Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!

by AwakenedAndFree 270 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AwakenedAndFree

    ((((( Dear Abaddon))))),

    You said:"Maybe one day you will learn that, if there is a god,

    I have learned a long time ago that there is a True God - I always Believed in the Creator since I was a very little child. Thankfully to the true God, He listened to my prayer when I searched for Him. My God is the God of the Bible whose name is Jehovah God.

    I respect your beliefs, Abaddon. There is no need to resort to name-calling when you disagree with me.

    I wish you the best. I love you as you are.( I use a smilley to indicate positiveness) You have criticized me for using smilleys on my posts. I tought it would be appropriate to explain to you the reason I do it.

    Christian Love,


  • Abaddon

    Whilst I respect your right to believe what you like, I cannot respect a belief that, for the reasons I have very clearly outlined, seems unquestioning and contradictory.

    It's all very well you belieivng that you have had a personal experience that validates the existence of god. So have madmen and murders the world over. So did the Popes that set the Inquisitors to work. So did the pagan priests who sacrificed humans to their gods.

    Their belief was just as string and just as certain as your, their belief was based on EXACTLY the same reasoning as yours, that despite evidence to the contrary, THEY WERE RIGHT.

    The fact you decide that all those people (with the same reasoning and justifications as you) were wrong and you are right, without offering up any rational defence of your belief, puts you on the same shelf of supersticious ignorance as all those with similar reasoning.

    How is that meant to be a good example to the world? Not even bothering to defend your beliefs other than in terms meaningless to those who question you? Doesn't it say 'to the Romans I was a Roman', rather than 'I couldn't make the Romans understand what I meant but I didn't really try either'? Remember, you're the one advertising yourself as a Christian, and we are counciled to judge a tree by its fruits.

    I've never find evasion to be that tasty, have you?

    Note, I am critical of your beliefs and reasoning. I'm sure you're what is termed 'a nice person' in yourself.

    You have however very obviously exchanged one form of mental slavery for another. At least with this one you get to feel good about yourself I suppose.

  • AwakenedAndFree

    (((((Dear Abaddon)))))

    You said:

    "Whilst I respect your right to believe what you like,..."

    AAF says: "Thank you.

    "I cannot respect a belief that, for the reasons I have very clearly outlined, seems unquestioning and contradictory."

    You have free will. Believe in "what you like" - you have that right also. I submitt to my God entirely, and I DO NOT question my God.

    "It's all very well you belieivng that you have had a personal experience that validates the existence of god."

    Thank you.

    " So have madmen and murders the world over. So did the Popes that set the Inquisitors to work. So did the pagan priests who sacrificed humans to their gods. "

    "Their belief was just as string and just as certain as your, their belief was based on EXACTLY the same reasoning as yours, that despite evidence to the contrary, THEY WERE RIGHT."

    MATTHEW 7:20: " Really, then by their fruits YOU will recognize those [men]"NWT

    "The fact you decide that all those people (with the same reasoning and justifications as you) were wrong and you are right, without offering up any rational defence of your belief, puts you on the same shelf of supersticious ignorance as all those with similar reasoning. "

    Please elaborate. Thank you.

    "How is that meant to be a good example to the world? Not even bothering to defend your beliefs other than in terms meaningless to those who question you? Doesn't it say 'to the Romans I was a Roman', rather than 'I couldn't make the Romans understand what I meant but I didn't really try either'? Remember, you're the one advertising yourself as a Christian, and we are counciled to judge a tree by its fruits. "

    The Bible teaches us Christians NOT to put our God ever to the TEST! I respect/esteem this admonishion very much!

    ROMANS 4:3" " For what does the Scripture say?" Abraham exercised faith in Jehovah, and it was counted to him as righteousness." NWT

    ROMANS 4:4:" Now to the man that works the pay is counted, not as undeserved kindness, but as debt."NWT

    ROMANS 4:5:"On the other hand, to the man that does not work but puts faith in him who declares the ungodly one righteous, his faith is counted as righteousness."NWT

    "I've never find evasion to be that tasty, have you? "

    No comments. I respect your observation, Abaddon.

    "Note, I am critical of your beliefs and reasoning."

    " I'm sure you're what is termed 'a nice person' in yourself. "

    Abaddon, I'am sure for sure what I term myself of being - I consider myself a Jehovah God Witness and Christian who loves my fellowmen.

    From reading a recent thread here on this forum, I discovered that you posted a comment on a thread here where you made an observation that you are an atheist . I respect you as you are. From what I gathered from reading that particular post , you were once a Christian. Why are you questioning me a Christian/my Christian Faith now that you have left the Christian faith? Is it for the solo purpose of winning arguments that you come here to disturb me, knowing very well that you ONCE were a Christian yourself and you perhaps think that you are now astutely versed in your newly- found beliefs and you can insubordinatly put me to shame because I am a Christian? Have some integrity in yourself, Abaddon.

