Thoughts on Leah Remini JW A&E special ...

by _Morpheus 138 Replies latest members private

  • OnTheWayOut

    Terry, your link was still active. I just finished watching this episode. It was heart wrentching.

    A link which may not last very long:
  • OnTheWayOut

    I need to follow another link posted aftet that to see if I csn watch ( apparently) a second hour.

  • label licker
    label licker

    My hat goes off to everyone who made this show happen. I would have liked to have seen more with why we disagree with some of their policies such as blood fractions when they were talking about blood transfusions.

    The daughter who was molested and needed two witnesses before she could come forward with her complaint to the elders. Using the scripture Deuteronomy 22:25-27 throws the two witness rule right out the window.

    How witnesses are not suppose to get involved with politics yet they had everyone worldwide write a letter to the Russian government in not banning the religion.

    I liked it when they posted the 1006 charges alone in Australia for pedophilia. Things like that if you were a witness would make you sit up and say to yourself that can't be and then have to research it.

    I do blame the religion for stealing my childhood. There is no way a child has control over what they are told and made to do and feel. I had left the religion at fifteen and had to leave home. I knew no one and hiked into the next small town and lived at an auto wreckers and lived in a van for almost a year homeless. I didn't ask for that. Met up with the first person that treated me half ass nice and introduced me to drugs which was a band aide for the time being. Put up with his abuse because I didn't know any better at that age since my father was extremely abusive. Stayed with him for eight years and left him after my mom took her life.

    My mom put up with a lot but when my parents let my brother die at Sick Childrens hospital not letting him have a blood transfusion it took a toll on me. A few years later my mother took her life on the very same day that my brother had passed away. She couldn't live with what she had allowed. Again, I don't blame her for she wasn't in her right frame of mind due to cult and abusive husband. My brother was only eleven and I was ten. There was no one that offered support from the hall or the headquarters. She was all alone since she had to give up all her worldly relatives and she only had my father the creep.

    Years later I wanted to know my family. It had only been forty years and they hadn't had anything to do with me. Not that I wouldn't have jumped at any crumb they would have thrown at me to show they cared a little. The ball was in their court. They did nothing. So I went back to the religion just to find out that when you question them they kick you out. Never did get to know my family. Not by my choice but theirs.

    Am I mad and sad? Hell yes and I blame the cult. You see after we were stalked by the elders and moved away to a new town where we knew no one, lost our family and friends over night, I ended up with interhepatic cholangiocarcinoma. It was just me, my husband and the beast that I am still fighting. Had two thirds of my liver removed and gallbladder out. Again out of my control.

    I called my sister who is a jw out of desperation hoping to just talk to her as a sister and leave religion out of the conversation. She told me she was afraid I would shake her faith and if I didn't hear from her it was because her computer wasn't working right. That was the last conversation I had with her three years ago. All I wanted was to be able to have a sister to comfort me but that never happened. So another door of rejection was slammed in my face. When that happens no matter what it is in life, these reminders brings back to me those same cult feelings of rejections that I didn't ask for.

    So you see, even after we leave the cult and as much as we try to move on, the cult will always have an impact on our lives from the past, present and future whether we want it or not. Sometimes these feelings are out of our control and I can totally understand why some would take their lives.

    Slowly I am starting to meet people but have a major problem with trusting anyone. That wasn't my fault but what the cult did to me and my family. Slowly I am physically getting better but not without the help of doctors and medicine. It's a known fact that what ever stress your body goes through does affect your organs and brain.

    Slowly I am meeting neighbors and other people. Eventually I would like to do some volunteer work when I am physically able to. That is my goal. I did finish my education back in my twenties and did well at having my own business and then helping out with my husbands business. Got a great husband but still will always feel empty and lonely because of losing what was most precious to me and that was a family I so desperately wanted to love and be loved back. But again that's out of my control.

    I wish all of you peace of mind and love. If you have family that love you hold on to them tight and be thankful. Life is short. Love is even shorter when you've experienced a cult like jw's.

    xoxo Good night everyone.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, label licker, for your heartfelt story.
    I'm so sorry for what you have suffered and wish you love and peace.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    ...and a good night to you label licker!

    Thank you for sharing your story. Please...may God bless you up one side and down the other

  • LV101

    label licker -- I'm so very sorry and wish your account had been on the A&E program. I don't know if it'd be possible to televise all the horror caused by the WT cult. I wish you the BEST.

  • Giordano

    Label Licker I can feel your strength to live, endure, and keep your identity. As a fellow ex JW........... a human bless you for sharing. Go forward with an easy heart and as much love as we can send you.

    You are there an we are here and remember........... we can hear you.

  • ShirleyW

    So Sad Label Licker - at least you're brain is Cult free, even though your family members aren't

  • Giordano

    I finally caught up with the Leah Remini JW show.

    It was pretty good. However I didn't like the seating arrangement 5 guys and one women ....really?? Then I saw another group with more women. They simply should have combined both groups so it looked balanced and not like the JW pecking order.

    The GB broadcasts sucked big time.....what stupid presentations. It's takes an effort to look and sound that dumb.

    The ignorance needed to be a JW is staggering. The Societies reasoning and their compulsion to keep their members spotless is laughable re their pedophile problems.

    Apparently a hundred ways to get rid of erring JW's as listed in the Shepard The Flock's hidden book is still not enough to protect Jehovah's name. Of course it would help if they really knew his, her or IT's name.

  • DesirousOfChange

    A balanced JW already has one foot out, even it they don't know it yet.~ Doubting Bro

    I think that is very true. Never thought of it that way. We were the very most "liberal" of JWs of I don't think we'd have been "IN" for as long as we were in.

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