Hung Jury in California case (videotaped beating of teen by police officer)

by happyout 40 Replies latest social current

  • Mecurious?

    Thank God most officers don't feel that way, or anyone who they felt was not jumping as high as they wanted would be in for a beating.

    Thank god indeed. I'm glad redneck isn't a police or is he?


  • Redneck

    Thank God most officers don't feel that way, or anyone who they felt was not jumping as high as they wanted would be in for a beating.

    Thank god indeed. I'm glad redneck isn't a police or is he?

    uhhhhh would someone explain where ya getting that from what I said?...Please....cause thats not what I said..and if ya read my comment ya can see that....

  • amac

    happyout - Great post. I'm sure there are many more who agree with you but are not compelled to simply chime in with agreement.

    Redneck - have you watched the video? It was not a matter of picking a limp body up onto the bag of the car, he was unnecessarily SLAMMED onto the car. The kid did not have A HOLD on the cops balls. At best he might have tapped them. Since there were 3 other officers, he could have easily stepped back and attempted to control his anger, but instead he cold clocks a 16 yr old half his size. He is obviously in capable of handling volatile situations like this and I believe he deserved to be fired and deserves to be prosecuted the same as anyone else.

  • Yerusalyim

    No one seems to be talking about the OTHER video of this incident...the one taken by the station security camera, it's not yet been released to the public but supposedly, you can actually see the kid grab the cops nuts. If that's true, the punch in the head is more than justified. And yes, passive resistence is still RESISTING arrest. Ya'll should be glad we don't live in Germany, there would have been no trial because there are no police brutality laws.

    The cop in question was fired over this, the other, accused of filing a false report, was returned to duty.

  • Redneck
    It was not a matter of picking a limp body up onto the bag of the car, he was unnecessarily SLAMMED onto the car.


    Like I asked before...ya ever picked up a limp body and tryed to throw it on a car or whatever?..Its not so easy..Try it...because as soon as ya release pressure or put it against something if ya dont hold it there with force it will slide right back down...remmeber he had his legs limp to so whats to hold him up??

    Since there were 3 other officers, he could have easily stepped back

    Could he??..Maybe...Is he Human...Yes

    He is obviously in capable of handling volatile situations like this and I believe he deserved to be fired and deserves to be prosecuted the same as anyone else.

    Because he punched him he should be fired from his lively hood?..Take away a guys life his means of living because he punched someone who was resisting arrest?..If you are being arrestted and decide to use risistance and ya get knocked around that is your fault..Not the cops...U chose to break the law..So ya get what ya get...if he would have obeyed the officers and done as he was told he would not have been resisting arrest he would not have been cuffed and he would not have been slammed against a this situation was brought on by the fact that he didn't obey the lawfull commands of the officers there..

    have ya ever had ya balls tapped by someone when ya not expecting it..It hurts like a sumbitch..and like I said he wouldn't have tapped his balls if he wasn't resisting arrest..

    whats the ol saying cant do the time dont do the crime..

  • DakotaRed
    Ah so what your saying is that you and Redneck are a couple of p***y's and have no self control,

    A couple of what?

    The invitiation to come on down and discuss IMs sent to my girlfriend to be forwarded to me is still open.

    Lew W (of the wondering what sort of guy enjoys his gonads being squeezed class)

  • happyout

    Redneck - this was your statement "If ya resist arrest and ya get stomped on in the process..well ya knew it would probably happen..." which seems to ok police brutality against those resisting arrest (even if it's passive resistance).

    The fact is there, IF the teen grabbed the officer, it would have been BEFORE he was slammed onto the car. That is definitely time for the officer to either calm down or walk away, and while I don't expect an officer to be super human, I certainly expect them to learn to contain their anger within a reasonable amount of time.

    Yeru - I actually did see the other video on the news last night, and I did not see the "obvious" grabbing. I freely admit the video was blurry, and I only saw it once, so maybe I missed it. That does not negate the fact that no other officer has coroborated his story.

    Another important fact that hasn't been mentioned so far is that the teen has a learning disability that makes it difficult for him to understand and follow instructions.


    Amac - thank you

  • George W Bush
    George W Bush

    Drama Hound said:

    Ah so what your saying is that you and Redneck are a couple of p***y's and have no self control, I bet you two picked on guys smaller than you in school too. My Si Fu would have kicked you out of his class. There's something called resonable force, beating someone that is hand-cuffed is not reasonable force.

    I see the future mayor of seattle is busy making friends and building a support base for the upcoming elections. You are so wise and compasionate I wonder if you might instead look towards a chair on the supreme court?

    OK, is this sort of language from Drama approved on this site or is it only approved from certain people on this site? I just want to be clear about what's what.

  • amac

    Yeru -

    kid grab the cops nuts. If that's true, the punch in the head is more than justified.

    So now police should be able to decide what punishment criminals get? That's nuts! Police officers DO NOT have authority to administer punishment and it should be KEPT THAT WAY.

    Police officers should be qualified enough to control situations without losing self control. This police officer proved to many people that he cannot do that.

    Redneck -

    Like I asked before...ya ever picked up a limp body and tryed to throw it on a car or whatever?..

    No, I haven't. I assume you have since you since you seem to be familiar with it. However, I've done something just as good, I've wasted plenty of hours watching "COPS" and have never seen any of them slam someone like this police officer did.

    remmeber he had his legs limp to so whats to hold him up??

    Holding someone up is a little different then body slamming them.

    Because he punched him he should be fired from his lively hood?..

    When his livelyhood requires him to NOT punch people, then YES, he should be fired.

    If you are being arrestted and decide to use risistance and ya get knocked around that is your fault..Not the cops...U chose to break the law..So ya get what ya get...

    You must not realize how ridiculous that sounds. Do you not realize the importance of limiting the authority of those we put into authority? Leniency for those who go beyond their given authority will only result in the problem growing further. Soon a cop could just punch someone for not liking what he says to him (just like the "good ole days.")

    whats the ol saying cant do the time dont do the crime..
    I have no problem with the kid doing time, I do have a problem with the cop thinking he needs to punch him in addition to that time.
  • Redneck
    Redneck - this was your statement "If ya resist arrest and ya get stomped on in the process..well ya knew it would probably happen..." which seems to ok police brutality against those resisting arrest (even if it's passive resistance).

    How you come to that conclusion from that I don't know...Lets see resisting arrest even if its passive resistance is resistance PERIOD..That is a crime..I never stated police brutality wasn't a crime or shouldn't be punished..But a man losing his livelyhood because he punched him?? Just because he is a cop? Is that right ...NO...

    That is definitely time for the officer to either calm down or walk away, and while I don't expect an officer to be super human, I certainly expect them to learn to contain their anger within a reasonable amount of time.

    Have you been ina situation such as that?...Whats reasonable to you??Oh grabem again Its ok cause ya were passivally resistene me..Until ya been in a situation like this you dont know whats reasonable..

    Another important fact that hasn't been mentioned so far is that the teen has a learning disability that makes it difficult for him to understand and follow instructions.

    That if it is true is something they wouldn't have known till after the fact...and still doesn't matter..The officers don't know him don't know whats on his mind..all they know is this guys is refusing LAWFULL orders and he didn' comply he resisted..So they reacted for there safty and the publics...Just because he was punched in the head by the officer doesn't seem reasonable to end a mans carreer...and I am sorry but no matter how fair a think the union is for the police..its politics..They dont want more riots or protesting thats to me is the biggest reason for firing him...It was on tape and gavem a black eye...

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