    I am here to gain Christians for Jehovah God, and Not to debate with atheists who refuse to accept the True God again.

    I am not qualified to argue/debate with people who consider themselves atheists with regards to religion, other than if they show an interest to return to the True God: in this case they are welcome to discuss Christian matters with me - I will love them dearly for that.

    1 PETER 4:16:" But if [he suffers] as a Christian, let him not feel shame, but let him keep on glorifying God in this name,"NWT

    "You have however very obviously exchanged one form of mental slavery for another. "

    Not according to the Bible! I am a free Christian now. Thanks to my Creator and Jesus Christ : Jehovah God is a God of Freedom.

    ROMANS 8:21:" that the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God."NWT

    ROMANS 7:6:" But now we have been discharged from the Law, because we have died to that by which we were being held fast, that we might be slaves in a sense by the spirit, and not in the old sense the written code."NWT

    "At least with this one you get to feel good about yourself I suppose"

    I am a Christian.

    Christian Love,


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    and the beat goes on....... (and on, and on, and on....)

  • fearnotruth22

    Ron I agre with you and that is how it seems to me assuming that God can be likened to a HUMAN father, but the God of the Bible is not like that because he is likened to a husdband too, and so the relationship between the God of the Bible and man has not always been shown to be as a father and son relationship. Keep in mind that God has a nature, the way he is that we cannot change by wishful thinking. It is a given,

  • fearnotruth22

    14 What shall we say, then? Is there injustice with God? Never may that become so! 15 For he says to Moses: "I will have mercy upon whomever I do have mercy, and I will show compassion to whomever I do show compassion." 16 So, then, it depends, not upon the one wishing nor upon the one running, but upon God, who has mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to Phar´aoh: "For this very cause I have let you remain, that in connection with you I may show my power, and that my name may be declared in all the earth." 18 So, then, upon whom he wishes he has mercy, but whom he wishes he lets become obstinate. Rom 9: 14-18 NWT

    Hence according to scripture, the God of the Bible is just by definition. Man cannot challenge his justice because he is just and good by definition. whether you like it or not. And if you choose to rebel, then Bible also states he will kill you for ever or torture you forever whichever version you like to believe.

    The normal human mental and emotional framework cannot make sense of this.

  • fearnotruth22

    THe sky is blue? Says who?

    The Pope is Polish SAys who?

    It falls from tree says who?

    not me.

  • Abaddon


    you decide that all those people (with the same reasoning and justifications as you) were wrong and you are right, without offering up any rational defence of your belief, puts you on the same shelf of supersticious ignorance as all those with similar reasoning.

    Please elaborate. Thank you

    The Bible teaches us Christians NOT to put our God ever to the TEST! I respect/esteem this admonishion very much!

    The Bible is not God! You have ASSUMED the Bible to be the word of god and thus see any doubt or test of the Bible to be a doubt or test of God.

    This is a fallacious assumption, circular reaoning on the same level as a JW defending the inspired nature of the Bible by quoting "All scriptures is inspired and beneficial...".

    Logically that's ridiulous, as ANY book, be it the 'Haynes Manual for the Ford Cortina' or 'The Story of 'O'' could slap in such an assurance and it would mean NOTHING in itself.

    Only by examination of scripture can we determine whether it is of human origin or inspired.

    When it talks of the Boreans checking the beliefs they were presented with against scripture, do not be decieved into thinking this was a nicely bound Old Testament. The Bible as we know it is the creation of a council of men who selected the texts in circulation that fitted in with their view of what was inspired. Had the Council sat one hundred years earlier or later, then maybe the Gospel of Thomas would be in the Bible and the Gospel of John would not be; beliefs in the Christian community were in a state of flux at the time.

    The Borean didn't have a neatly bound book, they had a selection of literature; it's very likely they consulted manuscripts that are not part of today's Bible. They would have discareded manuscripts that did not fit with their conscience as they recognised the importance of thoughtful consideration of what is true rather than unthinking acceptance. Anything which was obviously wrong, either factually or morally ,would not have been considered.

    Today a Borean would see through examination of the Bible much that is obviously factually wrong and actions accredited to god that contradict the very character of god as explained elsewhwere in the Bible. I think a true 'Borean' would discard a manuscript as being purely man made when he read it explaining how god told a tribe to kill another tribe and take their virgin girls as booty, rather than asumpijg it was 'inspired of god and beneficial.'

    Now, you can choose to accept the false, the illogical and the immoral on the grounds that it happens to have all been bound together and attributed to God. This is a choice on your part. A Borean today would not take the same attitude, in my opinion. Hell, we are told everlasting life is an 'accurate knowledge..', yet you have so far avoided explaining why god sanctions the activities in Leviticus I have previously described. The simple fact is you CANNOT, yet this doesn''t diminishe your faith as your faith is unalloyed and unquestioning.

