Did Jesus really die on a cross?

by macys 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • sparrowdown

    I can't believe I ever went around knocking on doors talking about this cross/stake shit with people, actually believing I knew more about it than them.

    Mentally face palming myself right now, if I could go back in time I would be bitch-slapping myself.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Did Jesus really die on a cross?

    nah--he dropped off his perch

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Why be such a stickler, only the witnesses. If the news reported, a man shot standing

    against an oak tree shot in the head, you would wonder what's the point in mentioning the oak tree.

    WTH, the man was killed. Who give a crap if he was standing on his head, the man was killed.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS's intent was to show how main stream Christendom got it wrong , since they are false religion and they are not, ironically the WTS is wrong about the single stake verse the Cross stake.

  • TheListener

    While I personally don't care, my loved ones think this is a big deal so being able to discuss it with them and make solid scriptural and historical points is important. Well, was important, we don't have those types of discussions anymore.

    Leolaia's thread was the best and most complete thread on this subject I've read.

  • _Morpheus
  • fulltimestudent
    The Romans used a variety of instruments on which to fasten someone who they wished to kill slowly. I do not believe that we will ever know for sure what type of stake/cross they used to hang Jesus.
  • Israel Ricky Gonzales
    Israel Ricky Gonzales

    I could not care less, but I do love proving the JWs wrong and liars on this subject. It was mentioned earlier, but they quote many things out of context to support their unorthodox stance on this subject.

    Physically he could not have hung in that manner for the amount of time the bible says he was on there hanging, especially after the beating he took all night.

    He probably carried the patibulum as the stauros would have already been in the ground. He would have had to carry a 15ft telephone pole, 4-5ft under ground and 7-9ft above ground. I've cleaned up fallen trees after storms and lemme tell you, wood is heavy. That's a 2 man job easy, carrying that "stauros" for a mile or longer. The patibulum was much smaller and lighter than the stauros.

    Anyways, I'm just sayin. probably went on too long on this subject.

  • OnTheWayOut
    They can't even prove that Jesus really existed, let alone how he died. Maybe he left earth in the Doctor's TARDIS.
  • tenyearsafter
    The bottom line for believers should be, not how he died (cross or stake), but why he died...end of story. Anything else is a red herring.

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