Bonsai Kitty

by suzi mayhem 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    Just because someone has a sick sense of humor doesn't mean they would act out that sick sense.
    I'm behind ya Alan.


  • AlanF

    Great one, Dave! LOL! I'm keeping it!


  • seven006


    Sorry dude, I couldn't help myself.

    Love ya man


    Photoshop lesson for Alan. Masking. Lesson two will follow.

  • larc

    Since I am an analytical type, I have given some thought as to the reason for sick humor. I thought of a couple of reasons. One: when something really awful happens, I think sick humor helps people deal with the trauma of it. I have heard some really funny Jeffrey Dahmer jokes and airplane crash jokes, for expample. Two: some sick jokes allow us to poke fun at the sacred icons of society. I know some really sick, funny religious jokes, as an example. Back to kitties. Did you know that if you find a cat that has been run over by a truck and has baked on the summer sun for awhile, they make really good frisbees.

  • seven006

    Do you mean something like this Larc?


  • dark clouds
    dark clouds

    it is called respect for life
    is that hard to comprehend???

    regardless of whether it is a life form of great intelligence
    or a life form like alanf or any of the other morons that still live in a bottled mentality. . . it has a right to live without being tortured

    or do you need an American Government history class??

    i have no respect for the views nor do i have any tolerance for anyone who finds humor in the cruelty of a living being regardless the species...

    IF there had been a disclaimer---which there wasn't---maybe i would not be upset

    IF it would have been animation---its justified as a cartoon---and its ok because no real life is lost and it is only a depiction of. . .

    IF it would have been posted as an adult site and there would have been warnings to keep children out perhaps i would be more tolerant

    but it was not so. . .

    comic --- maybe perhaps funny
    and for as sick and twisted as it is
    real life would not have been lost. . .
    and that is the point
    murder and abuse is never funny!!!!

    that was not the case
    it was posted to seem very real
    so real in fact. . .

    read this:

    FBI Goes After
    by Declan McCullagh

    Bonsai Kitten

    10:10 a.m. Feb. 9, 2001 PST
    WASHINGTON -- A website devoted to squishing kittens into Mason jars is one
    of two things: A trenchant parody designed to provoke, or a nefarious
    kitty-mutilation scheme that must be stopped, and probably outlawed.

    Count the FBI among the many visitors to who are anything
    but amused at the descriptions of how to use muscle relaxant, feeding tubes
    and Klein bottles to shape a perfect Bonsai Cat.

    ----this is an actual excerpt from WIRED.

    apparently the government is not amused !!!

    this is for you
    you fat fuckwit that goes by ALANF
    the government really does seem to approve huh???
    where did you go to school
    same place mommy got her psych degree????

    Bonsai kitties have the approval of U.S. government regulatory agencies.---Alanf

    stop speaking out of your ass fatboy
    cause the gas is nauseating
    lose some fucking weight while you are at it fatboy
    maybe someone should stick that jar on your head
    ---by the way nice pic seven006

    you know you are so entitled to your views but for you fuckwits who cannot see that a living breathing cat
    had its ass cemented shut and was plugged with tubes so as to be able to perform its natural functions and then was crammed into a bottle
    and some sicko is teaching idiots how to do it
    that is not art
    that is not freedom of expression
    that is MURDER
    it is taking the life away of a living creature
    its called being a bully
    and harming something which cannot defend itself

    you mentioned had it been a JW kid it would be different and this discussion would not be occuring.
    you are wrong
    in case you missed it
    reading comprehension 101 to you nitwit
    it would be a child being abused
    and i would be equally as upset
    it goes back to respecting life
    but you wouldn't know because you don't respect women

    what you see in a movie or read in a book is not real
    there is a difference
    no one has the right to take the life of another being

    art is a different issue all together
    expressing a view such as the one mentioned earlier which offended the catholics did not in any way shape or form mame, injur or violate a living creature
    the only thing hurt in the painting were the feelings of those offended
    the difference that any person with half of a heart could discern if they stopped taking sides

    i am not for the censorship of art
    an artist does not need to hurt an animal to express himself

    did you know that dahmer was into abusing animals before he became a serial killer????

    for you nitwits that cannot tell the difference between cartoons,

    Thought it would be nice to know
    that we aren't the only ones upset by this.. apparently the FBI doesn't have
    a sense of humor either. Or maybe we're just.... RIGHT.

