Faith and Lies.

by sparrowdown 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    If I took it now, I'm sure I'd fail miserably!!
  • Diogenesister
    My readings over the headshipl thing would have been off the chart! I swore I would never get married because of it and as my Dad has never been a( baptised )JW it was never an issue for me at home... I also thought the grooming rules were BS too, fully cognizant that the Watchtards are stuck in 50's America ( the rubbish bit not the cool Jimmy Dean Marlon Brando bit!)
  • Stirred

    No I would not. C.D. Was always gling on to varying degrees until it finally exploded and I could not take it anymore.

  • stuckinarut2

    I would have passed, because anything I wasn't sure about would have been justified in my mind as "the brothers of the GB know best"...

    So I would have accepted without questioning anything taught....

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    I wore a beard, didn't ever believe in 1914 and neither did I think the Devil was real.

    Then I thought later, well if there is no Devil, where is the evidence for God? This was my turning point in escaping from the Borg mentality.

  • Conanthebeliever

    If I was hooked up to a machine, prior to my realization yesterday, I think it depends on the questions asked.

    I doubt I would've passed on the blood issue, and if I knew how bad disfellowshipping was, I would also of failed this.

    I found out yesterday the real 'truth'-after 7 months of study, I am so glad I found this forum. I was going to get baptized soon, and I know I have saved myself from a horrible life-I could not take the watching, constant worry that someone will tell on you for something you may not of even done, and not being able to question things would of definitely left me being disfellowshipped if I was baptized.

    I am also glad you pointed out you are not debating the accuracy of polygraph tests, as we know how they work, anxiety could trigger a 'lie' detected.

    But, depending on the questions asked, I definitely would not of passed 100%, now, the likelyhood of me passing would be a zero as I find more and more information, kindly provided by members on here for me to read.

    All the best, Conan.

  • sparrowdown

    Thank you to all those who took the time to respond. An odd question I know but I thought worth pondering because this is a belief system that people are so hopelessly dependant upon that they are willing to disown family and friends to protect it. Even die for it, or let their loved ones die for it!

    I don't think it is my doubts that will wake someone up but their own.

    This excersize could help someone begin to see several things (internally, of course they would probably never admit it to your face) such as they themselves are not 100% in.

    At the end of the day most if not all JWs are basically suffering from consensus trance not belief.

  • Harvard Illiterate 411
    Harvard Illiterate 411
    Yes and you make a very good point. It really is a cult.
  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Pass 110%

    Unless the line of questioning was designed to create doubt about scientific topics (evolution, 6000 year human history)

  • OnTheWayOut

    I converted to JW as a young adult in his 20's, but was exposed to it from a JW mother while growing up. It is the only religion I knew. Dramatic circumstances in my life allowed me to completely embrace the JW lifestyle and doctrines. There was a chance of me waking up early as a study when I accompanied the brother studying with me on a call. The guy asked about storing up your own blood for a surgery and I could see nothing wrong with that, but then the elder tore into it about how you would have to obey the scriptures that say to pour it on the ground. I questioned him later about the literalness of that and trying to compare it to allowing your blood to be drawn for testing purposes. I wasn't quite satisfied with the answers, but I learned to stuff my problems down deep.

    For the first 7 years I was in deep, never questioning anything the society said. Then 1995 came. Some serious pioneers who read ahead in the magazines and break out all the references asked me about that major change to "generation." I was a brand new elder and I had to break out all the stuff, because I hadn't been doing all that. I was rather disturbed by the change. I asked other elders about it and one comment sticks out from a much older brother. "They change things sometimes."

    So my disagreement with them started growing. Before that, I already realized the double standard of getting connected people/families out of trouble where others wouldn't get the same. I already was telling people not to tell the elders everything, even though I was an elder, but to stop doing whatever and pray to Jehovah.

    So 8 years in, I would not have passed the polygraph. And it got worse each and every year after that.

    What it could say about you is that you were fully believing that you must check it out for yourself and verify truth vs. lies. It's what the Bereans were told. You were not just going with blind obedience. But being in a deceptive mind-control cult, it was sometimes difficult to know what to do, what to believe.

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