Jesus came in 1874 and then changed to 1914, no problem, per FDS

by garybuss 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • garybuss

    (To Watch Tower Reprints WTB&TS 1919)

    THE WATCH TOWER is unique among all the publications in the world. Since the Apostles, the followers of Christ Jesus have looked for and expected his second appearing. St. Paul made this particularly prominent in his writings to the church. That he would come again, Jesus himself gave unmistakable testimony in his message delivered to the disciples on the last night of his earthly existence. Many Christians have thought the Lord would reappear in the body of flesh that was crucified and which did not see corruption. In due time, however, it was made clear to the watchers that the presence of the Lord must be invisible, because he is divine, and the Apostle Paul had clearly stated concerning him: "Whom no man hath seen nor can see," with the natural eye.

    In 1868 Charles Taze Russell, a lad of but sixteen years, fully consecrated to the Lord and a member of the Congregational Church and the Y. M. C. A., began a careful investigation of the Scriptures. His previous training had led him practically into infidelity, because the theories advanced by the churches with reference to the torment of the masses of mankind seemed wholly inconsistent with the character of a God of love.

    In 1870 he was a member of a Bible class, organized solely for the careful and prayerful investigation of the Scriptures, and by 1876 this had grown into a congregation of Bible students to which he preached. In October of that year he was elected Pastor of this class of Bible students, and he continued to occupy that relationship to Bible students until his death, in October, 1916.

    In 1876 Mr. N. H. Barbour was editing and publishing at Rochester, New York, a sixteen-page monthly magazine under the title, "The Herald of the Morning, "and Pastor Russell, became assistant editor of that paper that year, devoting his time to writing and preaching the Bible truths as they were being unfolded to him. His investigation led him to the conclusion that Jehovah has a great plan for the salvation and blessing of mankind, and that the keynote to that plan of salvation is the philosophy of the ransom sacrifice. In 1878, while he was yet assistant editor of "The Herald of the Morning," Mr. Barbour published in that paper an article in which he erroneously treated the doctrine of the ransom sacrifice. In fact, in that article Mr. Barbour practically repudiated the ransom. Pastor Russell published in the columns of the same paper his conception of this vital doctrine of the divine plan; and the difference arising between himself and Mr. Barbour on this question resulted in the birth Of ZION'S WATCH TOWER, the first issue appearing July, 1879; the title thereafter being changed to THE WATCH TOWER.

    Consistent with its mission and with the great doctrines of truth it has promulgated, THE WATCH TOWER has at all times carried the subtitle, "The Herald of Christ's Presence." It is the first paper ever to make announcement of the invisible presence of our Lord and to submit the clear, Scriptural proof to show that since 1874 he has been present, invisible to man, yet exercising his power and doing the preliminary work among the nations and peoples of earth preparatory to the inauguration of his kingdom of righteousness, which soon will administer blessings to all the groaning creation.

    Through its columns the features of the divine plan, as revealed, have been ably discussed. It has made clear to Bible students such vital questions as the ransom sacrifice, the doctrine of the atonement, the sin offering, the great covenants, and other subjects vital to the development of Christians and to their in-gathering during the great harvest period of the Gospel age. THE WATCH TOWER has never carried any advertisements beyond the mere announcement of the publications of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, devoted exclusively to religious purposes. It has always been supplied to the poor free of charge to them, the expense being met by a voluntary fund contributed for that purpose.

    Prior to his death, Pastor Russell was the Editor of THE WATCH TOWER, since which time it has been edited by a committee of five Bible students, provided according to the terms of his last will and testament.

    The readers of THE WATCH TOWER have increased from year to year. There has been such a great demand among its later readers for earlier issues that it has been determined to republish the entire series, from the beginning, in July, 1879, up to and including June, 1919, a period of forty years; and to arrange these in seven volumes.* We believe that this will result in a great blessing to students of the Lord's Word, and serve as a splendid series of reference books to be used in connection with our Berean Bible. The publishers therefore send it forth with a prayer that this republication may serve as a great blessing to God's people and as a lasting monument to the untiring energy, zeal and loving devotion of Pastor Russell, the seventh and last messenger to the Gospel church.

