Spells, Wiccans, and Witchcraft

by SpunkyChick 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SixofNine

    *kicks it with rizzy*

  • lawrence

    BACK to the original thread:

    The ability to associate, merge, and conjure power(s)! Physically and/or metaphysically. The cause and the effects.

  • riz

    yeah- whatever, lawrence. you're cut off.

    so Sixy- how you doin'?

  • lawrence

    Why cut off?

  • Ravyn

    sixy, witchcraft has always been a science. I am a witch who is educated in chaos theory and it is definitely a form of energy manipulation...but don't get confused with the 'Bewitched' and 'I Dream of Jeannie' stuff we all grew up with. Knowing which herbs to use for what and why and when and how is a very exact science. in fact I do believe it is called 'medical' practice today. I dont necessarily practice my craft in a religious context, my tradition is very practical. And it does work. My religion is separate, but then again I am not Wiccan. I do not 'worship' or 'sacrifice' or 'serve' anyone but myself. I do however believe in deities and spirits and such.

    There is a a very interesting aspect of cursing most people do not look deep enough to understand. Whether you successfully(as in make them hurt in some way)curse someone or not---if you have the disposition to curse someone, the curse will work in as much as the person is the recipient of your negative, vengeful, hate. And it can be the so-called 'righteous' variety of anger or hate. It is cleansing to the curser. And as Spunky has already discovered, just thinking about doing something like that has a certain amount of satisfaction and closure. Does a curse really change things? Oh yes! put that kind of energy out there and it will do something. And no matter what the white-lighters believe...it does not come back on you if you don't attract it. How do you attract a curse? By opening yourself up to it with damnable behaviour. Now if you are a teen age girl who just lost a boyfriend you didn't need in the first place---then most likely your selfish curse will bounce back on you someday. But if you were legitmately wronged, the person who did it will have to face their own karma sooner or later anyway and all a curse does is 'charge' that person to attract their just deserts perhaps sooner than later. To avoid being cursed, don't be cursable.

    it does work Sixy, just not always in the 'magickal' way you may think of when you hear the word 'witchcraft'.


  • SixofNine

    gooder'n good baby doll Just enough mojo to levitate the important things, but not enough to scare anyone. But if you wanna act mildly frightened, that's fun too

  • lawrence


    No coincidence you mention 'Chaos Theory', for that was the last collection of poetry I put on the web (12th collection). There is no Chaos, there are 'Theories', and there is POWER!.

  • SixofNine
    I am a witch who is educated in chaos theory and it is definitely a form of energy manipulation...

    So is starting my car, and I believe that one would have better success just running over the accursed!

    Honestly, if it's scientific, it's pretty damned odd that I don't know about it, as I am keenly interested in science.

    Also, as someone who's tried Salvia divinorum, I understand acutely the connection between herbs and the "sages".

  • Ravyn

    hey Lawrence...here is the link to one of my poems I put on here back in Feb...i will post the other one when i find it....


    and Sixy, just coz you don't know about it does not mean it isnt there. check it out---you might like it. do a search online for 'chaos magick'. I have lots and lots of files, but they are on my hard drive and very large. Austin Spare is the name of the man who is responsible for most of the current theories.


  • Ravyn

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