Will You Constantly Wear A Mask?

by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Today, it will be 90 degrees and humid! This morning I’ll be playing tennis again. While most people have been holed up in their houses, I have regularly played the sport outside. NO ONE has worn a mask or face covering. I regularly see runners and joggers and they have masks around their neck but not covering them during exercise.

    Will you be wearing a mask through out the hot summer??

  • millie210

    I might briefly if I was in a crowded city with a lot of active cases and riding mass transport. A subway, bus or plane.

    I won't be wearing it outdoors in the air and sunshine.

    We are hearing a lot about the benefits about wearing a mask but we are hearing little about the negative effects of re-breathing (what happens in a mask).

    Masks are underwear for the face.

  • MeanMrMustard

    No. And I didn’t wear a mask last week when I got my illegal haircut.

  • JoenB75

    I never tried one. But a month ago I saw an asian with one at the train station ☺️

  • Vidiot


    Sorry, but my crimefighting vigilante days are long done.

  • Finkelstein

    Yes I wear mine whenever I go out .

    Ya can't smoke if you're wearin your underwear ... | BecomeAnEX

  • Tameria2001

    So far I haven't worn a mask, but I haven't gone anywhere there were many other folks. The only place I plan on wearing a mask is if I have to wear one to do business with them. After a two month layoff, my husband went back to work, he has to wear a mask for his job. His plant doesn't have air conditioning, and it is hot and muggy.

  • minimus

    Interesting that so many of you don’t wear a mask.

  • Finkelstein

    The only time I've worn a mask is when I recently got a professional hair cut, no big deal.

    Been out grocery shopping, working in construction, outdoor activities ..... no mask.

    As of recent daily reports, the virus has been subdued for now in my neck of the woods Vancouver BC.

    Will see what happens in the fall, October, November.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Joen. You should really try an illegal haircut.

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