Hung Jury in California case (videotaped beating of teen by police officer)

by happyout 40 Replies latest social current

  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    Grabbing a cop's nuts is not a good thing. Grabbing a cop's donuts is a GOOD thing!

    Have you seen the sizes on some of these NYC cops? No wonder they need so many of them, if I was a criminal, the last thing I have to worry about is a cop chasing me down the street on foot. I'm more worried about the thousands driving the squad cars. Once they get on the radio, it's all over.

  • happyout

    As far as the former police officer's story that the teen grabbed his genitals, first, let's get the order straight. The teen appears to be passively resisting arrest, in other words, he lets his body go limp. That resulted in getting slammed onto the car. I would venture to say that in the US, where peaceful protests often involve passive resistance, this reaction would be considered excessive. Then, the teen is on the car, handcuffed, and the former officer punches him. Let me point out, I have watched that video over and over, and see NO evidence that the officer was grabbed. He does not flinch or exhibit any reaction as though someone had grabbed him. He got no coroboration of his story from his fellow officers, who can, in fact, be seen grabbing his arms to prevent him striking the teen again. The fact that he was fired after the incident may be taken as acknowledgement from the police force that his actions were excessive.

    The question also arises, should we expect more from our police force than the average citizen? Well, let's see, we give them guns, the ability to detain and arrest people, the right to search individuals and their possessions. I would venture to suggest that someone with that much authority should be held to a higher standard than Joe Schmoe who works at the local 7-11. If this officer was not hurt (and you men know how you would react if you were hurt down there), he can and should be expected to maintain some calm when dealing with high pressure situations.

    I don't necessarily believe this is about race, to my knowledge no racial epithets were used. It is, however, about abuse of authority, and it is sad sad sad when people justify this sort of behaviour for any reason.

    Happyout (who can't believe this is not crystal clear to everyone)

  • obiwan

    Now I agree, I have seen the tape before as well and I don't recall that action either. I do feel the force was in excess. My reply to TH was a general one regarding nuts being grabbed. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  • happyout


    Having watched my husband grab himself when someone else got assaulted in that area, I know how sensitive men are about that.

    No harm, no foul.


  • Descender

    So, did you all decide whether or not it would be ok to use force on someone who grabbed your nuts and wouldn't let go, or not? Maybe a calm, "please let go of my testicles, that hurts" would work. Or maybe to show proper self control, cops should sqeeze each others nuts for 30 minutes each day so that they are ready when it happens and by that time maybe it'll feel good and he could calmly say "please don't let go of my nuts, I'll just get in the back with you."

  • happyout

    If someone is being attacked, then of course they have the right to defend themselves. I don't think that has ever been called into question.

    Of course, you should still use reasonable force, in other words, if someone did grab your genitals, and then you got them to let go, you can't continue to beat on them out of anger. Like it or not, the police must be held to a higher standard of behaviour than the average citizen.

    You also cannot say you were attacked when there is absolutely no proof, and expect to be believed.


  • Redneck

    Have you ever tried to lift someone who is limp like that...Its not an easy thing to do..and his going limp that was still resisting arrest just in a different way...None of this would have happened if he would have done as he was instructed ...You are told by an officer to do something you do it...If ya resist arrest and ya get stomped on in the process..well ya knew it would probably happen...

    Him getting fired...That was more than likely damage control..The PD would save face and keep the chance of riot and protest down...So to me that doesnt mean very much..

  • Hamas

    Cops don't have nuts.

  • happyout


    I totally disagree with you about resisting arrest. As I stated, passive resistance has been used frequently in this country, and is not a valid reason for an officer to slam you into a car. I also disagree about the firing, the police union in California is very strong and vocal, and would have been enraged if they thought one of their members was being sacrificed for PR. They have stood behind other officers in controversial cases, there is no need to believe they would not have stood behind this one.

    I am wondering if you are using a little hyperbole to make your points, because if you are not, it's a shame. The kind of thinking you seem to display, that officers have the right to "stomp" citizens for minor offenses, is dangerous to society. Thank God most officers don't feel that way, or anyone who they felt was not jumping as high as they wanted would be in for a beating.


  • Redneck

    Happy out

    Have ya ever lifted a person going limp like that?..Its not a trick Q..I have a person that is flaccid will not stay on the back of a car without being held down..If not done qiuckly they will be right back on the ground...

    passive resistance .. That is still resistance..It is non cooperation..period..That is called resisting arrest..Who said minor offenses?? Resisting the authority that is in place to protect citezens..Wrestling with the officers is a big thing..they dont know whats in his mind or what he is going to do..

    Thank God most officers don't feel that way, or anyone who they felt was not jumping as high as they wanted would be in for a beating.

    Think that comments a lil silly myself..Have you had to deal with people in such situations before??..The officer is human...Ya making like they have to be robots without emotions..You dont live and deal with the scum of the earth that they do everyday because they do it ... I alwasy find it funny that everytime a police video comes out that a cop beat someone they never film what started it or the escalation upto it...just the officer doing something...

    I wasn't there nor any of us...we can all arm chair Qback..

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