    Your servants in the Lord,
    Pittsburgh, Pa., July 1, 1919

    God's Kingdom Of A Thousand Years Has Approached
    (WTB&TS 1973)
    "HERE IS THE BRIDEGROOM" page: 209 -211

    54 The insertion of 100 years into Bible chronology during the period of the Judges is thus seen not to rest upon Scriptural grounds. The insertion should therefore be dropped and the Bible should be accepted just as it reads concerning its chronology. Unavoidably, then, this would affect the date for the parousia of the Bridegroom Jesus Christ to begin. With the Watch Tower magazine's issue of January 1, 1939, the title was changed to The Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Kingdom, and with the issue of March 1, 1939, to The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom. This did not mean that the publishers of the magazine no longer believed in the presence or parousia of Christ as being then in progress. It meant, rather, that more importance was given to the Kingdom, to the kingdom of Jehovah God by Jesus Christ, for it is Jehovah's kingdom by Christ that will vindicate Jehovah's universal sovereignty.

    55 In the year 1943 the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society published the book "The Truth Shall Make You Free." In its chapter 11, entitled "The Count of Time," it did away with the insertion of 100 years into the period of the Judges and went according to the oldest and most authentic reading of Acts 13:20, and accepted the spelled-out numbers of the Hebrew Scriptures. This moved forward the end of six thousand years of man's existence into the decade of the 1970's. Naturally this did away with the year 1874 C.E. as the date of return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the beginning of his invisible presence or parousia. The millennium that was to be marked by the detaining of Satan the Devil enchained in the abyss and by the reign of the 144,000 joint heirs with Christ in heavenly glory was therefore yet in the future. What, then, about the parousia (presence) of Christ? Page 324 of the above book positively says: "The King's presence or parousia began in 1914." Also, in the Watchtower issue of July 15, 1949 (page 215, paragraph 22), the statement is made: " . . . Messiah, the Son of man, came into Kingdom power A.D. 1914 and . . . this constitutes his second coming and the beginning of his second parousia or presence."

    "In the year 1950, there was published the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, with the most authentic reading of Acts 13:20, and translating pa-rou-si'a every time as "presence." Immediately afterward appeared the book "'This Means Everlasting Life." Its chapter 21 was entitled "Second Presence of Life's Chief Agent." Here was a whole chapter on the subject according to the straight Bible timetable. On pages 220-222, we read:

    The evidence already considered proves that A.D. 1914 God's kingdom was born and his Son was enthroned with authority to rule with an iron rod amid his foes. Eventually he will dash them to pieces and rid the universe of all fighters against God's rightful sovereignty-Psalm 2:8, 9.

    So A.D. 1914 marks the time of Christ's invisible return in spirit. . . . His coming Into the Kingdom In 1914 marks the beginning of his second presence or par-ou-si'a This Greek word means presence.

    . . . Although invisible in spirit, his second presence is of such importance to people over all the earth that it must not be kept secret, and it will not be. . . " For just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shinesover to western parts, so the presence [par-ou-si'a] of the Son of man will be."-Matthew 24:26, 27, NW.

    Since 1914 the present Christ has been making the evidences of his second presence or par-ou-si'a manifest and understandable to men everywhere.

    57 How harmonious with the inspired Scriptures it is, then, that Christ did not begin reigning forty years before the end of the Gentile Times in 1914! Rather, he waited till then at his heavenly Father's right hand to begin ruling in the midst of his earthly enemies, whom Jehovah places as a stool for his feet! (Psalm 110:1, 2; Hebrews 10:12, 13) Rightly, then, his royal presence or parousia began in that year. In the year 1919, as history proves, he caused the midnight cry to sound on earth and roused the sleeping "virgins" to the urgency of the situation. "Here is the bridegroom' Be on your way out to meet him." That cry assured them of the heavenly Bridegroom's presence. The "discreet" virgin class has since been on its way out to meet him. They are seen shining as luminaries in this benighted world. This in itself is an evidence that the promised presence of Christ is upon us. It is also an evidence that God's kingdom by Christ of a thousand years has approached!

    58 Fulfillment of the parable of the "ten virgins" is not all there is to the "sign" of the approach of that blessed millennial kingdom. We cannot, therefore, stop with this parable, but must go on to consider other features of that wondrous "sign.

    54. (a) The accepting of Bible chronology just as written would affect the beginning of what period here under discussion? (b) Did dropping of "Presence" from the Watchtower title mean that Christ's presence was no longer believed In?

    55. (a) When and how was the Insertion of 100 years Into the period of the Judges done away with, so that 6,000 years of man's existence ended when? (b) How did this affect the date 1874 C.E., and what question arose?