    Thus I feel you have supplied no rational defence of your beliefs; I feel the same way about you quoting me scriture to prove a point (which it can't as I dispute the inspired nnature of scripture), as you would feel about a Seikh quoting from his Holy Book to prove something to you on the grounds that such a statement was inspired; you wouldn't accept such a statement as inspired because there is no proof it is inspired.

    The same applies to the Bible, but you've chosen to believe otherwise ,largely by even refusing to question anything. Talk about tickling your ears; truth need not hide from examination.

    If god had wanted unthinking robots Adam and Eve would still be here. You have a mind. You believe god gacve it to you. In god's name, USE IT!

    From reading a recent thread here on this forum, I discovered that you posted a comment on a thread here where you made an observation that you are an atheist . I respect you as you are. From what I gathered from reading that particular post , you were once a Christian. Why are you questioning me a Christian/my Christian Faith now that you have left the Christian faith? Is it for the solo purpose of winning arguments that you come here to disturb me, knowing very well that you ONCE were a Christian yourself and you perhaps think that you are now astutely versed in your newly- found beliefs and you can insubordinatly put me to shame because I am a Christian? Have some integrity in yourself, Abaddon.

    That's a little hypocritical and indicative of very poor critcal thinking. And you use 'insubordinately' out of context; you have no authority over me how can I be insubordianate to you?

    You come here to try and show others the error of their ways. In a sense, I am trying to show you the error of your ways.

    I don't just come here to 'devangelise', I normally just do it when people start preaching. You come here to preach; come to preach to a cult recovery group... and you mention integrity? I should mention vultures circling sickly animals then... or drug dealers hanging out side de-tox clinics

    You're trying to get people to believe something (and this is what's really crazy) not of what God says, cause he's not saying anything... not on the basis of inspired scripture, as you can no more prove the Bible is inspired than one could prove the Quaran is inspired, not on the basis of anything other than YOUR opinion, and one you cannot back-up logically.

    It's like a WItness calling on a neighbour whose lost a loved one to preach; a deliberate cold-hearted attempt to get your beliefs into someones head whilst they are vulnerable, even if you dress it in clothes of christian concern. People here have normally recovered enough to ignore your attempts at conversion to your beliefs, but some may actaualy not have progressed enough to see they'd just be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

    Yet you have managed through circular logic to equate the Bible with God's inspired word, your opinion with God's, and refuse to 'test God', when most of what God is in your mind is made up soley by your opinion. You have ended up equating testing your opinons with testing god. Isn;t that a lkittle sacriligious? You could no more have set your own opinion up on an alter and asked for others to worship it than had you been Nebuchadnezar.

    And, yes, rather obviously I have opinions. I love debating things with people. But at the end of the day if they disagree with my opinions, provided they are not advocating something that could harm another, they are no less a 'rightous person' than I, there hopes for the future are no less rosey on account of that disagreement, so my opinion is not being advocated for worship in the way that you, the JW's and many other religonists advocate their opinions for unquestioning worship.

    I am here to gain Christians for Jehovah God, and Not to debate with atheists who refuse to accept the True God again.

    So, now you've decided a/ atheists aren't worth saving (gee, thanks Mr. Christian! I thought you 'respected me as I am'), and b/ any failure to convince an atheist of what you believe is down to their refusal rather than the inadequacy of evidence you provide. Great, fine...

    I am not qualified to argue/debate with people who consider themselves atheists with regards to religion, other than if they show an interest to return to the True God: in this case they are welcome to discuss Christian matters with me - I will love them dearly for that.

    So much for 'accurate knowledge'. You're using excuses to not defend your beliefs in certain areas, just as the Witnesses use evasion to avoid areas they cannot defend well.

  • AwakenedAndFree

    (((((((((Dear Abaddon,)))))))

    You said: "I don't just come here to 'devangelise', I normally just do it when people start preaching. You come here to preach;..."

    MATTHEW 10:11:" Into whatever city or village YOU enter, search out who in it is deserving, and stay there until you leave.NWT

    MATTHEW 10:12 :" When YOU are entering into the house, greet the household ; "NWT

    MATTHEW 10:13:" and if the house is deserving, let the peace YOU wish it come upon it; but if it is not deserving, let the peace from YOU return upon YOU." NWT

    MATTHEW 10:14:" Wherever anyone does not take YOU in or listen to YOUR words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off YOUR feet."NWT

    MATTHEW 10:15:" Truly I say to YOU, It will be more endurable for the land of Sod'om and Go-mor'rah on Judgement Day than for that city."NWT

    Christian Love,


  • acsot

    Abaddon: I love your posts!!! I wish I could express myself as you do. And it's interesting that AAF can't refute anything you say. Throwing scriptures around like they good luck charms, as if somehow, magically it'll all coalesce into something meaningful and prove biblical inspiration.

    But I guess that according the last scriptures AAF spilled onto the board, you (and I) are condemned to gnashing our teeth due to god's condemnation. Yeah, these Christian types really warm my heart.

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