  • Tina

    I think you need to get out em and come to earth. Parody and 'black humor' abounds in most professions.
    Im glad you're not in law enforcement or the medical community,you wouldn't be able to function.
    In harmony with what larc is saying,black humor(especially in the professions I mentioned) happens all the time and what it does is create some emotional distance between you and the situation.
    One can be too easily overwhelmed by emotions and then be unable to function at top performance and with objectivity. It serves as a sort of emotional protection at times. This is not to say these pros are unfeeling,it's precisely because they DO feel that serves to create an 'emotional cushion'. Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny...."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense,you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • seven006

    Dark Clouds.

    It isn't necessary to lash out the way you have. It's obvious that this subject matter has upset you. Maybe the fact that it duped you into buying into the whole experiment is what has you upset. I understand your line of reasoning and your point has been well made. Calling Alan a fat fuck wit is not going to gain respect for your views but only weakens the intellectual level of your argument. I know Alan as a good friend and some of the things he has done in the effort to help hundreds of ex-Jws in the ability to fit into and adjust to life beyond the JW's should be recognized and applauded. He set up the first news group "Philia" for those ex-Jws who participated in the infancy of the present internet. Because of that group I feel that I am even better adjusted to deal with my past in relation to my present and future. He has also been involved in several other large scale efforts that continue to make life a bit easier to cope with after leaving the JW religion. What have you done?

    You may think he has a warped sense of humor. I don't disagree with you, so do I. But by just looking on the surface you can not see the depth of the man. You were duped by a bunch of college students. That would piss me off too. Fortunately I have seen things that are a lot worse and more convincing than the kitty in a jar stunt. If it was real, the assholes should be locked up. But it wasn't. I think the warped sense of humor that produced the site might have an hidden agenda in the documentation of the various reactions from those that were easy doped.

    The FBI looked at it, so what. They look at a lot of things. Their interest in it probably came from a number of similarly doped individuals and it is their job to investigate. It is interesting to observe your reaction in comparison to others that did see this as it actually was, a joke. You got fooled, except it, deal with it, learn from it. You will be a little wiser the next time something like this comes up.

    If cruelty to animals is so abhorrent to you then may I suggest that you become a vegetarian. Stop wearing leather shoes, stop taking over the counter and prescription medication and for god's sakes never ever go to a zoo.

    It was a joke, granted, it was a sick joke but if a kid is caught and arrested for trying to put a cat in a jar from seeing this site then consider the fact that the a kid that is going to act on such a thing would probably do something worse to begin with. Sticking a fire cracker up a cats butt and watching it explode is not a sick joke, it is actions by a sick human being. Once you see the difference you might be able to understand a little more about human psychology in relation to humor. The best crazy jokes I have heard, come from my psychologist friends. The best doctor jokes from my doctor friends and so on and so on. Most jokes come from an out of the ordinary event or situation, that is what makes them funny. A sense of humor is vital when trying to deal with life. With out it one becomes mentally overloaded and uses other means to act out frustrations and problems.

    Hope I haven't pissed you off with my comments. BTW, Alan is a graduate of MIT and is one of the most intelligent people I have had the pleasure to call a friend. I accept the fact that he is a sick fuck, a lot of my friends are. If we got rid of all the sick fucks then all we would have is the healthy fucks and what fun would that be?


  • Seeker


    If you kept quoting Declan's Wired article you would have found this paragraph that he wrote:

    " is, of course, a joke devised by prankster MIT students -- who else would talk about "rectilinear kittens?" -- to provoke owners of kittens, an adorably fuzzy topic that's usually beyond parody"

    Of course it is a joke! Of course no real animals are being harmed, which is why it's funny. The joke is against those animals lovers who are so wrapped up with their pets that they can't see any possible humor in this. I love pets, always have, always will. But I think Bonsai Kitty is very funny. Why? Because it so obviously is fake, but is also a very clever parody of a number of societal trends. It's really brilliant.

    Yes, the FBI investigated. That's because they were too dense to get the point. Plus there is an agenda at work, as that same Wired article continued:

    "Why are they doing this?" asks Harvey Silverglate, a prominent Boston criminal defense attorney. "I think the answer is that political correctness has infected the FBI."

    "The kind of fanatical end of the spectrum animal protection movement has affected them," says Silverglate, a partner at Silverglate and Good. "They want to be the good guys. They massively run rampant over Americans' liberties but they want to be seen as nice fuzzy guys who want to protect kittens."

    Get over it, people. If it's not your type of humor, ignore it. Remember, free speech means defending that which you despise, or else it has no meaning whatsoever. Anyone will defend speech they approve of.

  • jezebel influence
    jezebel influence

    Dark Clouds,
    Have you thought of going to counciling for your extreme anger problem?

    Or I suppose this board comes in useful as a verbal punch bag!

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