THEY'VE DONE IT!!!! The WBTS set a new date!

by dmouse 208 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • link


    When I brought that up they said the article was only drawing attention to parallels between Naoh’s time and our day and it wasn’t trying to indicate anything other than that. I have never yet met anyone that has won an argument with a JW. They have an answer for everything even if it makes no logical sense.


  • Badger

    30 whole years...


    I can:

    Sleep around

    Pursue a career

    have fun

    burn my JW bridges

    attend another faith

    leave that one, too

    travel the world

    watch my son grow up

    be a grandfather

    bury my parents

    bury my ex (one hopes)

    and then get back in

    and survive

    to the New World(tm)

    and excite everyone

    with my stories of my wild,rambunctious behavior.

    Are you kidding me? This is worse than a sitcom that hints at the will-they-won't-they. Those come from New York, too.

  • dmouse

    That's OK link, thanks for trying anyway. I'm interested in what the JWs have to say. But I know what you mean about arguing with JWs, in the end no matter what logic and facts you have on your side they have an impenetrable shield of ignorance; a bit like arguing with a flat-earther.

    Perhaps JWs are too scared to make the connections upfront at the minute. They may need to wait for further clarification. After all they don't want to 'run ahead of the organisation'.

    Personally I think if anyone considered weak or having apostate leanings asked JWs about this article they'll pull the old theocratic warfare trick and deny deny deny.

    After all, it's official policy not to reveal the truth to their enemies.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Link said

    I have consulted our local version of "Scholar" who advises me as follows. ... Armageddon is just waiting the "final sealing" of the last of the 144,000 because some of the first team dropped out due to apostasy. Since nobody knows how long this process will take it is impossible to put a time scale or date on it.

    Do I understand this correctly?

    Armageddon has been postponed because there are NOT ENOUGH righteous people?

    The "last days" began in 1914, right? So it can be 10,000 years long if that's how long it takes to find the last anointed one?

    Don't the Seventh Day Adventists already own that doctrine?

  • sens
    Armageddon has been postponed because there are NOT ENOUGH righteous people?

    I wont hold my breath

  • Gerard

    I don't see the WT's article setting a specific date.

    Anyway, while many plan the end of their lives, I look forward to the rest of mine.

    Peace, Gerry

  • Faraon
    Now the WTS has confirmed it.. Does that mean I'm anointed?

    No. Since you are not part of the inner club, you'll be disfelloshipped for "running ahead of Jehovah"

    However, expect a hefty check from us for giving us an idea for obtaining more money from the credulous.

  • blondie

    I'm keeping my wings though, Faraon.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    When I first read this article, all my alarm bells went off. However, I'm just as paranoid about this date setting stuff as a lot of the rest of you. If it shows up again, then I think there's definitely a skunk in the wood pile, but I think it's a little premature to start producing the t-shirts yet.

  • Stephanus
    If it shows up again, then I think there's definitely a skunk in the wood pile, but I think it's a little premature to start producing the t-shirts yet.

    But printing the t-shirts may well cause them to back down in the face of apostate opposition. They may well have been testing the waters and an agressive campaign on our part could cause them to drop their first feeble attempt at a new date in some years. A person without a date is a sad thing, but the Watchtower without a date is something we like to see!

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