"The Best Convention Ever" - 2020 starts today

by bats in the belfry 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    " This food was tainted with pretentious lies and commercialism to promote the proliferation of the literature the WTS published "

    Now of course they are not promoting anything much they make a profit out of....... GOOD !

    Of course, as well, they never miss an opportunity to remind JW's they can donate $$$$ by any method they like.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Back in the old days the WTS sustained itself over literature sales and other self made items such as tapes, records, DVDs etc. $$$

    They too pushed for donations as well, some gave up land and other high valued assets.

    If you really think about the WTS/JWS is an organized commercialized scheme wrapped up and presented in righteous virtue. $$$

  • tiki

    A zoom convention. Printing out badges. Omg...these people seriously need psychiatric help....

  • tiki

    I wonder how the attendants are going to do the count.....

    Love rubadub'plan...😁

  • tiki

    I wonder how the attendants are going to do the count.

    Love rubadub's plan...😁

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen
    2021 no convention, too

    For now Watchtower has only canceled the 2021 international and special conventions. No word yet about regular conventions.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Most likely devout JWS will wear their meeting cloth while watching the video.

    We have to show are respect to Jah during spiritually guided conventions, even if its pre recorded onto video..

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen
    Most likely devout JWS will wear their meeting cloth while watching the video.

    Yes, they will (and must). Elders have also been doing the rounds handing everyone their convention name badge....and the Dubs will wear those too! Apparently the convention program will be so dull and mind numbing that Dubs will even forget their spouse's name by watching...

  • RubaDub

    Maybe I'll just let my wife watch the show. I can put on my suit and badge, go outside, be an attendant in security, and watch my cars in the driveway. At the 45 minute mark, I will come in and take attendance and confirm that she is watching.

    I'm thinking when I am walking around in my suit in the sun and watching my cars, it will be a good witness for my neighbors. Perhaps when they see me, I can show them my badge and invite them to one of the sessions.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    I wonder how many JWS will press pause during the videos ?

    There might be a lot fast forwarding and then stop at the ending prayer.

    ..........Thank you brothers and sisters and dont forget to donate on are online donation arrangement to keep this most important work ongoing $$$

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