It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Is it my imagination or is he dragging this right out?

    Not your imagination. It's rather an illusion. This was done weeks/months ago and has been staggered out to retain the appearance of a channel creator hard at work. The "sushis" are just shorts created from the main video that are placed out there at intervals so it fills up the space and his subs get the notification that a new video is out every day. He'll also throw a random interview in there now and then to mix things up.

    Think of it as like having a favourite television programme having 12 episode seasons with one episode coming out a month. In addition they release episode trailers, behinds the scenes content, and exclusive interviews with the actors a few times a week to keep you interested. So you are left with the appearance of non-stop programmes on television. Even Lloyd knows he can't go weeks without releasing new content. His patrons would flee in even greater numbers, so he needs to create this illusion of being hard at work and putting his donations to good use. It also serves to cover up periods of inactivity, such as the holiday he is on right now.

    When he gets older, look for Lloyd Evans re-runs. He'll do a quick and updated intro to a video he did years ago.

  • Toblerone5
    He lacks self-awareness

    I could be wrong , but he make me think of a lot of JW ,especially the born in, with that 1980\90 mentality , that Armaguedon is coming,so you don't need to put money aside for your retirement, or have a will , life insurance or put money aside for the kids to go to college . I doubt if he even goes to the dentist once a years! Take a photos of him smiling an enlarge it. And funny that he brag that he's ''frugal'', My ass! The vacationS , stupid lawsuit , prostitutes there's money he will never see again. I remember on one of his random video he was playing with one of his drone and he was whining that the other drone he had ,and had lost after something like 2 weeks after he had bought it, was much better that one . I remember thinking so you both 2 of those ? there not cheap, you know the saying the only difference between a man and a boys is the price of their toys .Yes mister I'm an activist and don't have a job , by the way if he read this GET ONE! NOW! he has very expensif tatse when it comes to "entretainment", which bring me to this ,that TonusOH said

    This inability to step outside of himself and see his situation the way an outsider would is one of the biggest reasons that he keeps struggling. I

    The "sushis" are just shorts created from the main video that are placed out there at intervals so it fills up the space and his subs get the notification that a new video is out every day. He'll also throw a random interview in there now and then to mix things up.

    Releasing a video every day or so also keeps him up in the YouTube algorithms 🤷‍♀️

  • Toblerone5

    Is it just me; but he looks like the type that likes to escape to ''fantasy'' worlds, watching Star wars ,star trek . PORN is a big fantasy world ! It's not real . Remember when he said to Brandom , my fuck up situation was that I had my sexuality tempered with ...YES by watching PORN all the time ! the guilt of the JW cult ,telling you that was BAD probably didn't help neiter ,but still , None JW college ,university mental health specialistist have made so much research on that subject ,and to quote Lloyd again . watching to much Porn can really Fuck you up ...mentally...Google it Lloyd! there's some great Youtube video on that too...

    By the way did he ever say ,in his stupid book maybe ? How he was so Guilty for watching porn ? His conscience was bothering him after doing it ? His wife made him confess to the elders ! And he was an elder ,when he was sexting 14 year old girls ! And the JW tempered with his sexuality ? Really ? Seems to me they didn't do a great job ...born in too? The man has no shame to Begg for money , then go on big expensif trips and brag about it ! like a little Cult could tell HIM not to do something and he would listen... Traumatize my Tuches

  • Thisismein1972
    Releasing a video every day or so also keeps him up in the YouTube algorithms

    You stole my thunder 😂

  • Chinapomo

    Journeyman, Lloyd is churning out content. Please try to understand. It's food at the improper time

  • Ron.W.


  • Journeyman
    Journeyman, Lloyd is churning out content. Please try to understand. It's food at the improper time

    You're right, of course.

    I'm humbled by my failure to recognise him as the foretold "frightful and indiscreet slave slob (with no) class"!

    If I had a camera here, you'd see me weeping convincingly.

    I'm so conflicted I now need a holiday in Thailand to restore my "mental health". For the scuba diving, you know.


  • Simon
    I could be wrong , but he make me think of a lot of JW ,especially the born in, with that 1980\90 mentality , that Armaguedon is coming,so you don't need to put money aside for your retirement, or have a will , life insurance or put money aside for the kids to go to college

    Lloyd seems like the type who, if he has a sudden increase in income, will have a sudden increase in spending and "lifestyle" to match it, as though that income is going to continue ad-infinitum.

    He doesn't seem like the sort to think long term or plan ahead, to treat it as a bonus that should be set aside.

    Whatever success you might have as a "YouTuber" is fickle and down to the whims of the platform and the public. Times change, what was popular is suddenly old hat. It's not something you can rely on long term as a career as it isn't transferrable - you can't get another job on a different topic and assume you'll have the same success, and Patreon is suitable for a side-gig, not your main source of income, certainly not if you have a family to support and responsibilities.

    But then the man-child always acts like he has none. From what I can tell, he'd rather buy himself some new lego toys than spend money on essentials for his family.

    but he looks like the type that likes to escape to ''fantasy'' worlds, watching Star wars ,star trek . PORN is a big fantasy world ! It's not real .

    I think you are on to something 100% correct right there

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