This site should be called Anti-Jehovahs-Witnesses Cry-babies

by the-Question 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tepidpoultry

    I know more about Alchemy than anyone in my neighborhood

    So what

  • OrphanCrow
    nicolaou: Not overly proud of my previous comment, it was a snap reaction. My apologies.

    It was an honest reaction

    I "liked" your comment - it summed up what I wanted to say perfectly

  • schnell
    Check the newbies the-Question will be one of them. He's getting so much attention...... he won't be able not to come back.


    Ya know, many of us left the organization without any intent of starting our own cult from the other disillusioned followers, though that is the accusation hurled at us by the GB and some rank and file. I was certainly accused of that by my faithful brother, even after I admitted to him that I'm atheist and have no belief in spiritualism.

    The moment he came on here and criticized the GB, I got the impression that that's what he's after. Because if the GB is failing, who do you suppose is to take their place? People like him?

    Fuck that.

  • tor1500

    Hi All,

    When folks come here and ignore the facts....they are comfy in the org. They don't see anything wrong because now they are in good standing...right now...? is most likely in good standing...he or she fits in they are accepted their future is taken certain...Don't want to wish any harm on this ? person, but just wait if and when the friends turn on him unjustly or make a snide remark....Many of us when we were in the org, thought we were so suchy much...we too had our tails on our soldiers, because we have the know that pride we all had thinking how sad it was for those who didn' they say pride cometh before the fall...

    We hope ? will never have to experience what many experienced on this site through the org. But when he does...most likely he or she will change their name from question to something else so none of us will recognize them, because they will have to eat their words by calling folks on here I say don't wish it on them...As we know many of us were as smug and judgmental as they are ....but it's just a matter of time..

    There are a lot like ? on Allexperts...especially the experts that are JW's, they are something, even if you dare to ask an innocent question they let you have it...& they are witnesses, mind you...Once I told them while I was studying...that they know darn well they weren't supposed to be on the site....then I told them I know why, you counting hours....then they got nastier...because I was just a study at the time, then I said, if this is the way witnesses act when you ask a question, who would want to be one anyway....after that not a creature was stirring not even a lol..


  • stillin

    Poor little guy. Like a man without a country, a rebel without a cause.

    Pretty confused little guy...

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    43 replies in two hours! That has to be a record!

  • Crazyguy

    I left because thier teachings and the Bible could not hold up to scrutiny. Why continue to worship a Canaanite deity?

  • Searril

    We hope ? will never have to experience what many experienced on this site through the org. But when he does...most likely he or she will change their name from question to something else so none of us will recognize them, because they will have to eat their words by calling folks on here I say don't wish it on them...As we know many of us were as smug and judgmental as they are ....but it's just a matter of time..

    This person has been on the Topix dub forum for years trolling under a different name. He implies that everyone in his congregation knows he thinks the GB are imbeciles but he's so super special that nobody gives him grief over it.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    the Question... show a Bible verse that says Cyrus released the Jews 2 years later. You can't because you're a Watchtard.

  • iwasblind

    I left because their teachings are incorrect, their bible is totally wrong and basically they are a cult.

    This forum is a wonderful way for people to process, are insults what you learn to do at your meetings? Is that what following Jesus entails?

    I think you are scared of the actual truth.

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