    57. (a) Did Christ begin reigning amidst his enemies before the end of the Gentile Times in 1914? (b) When did the Bridegroom cause the midnight cry to be heard, and what has taken place since Is evidence of what Important facts?

    58 . Why can we not stop here with the parable of the "ten virgins" In considering the "sign" of the Kingdom's approach?


  • Perry
    The evidence already considered proves that A.D. 1914 God's kingdom was born and his Son was enthroned with authority to rule with an iron rod amid his foes. Eventually he will dash them to pieces and rid the universe of all fighters against God's rightful sovereignty-Psalm 2:8, 9.

    They provided no evidence whatsoever other than to claim thta he did.

    Since 1914 the present Christ has been making the evidences of his second presence or par-ou-si'a manifest and understandable to men everywhere

    Again no evidence other than the proclamations they make. "We've been going to peoples homes and saying this stuff so that's the evidence that Christ is using us.

    How harmonious with the inspired Scriptures it is, then, that Christ did not begin reigning forty years before the end of the Gentile Times in 1914! Rather, he waited till then at his heavenly Father's right hand to begin ruling in the midst of his earthly enemies,

    Yes, how harmonious it was for Christ to wait for the WT. to change its date! That is surely the most solid evicence yet that the WT is Jesus lone instrument, else why would he have waited?

    All absolutely mind boggling that my genes came form nice people who bought these mind numbing, noxious fumes.

  • expatbrit

    Bing bong!

    Evidently Jesus wanted to come in 1874, but was unfortunately delayed by points problems on the 3:17 from Chipping Sodbury to Liverpool Street, caused by an unforseen sunny spell leaving sunny-residue on the tracks.

    British Rail apologises for the inconvenience, and wishes youa pleasant onward apocalypse.

    Bing bong!

  • mizpah

    Russell was so sure of his interpretation of prophecy that he was forced to bend them to fit his preconceived ideas. The whole Adventist movement did the same thing after the failure of William Miller's predictions about 1843-44. The SDAs went on to teach "the wrong event and the right time." They explained that Christ was "tarrying" in the heavens before his visible coming.

    When Christ did not appear as expected, Russell stumbled upon an explanation. Christ came but was "invisible" in the heavens. According to his calculation, it happened in 1874. What a solution! No one could "prove" otherwise. But he also predicted that "the end" would occur forty years later in 1914. Rutherford was left with the legacy of this false prediction. So, he revised the entire date system and put 1914 as the beginning of "the end."

    It's too bad they ignored what the scriptures said all along. No one would know when Christ would come again...but all would see him when the event happened.

  • RubaDub

    Jesus came in 1874 and then changed to 1914, no problem, per FDS

    I totally agree with the FDS here. I don't see the big deal. Haven't you ever rescheduled a trip ?

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • minimus

    "The evidence" is always unproven. They make a mockery out of God everytime they "prove" something!

  • happy man
    happy man

    The light gets brighter, havent you heard this boys??????

    I am noT sure if we see clear now, but some tell me why all this mess in TV come just now.

    YOu see evrythIng must come forward now we are so near the end, jehova sees to it, and they how have sinn, can begg fore forgivnes and live inn the paradise.


  • jayhawk1

    Much like the Watchtower, I am fixing this to something better to provide better light.

    58 Fulfillment of the parable of the "ten virgins" is not all there is to the "sign" of the approach of that blessed millennial kingdom. We cannot, therefore, stop with this parable, but must go on to consider other features of that wondrous "sign.

    From now on the new light on this will read...

    58 Fulfillment of the "ten virgins" is all there is to the "sign" of that blessed millennial kingdom. We therefore, stop with this parable of that wondrous "sign.

    God, I love NEW LIGHT!

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."--J.F. Rutherford.

  • garybuss

    The 1914 date is as hollow as a dead tree now since the last generation teaching is gone and the selection of the sheep and the identification of the goats is way in the future and after Armageddon starts (if ever). The date is still very important to the core concept of an appointment for the Witness leaders. If no 1914 . . . . then no appointment . . . . and if no appointment . . . . no channel and no authority.

    All that's left without 1914 is a rich book publishing corporation with the power of an evil dictator.

    My problem was not looking into all this before I made life and death decisions based on assumptions that turned out to be wrong. Young people reading this don't have to follow my footsteps. The information is available to make informed decisions. Check it out, please. GaryB

  • ballistic

    I can't wait for 2014.

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