Thank you and........

by What The....... 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • cat1759

    What the, Best wishes on your journey. Not an easy one. Never take anyone's word for it. By searching for the truth you will find it. If they don't get the books you need, keep asking. Don't ever take "no" for an answer. While you are there would you mind asking a question for me? Why do they predict dates when the bible says "Know one knows the day or hour". Why did Russell use pyramidology? Ok the answer is the "New light". Cathy

  • SixofNine
    I will tell you this though. I am in no way going to stop studying my Bible. I remain dedicated to the truth of the Bible. If I find that the Watchtower is not really what it says it is then I will make a decision at that time as to what to do.

    See ya soon!

  • Aztec

    I wish you well on your journey! Some people are happy as Witnesses. Do what's right for you and I applaud your honesty.


  • FreeFallin

    ((((((What the)))))

    I didn't even get a chance to say hello, and now you're leaving! I wish you success on your journey, where ever it may lead you. When the elders stop by to encourage me, I'm usually too emotional to ask questions. Maybe you could ask them one for me? Is the United Nations still considered the wild beast? And did they really partner with it? Thank you.


  • avishai
    I presented my case to the elders and they have agreed to let me use the library in the hall to research the history of the Witnesses as long as I have a elder there when I do it.

    Hey, best wishes and all, but...... I never had to have an elder there when I used the library, just another example of there power & control issues in my book.

  • Dansk

    Hi What the......

    Just a couple of things. If Watchtower has nothing to hide why have you got to have an elder present when you do research? Also, how is it that only Watchtower believes that Jerusalem fell in 607 BCE?

    Believe me, I have researched that date from the UK to the USA to Australia and everyone I've contacted says Jerusalem fell in 586/587 BCE. Is this important? Definitely, because if 607 BCE is wrong then so is 1914 and the rest of Watchtower chronology. If you must do research then please do it SERIOUSLY and not just use Watchtower literature - which is extremely biased!

    I sincerely wish you well, What the. I truly hope you find the happiness you deserve.

    Best wishes,


  • dmouse

    I wish you well in whatever you decide. You will always be welcome to return if you wish, without conditions (we will not insist that anyone be present when you do research, will not gag you and we will not insist that you stop talking to the elders - perhaps that will give you something to think about).

    Kind regards,


  • ashitaka

    Don't worry about it, just take it easy, and make the hard decision on your own time. You have a lot of time in which to decide in. Be patient and make the right choice for you.


  • pettygrudger

    (((Whatthe))) I think its admirable that you are going to do the research & the work to keep proving to yourself, and for yourself, that what you are learning is true. It shows that you have deep sense of spirituality, and a love for your God Jehovah. Aint' nothing wrong with that imho.

    I hope in your studies you will also do some comparitive studies, as even Jesus himself said to keep testing what you are taught - nothing should be taken at face value, especially man written material.

    Good luck in your quest, and if you have any questions, there are many here that I am sure will be more than happy to help!

  • Simon

    Here's a good site for doing research using *nothing* but the WTS own quotes:

    Surely, they can't argue with that? If they do ... ask why.

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