Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!

by AwakenedAndFree 270 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AwakenedAndFree

    Dear Mysterious,

    Explain to me how God's soverignty needs to be vindicated at the expense of the millions of children living in poverty, disease, and starvation worldwide. Explain to me how they 'threaten' his soverignty by struggling to exist without him lifting a finger in their behalf. Explain to me what is so holy about letting them suffer and die, or destroying them because they do not throw themselves at his feet. Explain to me how they are wicked. What you paint is a idealist picture that whitewashes all the suffering and destruction Our Heavenly Creator knows His creation: He knows us better than we know ourselves!

    Our earthly fellowman/neighbors who are poor and who, unfortunately NEVER had the opportunity to know Jehovah God in this system, WILL have the opportunity to know HIM and Jesus Christ in the: One Thousand Millenium Reign. - it is during this millenial Reign (after Har-magedon - that ressurrected ones and( non-ressurrected-( never died) ones who never KNEW God, HAVE the opportunity to be instructed by non-ressurrected ones(never died) and newly ressurected godly- children. These Children Of God will instruct mankind with a bitter-sweet LIfe- Saving Godly Message that will prepare them to live on earth forever.

    JAMES:2:5:" Listen my beloved ones. God chose the ones who are poor, respecting the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom."

    Christian Love.


  • shamus


    Thank you for your concern on my behalf. (really) I need to forgive god before he can forgive me. And that is a tough one to crack!

  • Valis

    So you man all the people who would possibly live through Armageddon who have been preaching for years, only have to another thousand or so preaching to all those who never got the word or had the "benefit" of having some self righteous bunch of twits in their lives? Sounds wayy f****d up to me. Jehover gets off way to easy in his "lesson" involving a rather costly bet with the Christian Satan.


    District Overbeer

  • AwakenedAndFree
    Dear Faraon, Dec 4, 2003


    Whether YOU like it or NOT Random Task, GOD RULES over you! He His the Sovereign Lord of the Universe, Statute -Giver to His Creation.

    1. And your proof is?

    2. Show me the statutes s/he gave to the viruses, microbes, and other creations he created to kill or maim other creations.

    EZEKIEL 20:33:" As I am alive, is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, " it will be with a stronghand and with a stretched-out arm and with outpoured rage that I will rule as king over YOU people."NWT

    Christian Love,


  • larc

    AAF, I have not read every word of this thread, but I got the general idea and have to ask you a question. Why should God forgive me - for what? He created me didn't he, and he made me imperfect. So there is no reason for me to be forgiven for the imperfections that God gave me in the first place. I should forgive him for giving me these imperfections. AAF, will you address my comments?????????

  • gumby

    Larc, you comment stealin snake! I was gonna say that.....and so I'll say this instead,

    I consider the Society as being the EVIL SLAVE CLASS!


    Was there a time when they were not evil? According to the bible....the evil slave was not ALWAYS evil.


  • fearnotruth22


    It seems as you are preaching to the converted. What you are saying about soverignty is only present truth as far as the Wt teaches and has to measure up to future light. Society just doesnt know for sure as no one else.does either. Wt teaching of universla soverignt is only one explanation to justify why the Almighty always his creatures to suffer. I thought that explanation made sense at one time, tell you the truth after seeing links posted by this board Im not sure that is the answer. You read my post above. read some older wt publications linked from this site and read how foolish they sound now and how convinced as you are at that old light era.

    Sure, God can do waht he wants and is doing it. Mysterious speaks reasonably because allowing your kids to suufer having the power to stop it cannot be reasonably justified. Soverighty doesnt makesense to me anymore. I had never thought about it I jus accepted explanationit before.

    Humans are innocent bystanders here, only guilty of being born. If the God of the Bible is as good as he says he is he will have alot of explaining to do to the human family one day. Billions and billions having no idea what you are talking about and many that cried out to him for help withy no salvation but were tortured suffered unimaginable cruelty and horrors not only the human creation but the animal creation they feel pain too. What sin tdi they do? yet they are killed and tortured as dung. A book of riddles which is the Bible cannot be understood with certainty. REad some of the WT old literature and you will se that the patter of change of change might one day be appled to the univerasal soverignty as you see it oday.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    EZEKIEL 20:33:" As I am alive, is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, " it will be with a stronghand and with a stretched-out arm and with outpoured rage that I will rule as king over YOU people."NWT

    AAF do you even read the scriptures you quote?

    So your idea of Christian love is to be ruled by someone who is in a rage. There's a loving guy if I ever saw one.

  • AwakenedAndFree

    Dear Larc,

    AAF, I have not read every word of this thread,

    I suggest that you read all of my comments that I made on this thread - I don't want to sound like a broken record!

    Thank you.

    Christian Love, AAF

  • avishai

    Dammit, Stacy, stealing my thunder again. What she said, AAF, & why are'nt you answering the hard questions, & just quoting scripture?

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