Over 300 DFed apparently went to a northern U.K R.C!

by Isambard Crater 68 Replies latest jw experiences

  • berrygerry
    This backed up by research that indicates that over half of those who leave do return.

    Call bullshit.

    As alanv said, officially less than 40% return, and that was decades ago.

    My observation is less than 20% return.

    If it were half or more, WT would be crowing about it every six months, AND their numbers would not be stagnating / declining in the western world.

  • Chook

    WT earns a double dip into the pockets of the gullible.

  • Ruby456

    The internal evidence is in their yearbook totals. In the mismatch that we put down down to lying inflation of numbers who are witnesses

    the external research supports this

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    The only thing the JW org is capable of doing is to spread rumours.

    One stupid rumour which gets the gullible excited every time has been trotted out for 138 years, this is it; "The end is now close at hand". (yawn and falls off chair)

    There is a rumour that the Watchtower religion knows God personally since they are the only religion with the truly true truth.

    Isambard, 300 d/f returnees sounds like another rumour? Perhaps a million were disfellowshipped and 300 were reinstated? Were 300 reinstated in one circuit or what I wonder?

  • Finkelstein

    who told me the 300 or more disfellowshipped who returned to Jehovah by attending show that the end is so close

    News flash ...in a RC of 10,000 or more, its normal to have approximately 300 who might be Dfed.

    Most of the time its people who just wanting to reestablish a relationship with their family, you know how the WTS separates and destroys families apart.

    This is just another version of fear mongering to draw in more members, the WTS likes to count and number how many slaves/servants they have.

  • freddo

    Load of bollocks.

    As said above - how do they count them?

    Now ... if out of 130,000 baptised dubbies in the UK let's say 1% get DF'd or DA'd in any year then that would be 1,300 people.

    Now if 300 across the country got reinstated then that ain't so hot is it?

    Also most halls have one DF'd sat at the back and who will go to a convention with his thumb up his bum and his brain in neutral.

    How many congo's in UK - 1500? So if 300 go to the convention? again - not so hot.

    More spin than a washing machine on spin methinks.

  • _Morpheus

    Actually ruby it shows nothing of the sort. The problem is no one “returns” of their own free will from being df’d. When family and friends are cut off its an inducement to return under duress. In order to know who really return of their own free will the shunning aspect would have to be removed and then see who stays away and who chooses to come back based simply on religious virtue.

  • Phoebe

    My friend went to one of the conventions in the N/W of England. He said the society had 'lovingly allowed' the DF to sit with everyone else and with their families if they had them. He said wasn't that wonderful? Allowing the DF to sit with the masses.

    He also said you couldn't get in without a badge and a bag search, so maybe that's how they knew the number? By checking badges. (Would the DF have a badge even???)

    I can't think of any other way they would know if they were allowed to sit with everyone.

  • darkspilver

    My friend went to one of the conventions in the N/W of England... He also said you couldn't get in without a badge and a bag search, so maybe that's how they knew the number? By checking badges. (Would the DF have a badge even???)

    Liverpool? pale.emperor claimed that he was gonna walk in, but I don't think he actually got past security...


  • stuckinarut2

    What steve2 said👍

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