup, for humanitarian reasons. I was wrong. It was an illigitimate war, won or lost. Unfortunately, it is far from won.

    The "war" is, or should be, on terror. We simply won a "battle" that wasn't even really related to the war on terror. We lost focus, and lost position in the war on terror.

    But one thing positive has come out of all of this, we now know just how great a job Hans Blix and the rest of the UN weapons inspectors can do when asked! Stunningly effective job by the UN. *applause*

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